Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I need some board ideas for Pinterest.?


I'm pretty addicted to Pinterest, and I have 18 boards, a long with 1,726 pins. I want to keep it going. Like I said, it's pretty addicting. I want at least 25-30 boards, but I don't have any ideas of what to do! I've tried to do a board about books worth reading, but it just didn't work out for me. Can somebody please help me and give me ideas of some board ideas? Here are the boards I already have.

Awkward. <3
Best of Auto Correct and Siri!
Bucket List. <3
Clothes I would love to wear.
Craft Ideas.
Favorite quotes of mine.
Hair, Makeup, and Nail Styles!
I'm Still a Disney Kid.
It's time to party!
Just Girly Things. <3
Laughter is Contagious.
My love for penguins.
One Direction Infection. <3
Place's I'd Like To Go Someday.
Small Girl Problems...
Teenager Posts!
You know you're a Directioner when...
Yummy Recipes.

Please help! Thanks so much.(:

Vintage, you need a board for Vintage!!! Delicious vintage dresses, amazing 1950s furniture - maybe a board for Vintage clothes and a Vintage home board :) How about one for cute animals, and a board for nature - there are some amazing photos out there. And one for art/design that you love? And I don't know if it would fall under the Awkward board you already have, but Seriously Weird is good too.

EASY nail polish ideas?


So, emphasis on easy, because I can successfully coat my right hand, but I can NOT do anything to tricky on it. I also don't have any of the cool art design nail polish. I have colors, glitter and topcoat. Any simple and easy, yet quirky and cute ideas???

One I always do is ombre glitter. Just put on a base coat, then on then upper half of the nail do a coat of glitter. Then closer to the tip do another coat of glitter. Then anoter right on the end. It gives the look that the glitter gets more glittery as you get closer to the end of the nail. Or another option is painting you nails in any colour, then getting some scotch tape and those little pattern papper imprinteres (looks like a stapler but cuts a shape into the the tape). put the tape over the fully dried nail and paint over the cut out then peel off and apply top coat.. Also try typing "nails" into the pinterest search engine it will give you so many ideas! I don't think you even nneed to join it. Good luck!

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