Saturday, April 19, 2014

How much does Pure Ice nail polish cost?

picture no

How much does Pure Ice nail polish cost at Walmart? Also, what is the cheapest nail polish at Walmart? Thanks!

i think like 1.99 or something and theres a nail polish by wet and wild for .99 cents

Cheapest Summer Nail Polishes?

Q. I'm looking for oranges,yellows, pinks, etc. Anywhere at a drugstore such as target, walmart, walgreens, CVS..Any suggestions? (nothing expensive because I just want bright, pastel colors! :)

Wet n' Wild has nail polishes ranging from 99 cents to $1.99 + and the quality is good too! Sometimes they have sales and the nail polish is only 69 cents!

Sinful Colors at Walgreens is cheap also, it is $1.99 and there are tons of colors to choose from.

Forever 21 also has love&beauty nail polishes and they are $2.99, with every color imaginable!

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Nail polish during pregnancy?

Q. Is it harmful to my baby to paint my toenails/ fingernails while pregnant?


Yes, nailpolish is harmful when you are pregnant because the chemicals in it can enter your system and therefore harm the baby. Read this article for the details:

Is nail polish safe during pregnancy?

Q. Thanks everyone. I just wanted to make sure, it seems that things are a little out of hand these days with the ... don'ts of pregnany. I rarely paint my nails but since being pg I have noticed they have grown and clear polish makes them look decent. Thanks again......

From the little bit I know, the answer is yes. But don't inhale the fumes!! If you breath them, your baby will breath it too.
Polish remover (acetone), in the other hand is not such an innert chemical:

"Exposure to exogenous acetone can be chronic due to acetone contamination of water, food (e.g. milk), or the air (acetone is volatile). A number of acute poisoning cases have been described. Relatively speaking, acetone is not a very toxic compound; it can, however, damage the mucosa of the mouth and can irritate and damage skin. Accidental intake of large amounts of acetone may lead to unconsciousness and death."

The effects of long-term exposure to acetone are known mostly from animal studies. Kidney, liver, and nerve damage, increased birth defects, and lowered reproduction ability of males (only) occurred in animals exposed long-term. It is not known if these same effects would be exhibited in humans.

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Nail Polish Tips?


Right now, after my first time applying, it's kind of gooey and gobbie, how do I apply nail polish that is smooth and neat?

Unfortunately, your nail polish is past it's expiry date.
So next time you go shopping, just head over to the nail polish section and pick some up. A good, inexpensive one that I personally like a lot is Sally Hansens 10-Day No Chip Nail Polish $7.
**Also, remember that when you do start to apply the nail polish that you start in the middle of your nail. By applying the first strip of color along the center of your nail, you are able to "blend" the product to the sides with more control and ease, allowing a more precise and even application.

Starting expensive nail polish collection?

Q. Is it worth it? I want to get like ALL the China Glaze and OPI colors gradually. I've noticed people on youtube who have like ginormous [1,000$++++++++] collections of makeup and it makes me want to know one thing-

Doesn't it expire?

No, nail polish does not expire. The ingredients are too harsh for the polish to harvest bacteria, and if it gets dried or goopy, all you have to do is add nail polish thinner (not remover), and it restores the polish it its original consistency. Here's some info on that, including a statement from OPI confirming that polish does not expire:
Other cosmetics do expire, nail polish does not.

Now, is it worth it to buy only expensive polishes? In my opinion, no. Luckily, OPI and China Glaze aren't considered expensive when compared to other polishes the nail polish world. Expensive would be polishes like Chanel ($25), Rescue Beauty Lounge ($18), butter LONDON ($14), Deborah Lippmann ($16). China Glaze costs around $6-7 and OPI is $8.50.

The downside to doing this is you will miss out on some awesome polishes that are inexpensive. You have to realize that with polish, expensive doesn't necessarily mean better quality, and inexpensive doesn't mean the polish is crap. Off the top of my head, I have some AMAZING Forever 21 polishes that cost $2.80, and I have an Illamasqua polish that was very difficult to work with and it cost $14. There are colors and finishes that you will not be able to find if you restrict yourself to certain brands. Not to mention the money you would be spending JUST to have an "expensive" collection. You need to buy colors you like.

When I started collecting polish, I used to buy lots of OPI because I heard it was the best... despite my numerous bad experiences with their varying formulas and my dislike for their ProWide brush. I even have some OPI polishes I don't even really like, I just bought them because I heard other people liked the color and it was OPI. As I started to get more into polish, I realized to buy one brand is a horrible idea. I tend to lean towards Orly and China Glaze not because others say it's great, but because I personally continuously have had great experiences with those polishes, and I love their brushes. I lean away from Essie because they have a terrible brush, and their formulas tend to be thick and streaky and the brush dries very quickly when you're painting.

Ultimately, collect what you love. Choose polishes because you love the color and finish, not because of the brand or cost.

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Ladies whats your favorite way to get your nails done?

Q. Okay ladies my name is Ben, im a 25 yr old closet crossdresser who has always wanted long, immaculate, perfect nails. Strange I know but i just get so jealous whenever I see a beautiful french manicure. Well I finally decided to not give a sh*t what people think and make myself an appointment tomorrow at 11am at the nail salon : ) Not gonna lie I am petrified i am going to get made fun of or laughed at inside. I NEED some ideas on what to get tho! French is pretty but its boring. I want something bright and sparkly...Another thing, I dont have long nails, there short, cracked and gross so I was thinking about getting acrylics. Give me some ideas ladies! muah I love you all thank you for your advice!

I always get acrylics with lots of glitter. Usually the manicurist will have little samples of nail art but they should be able to do anything

How has Walt Disney influenced art?

If you look at Bambi a forties film you can see just how amazingly beautiful and crafted it was

Walt Disney has always had an uncomfortable relationship with the visual arts, as the second part of Once Upon a Time Walt Disney makes perfectly clear. In this half of the exhibition, Disney images veer from honoured high art to despised symbols of American cultural imperialism.

During the first half of the Twentieth Century, Disney's animated shorts and movies were as essential to hipster culture as jazz and Cubism. The studio's irreverent style and detailed work won them the support of art lovers, and the hatred of dictators like Adolf Hitler (on the other hand, Soviet thug Josef Stalin was a fan). Painter Salvador Dali even claimed that Walt Disney, director Cecil B. DeMille and the Marx Brothers were the "only American surrealists."

That state of affairs changed around 1940, when the studio was crippled by a bitter animators' strike. Walt Disney's forceful attempts to shut down union agitators alienated his hipster fanbase, who started deriding the studio as "The Mouse Factory" or "The Mouse House." Disney's subsequent support for Senator Joseph McCarthy, and his anti-Communist witch hunt, was the final nail in the coffin. Walt Disney Studios was now a pawn of The Man, and has been ever since.

Naturally, 1960's Pop artists like Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg and Andy Warhol were drawn to Disney images. The entire notion of Pop art was a gigantic razzberry to 20th Century art critics like Clement Greenberg, who created a vast gulf between kitsch (artistic opium for the masses) and high art (abstract, expressionistic works that only appealed to a cultural elite). However, Pop art still had a ironic cast: Andy Warhol mocked his images of Mickey Mouse and Campbell's Soup even as he recast them as high art.

One of Warhol's Mickey Mouse paintings, which is essentially identical to his famous images of Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe, is prominently featured in the exhibition.

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Friday, April 18, 2014

how do i get nail polish out of carpet?

Q. so i spilled nail polish on my car[et and i have no idea how to get it out? there is fresh nail polish and nail polish that is almost a year old. i have tried nail polish remover but it doesn't really work. do you know any good tricks or house hold items that could work to get it out?

Often nail polish on carpet is just on the very tips of the fibers. If this is the case you can just snip the polish off with sharp scissors.

Just cut the very tips of the fibers. Work slowly. Don't cut a single millimeter more than you have to and pull up while cutting. This will help prevent divots in the carpet. Try your best to do just one or two fibers at a time...not a whole clump.

This will work unless you have used nail polish remover and have worked the nail polish deeper into the carpet.

Good luck.


how to remove black nail varnish/polish from a cream carpet?

Q. please help my mum will kill me if she finds out:/
nail varnish remover hasn't worked

Often nail polish on carpet is just on the very tips of the fibers. If this is the case you can just snip the polish off with sharp scissors.

Just cut the very tips of the fibers. Work slowly. Don't cut a single millimeter more than you have to and pull up while cutting. This will help prevent divots in the carpet. Try your best to do just one or two fibers at a time...not a whole clump.

This will work unless the nail polish remover you used has worked the nail polish deeper into the carpet..

Good luck.


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New shop art contest...what is your opinion?


Well, the other guys seemed to like the results from posting this on here instead of the one sided biased votes received at the shop. They kinda want it to be a weekly thing. But of course if I loose this thing too often I do have a bit of pride and will have to postpone...LOL.

Anyway, I invite professionals, amateurs, and enthusiast alike to place comments, to critique, and give an overall judgment of best piece entered. Of course there is a little story behind this little contest and for those of you that don't know it it is just that I simply complement my apprentices and shop artists and boast of there skills and how good they so this little contest started. Just in the shop side at first but the opinions we felt were one sided because most people new who did what piece. So here we are.....And if you happen to recognize who did what piece still attempt to leave an unbiased opinion.

TY in advance.
Hmmmm....didn't get much response from this one but I don't see how any can to the amazing review offered by bratt. I too truly appreciate old school pieces and love the fact that John (the apprentice) desires to make old-school his passion and perfection but adding precise and limited shading to the old-school designs. The goggle piece was done by Jack (shop artists) and it is a portrait Al Jargenson from Mynistry. Mitch did the Nicholson piece - he is/was an apprentice that has been working solid for about a year now. The last was mine. I really appreciate all the answers and specially yours bratt. Spot-on! I agree with the eyes. Also, that piece was done with the Alla Prima flesh tone set but of course with me making some dirty colors like I always like to do. I love to add colors/color that you not typically expect to make the pieces stand apart.

Okay I will take a crack at this. Well first of all, this is like comparing apples to oranges so it is extremely hard to vote on a favorite. They are all very good and as I said before, if not already on skin I would be very happy to hang them. Thank you for sharing!

Number 1 â I like to see old school (especially more so since I rarely see it in my studio because we donât get a lot of call for it) and this is particularly nice in that it is almost an âantiquedâ variation due to soft color shading and color over the gray work. The vase seemed a bit problematic and there looks like a mole was tattooed over in the top rose which I am not cool about, but over all I love the complete look and that yummy dreamsicle orange color in the center really is eye catching.

Number 2 â The focus of light brings you to the right side of the face first which is good in that that is where you see reflection in the goggles of what at first glance appears to be the reflected surroundings but then you are drawn to the left side where the skull appears more fully. Love that! If I had to have one area of criticism, I am not totally feeling it with the left side of the face (cheek/jaw area) but that is a minuscule issue, really. The hair, facial hair and lower lip detail rocks as well as the perimeter of this piece â it stands alone nicely.

Number 3 â âHereâs Johnnyâ has always interested me. I understand why this was done with a bit of a longer face due to space allocations on placement. I would have liked to have seen a straighter nose rather than what appears flatter at the bridge area and maybe less furrowing on the forehead but the crazy-eyed expression was truly nailed (the piece would be easily recognized from the eyes alone) and the shading is superb.

Number 4 â This is sick. Yes, my favorite. While I am only a little distracted by the dealies on the face - pustules, or whatever â they seem to be an important element; and their darkening toward the right side of the face along with the obvious holes (where it seems the claws may have at one time produced them) completes it. The coloring is awesome â the green and red complement wonderfully and the darkness of the lips, brows, and eye areas balance well and allow you to immediately get sucked in by those wild eyes! Great care was obviously taken to keep the globe of the eyes appearing round and the canthus is well pronounced. If I had to have a criticism (and truly this is just nit picking) I would say it is also important to keep the iris/pupil area round as well â there was good use of light there and that could have further been used to soften out a perfectly round look but that is all I can offer. I also like the use of white here a lot . Awesome work!

How long does it take to regrow the tip of your thumb?

steve vill

Yesterday I was in art class using a knife on a project then I cut off a little piece of my thumb it's less then 1/4 of an inch and it barely missed my nail just the tip of my thumb got cut off how long till it heals and will it grow completely back

Skin will form over the cut but we do not regrow digits,

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My mom's birthday is soon?


My mom's birthday is soon, and I'm getting paid $20 weekly for common house hold chores. Since I have the money now, I'd like to buy my mom a nice birthday gift. She's already told me that she doesn't want anything for her birthday but I still would like to get her something because I know she really does want something. I'd like to get her a gift that has to deal with foot care. Like pedicure type things. She's always giving herself pedicures and if I could get her something to help her out with that, it would be great! Now, I'm not looking for anything too expensive. We'll say about 60 bucks tops. If it helps, I'm 12 years old.
Please help me out! Her birthday is super soon and I need good gift ideas quick!

Thank you!!

Also tell me where I could buy this at,
Target, TJ Max, Wal-mart, Mijers, Sally Hansens, K Mart ect

Sally Hansen nail polish. it is pen and you press the top and it pushes it to the bottom and it makes painting your nails a breeze. They are sold at Walmart. they are no more than $10 a piece. Claires sells nail art pens which make drawing designs on your nails so much easier. Good Luck.

Girls, what are your top ten beauty finds?

Andrea C

Mine? Not in any particular order

1. Noxzema Facial cleanser with added moisturizers
2. St. Ives moisturizer with Collagen Elastin
3. L'oreal Beauty Tubes Mascara
4. Herbal Essences (any of them!!!) Tousle Me and Hello Hydration
5. Aussie Sprunch Hair Spray
6. Conair 60 second heat curling iron
7. Conair Ionic blow dryer (pink one for breast cancer foundation)
8. Avon color rich lip plumping lipstick in Rosewood (And True color eyeshadow quads)
9. Covergirl instant cheeks (?I think) in Peach Perfection
10. Mark Glossblossom Custom Lip Tint.

1. Too Faced Shadow Insurance
2. NYX Jumbo Eye Pencils
3. Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash
4. Mane n Tail Shampoo and Conditioner
5. Babyliss Nano 1" straightener
6. Sonia Kashek concealer quad
7. E.L.F. eyeshadow quads (butternut)
8. Queen Helene Julep Mask (sp?)
9. Migi Nail Art Pens
10. Concealer brush by Essence of Beauty

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Can you use regular nail polish on a Konad stamping nail art design plate?


I recently bought some Konad stamping nail art to try, but I'm curious as to whether or not I can use regular polish on the design plates. I understand that Konad polish is more viscous than regular, but would nail polish purchased at a salon, or even Wal-Mart, work the same way?

There are some regular nail polishes that work but results may vary..some of the polishes that work are:

* LA Colors Art Deco Nail Art
* Boggi Brites Nail Paint in Pink
* Chanel: Vendetta
* China Glaze nail polishes such as Agent Lavender, Aqua baby, Calypso Blue, Emerald Sparkle, For Audrey, IIV, Midnight Ride, Red Stallion.. work great too..
* Essie: Shorty Pants,
* Finger Paints: Butterscotch Cookie, Easel Come Easel Go, Papier Mache, Silver Sculpture..
* Misa: Dirty Sexy Money, Girlâs Night Out, Heaven White, I Will Survive, Violetta..
* Nubar: Lemon Sorbet, Orange Cream, Pyramid Purple..
* NYC: Skin Tight Denim
* OPI: Alpine Snow, Boris & Natasha, Done Out in Deco, Koala Bear-y, Lincoln Park After Dark, Mod About You, Parlez Vous OPI?, Purple With A Purpose, Rinse Charming..
*Orly: Country Club Khaki, Pointe Blanche, Rock on Red, White Tip
* Sally Hansen: Black, Diamond Strengths 6154-08 Mesmerizing, nsta-Dri Mochachino, Navy Venom, Xtreme Wear Golden Nugget, Xtreme Wear 6213-10 Indigo
* SpaRitual Impression: a true red, Primitive, Surreal, Silver Chrome
* Wet ân Wild: Black Creme, French White Creme

Konad's special polishes are specially formulated to be much much thicker then regular nail polishes (remember, do not use these polishes as a base) and made specially for stamping nail art purposes so you get high quality results each time. however, if you are looking to try out other nail polishes look for nail polishes that are thick, opaque..


a n n a

I love nail polish all different colors is there any way i can buy it in bulk? like the same kind in different colors like of 50 or 100 for not expinsive but not cheap of a good qualilty because how do the nail salons do it? how do they buy it n bulk and dont say look on the web i already have a few times is there any people out there that works or owns a nail salon how do you get your hail polish in bulk? let me know and also how do you get nail art in bulk too if you give me a link ill vote you as best answer and also give you an additional 10 points

thanks! I hope you guys can help?!

Nail Polish -

Nail art -

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how do you get nail polish out of a carpet?

Health Nut

Try nail polish remover (acetone) on a small inconspicuous area of the same carpet to check that it doesn't damage the fibres or affect the colour. If it seems OK, then go ahead and use it to remove the spillage, on a tissue or cotton wool pad. Be gentle and patient. If the remover test shows that it would damage the carpet, your best option is probably to cut out the nail polish-covered fibres with small, sharp scissors, very carefully so as not to cut out any more of the pile than is absolutely necessary, a magnifying glass might be useful.

PS If you are not the owner of the carpet, then confess and let the owner decide what to do, don't risk making things worse.

how do i get nail polish out of carpet?

Lilly Ston

so i spilled nail polish on my car[et and i have no idea how to get it out? there is fresh nail polish and nail polish that is almost a year old. i have tried nail polish remover but it doesn't really work. do you know any good tricks or house hold items that could work to get it out?

Often nail polish on carpet is just on the very tips of the fibers. If this is the case you can just snip the polish off with sharp scissors.

Just cut the very tips of the fibers. Work slowly. Don't cut a single millimeter more than you have to and pull up while cutting. This will help prevent divots in the carpet. Try your best to do just one or two fibers at a time...not a whole clump.

This will work unless you have used nail polish remover and have worked the nail polish deeper into the carpet.

Good luck.


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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Is my homemade nail art beautiful?


I made this nail art on my own.Is it beautiful?

It is very beautiful.
The color looks good on your skin tone, the length is perfect for the size of your finger, the soft color is not too loud but creates a nice accent and it also has some "bling" so it is a good modern look.

It does look beautiful, yes.

Cute and easy nail art?

Averie Dun

I have really short nails but want to do something really cute to them!!

short nails dont matter for creating just need carefulness and nothing else. here are some easy ones

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How can i decorate my room without spending money?

miss lyss

OK well im 14 i have a kinda small room and almost no money to use but i want to have a kool room so any suggestions??

If you can sew you can be very creative. Get your mom to help. You can take your favorite sheet sets and cut them straight down the middle. Sew the edges down and fold the top down, leaving an opening wide enough for a rod, and stitch it across and place a curtain rod through and you have curtains that match your favorite bedding.

Paint your walls your favorite color. If you have silk scarves (for a girl) drape one over your lamp shade for a dramatic effect. Get a small cork board and mount it on your wall with nails or screws, and then post your favorite cards, and pictures, and daily reminders. You can paint the inside of your bedroom door or closet door with black board paint, and use it to create different thoughts for the day, titles of your favorite songs, or messages to your mom or siblings in brightly colored chalks. If you make it a mistake, you can always erase.

If you are a boy, go to a tire shop and ask them if they can give you about three old tires. Stack and glue them together with some liquid adhesive, and then place a round or square piece of wood or plywood on top. Paint it for an unusual nite stand.

Look around in your basement or garage for things that you can use in your space. Old wood items, or unused furniture, old magazaines, old album covers, or old dolls, or miniature cars, or action figures, area rugs, and incorporate them in your space.

If you do not have an area rug group 3 small rugs together with hook and loop velcro, and last but not least you could use duct tape to mesh the rugs together. Every household has duct tape.

Look for picture frames that are not being used, find some pictures in old magazines, or frame an album cover for wall art.

If you are a girl and have a lot of old costume jewlrey, mismatched earrings, ....etc. Get some thin jewlrey wire and twist together earrings and old beads from necklaces and make mobiles and hang them infront of your window. Make a mobile out of your miniatures, or action figures.

Be creative! Good luck.

Dead school girl....HELP!!!?

Q. hi for halloween im going as a dead school girl i already have ripped up tights a skirt,shoes and im going to find my blouse.i need help with make up though.i have already got a white base and i have nail varnish and usual make up like eyeliner,mascara etc. the way i died is i was murdered and tortured(.e.g.burns,bruises,cuts).i need to know how to make fake there a way you can make fake bruising using household things and also can you make fake bruising by using normal makeup (eyeshadow,lip gloss etc.)i need it to look real and i need to know .a.s.a.p thanks Xx

A very simple way to make realistic fake bruises using household items:

-Markers (not permanent ones or it will be a PAIN to remove, if the bruises are supposed to resist the elements then you might want to consider it)
-Toilet paper
-Your fingers

Bruises differ in color, texture and general appearance based on the person and the way they happened. Since you mentioned torture i will give you the method for bruises made using a blunt object and with severe strength.

1) Get a red marker and paint your fingers, then smudge it until its completely dry. Repeat in this color until entire area is a light red/dark pink color and you cant see your skin tone anymore.

2) Take the purple marker and draw a little line in the middle of your red area. smudge that in. Instead of making one dark dot before smudging, make many light stripes to make it blend more and give it a realistic feeling. Just don't get too carried away. Remember, we're not making an art project out of your arm/leg/what ever. We're trying to make it look like a real bruise.

3) Wet some toilet paper and press over the bruise to help the colors blend in better and give it a more realistic look.

4) Set the hairdryer to hot and point at the "bruise" until its dry to avoid screwing it all up.

Tip: If you want to give the bruises different tones just play around with the colors (shadows of blue/gray go great and even a slight tip of green can give it a rather unrealistic but gross effect!). If you want to make some of them look like they started to heal just add some yellow to it in the end (no more colors after that!).

Hope it helped and well... happy bruising =P

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brownish stuff under nail?


It's not dirt. Heres a picture: im talking about the stuff that is way deep down in the nail, not the stuff at the tip of my nail(the stuff at the tip is dirt). But dirt couldn't work that far down into my nail. So any idea what it could be?
My thumb did hurt for a day or so, mysteriously, and then it stopped. Right after, the brown stuff appeared. I have no clue why it was hurting(and no, I haven't slammed my thumb in anything.)

You may have a nail, or something like that fungus. You may want to visit a dermatologist to get a professional opinion.

I've attached a link to a website which talks about nail fungus, treatments, etc..

Nail Art with only 4 colors?


I have black pink green purple.
I want to do some simple designs,
something like Bubzbeauty's panda and strawberry nail designs
or cutepolish's designs on youtube.
But I cant fins any tutorials that I can use with my colors. I don't need to use all the colors but its hard trying to find designs I can use with two or more colors.
Any suggestions?

you can always do stripes, manicures, reverse-manicures (where the moon-shaped part of the nail is colored instead of the end), flares, and with pink & green you could even do watermelon nails


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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Any cute nail art ideas?


Any pictures or quick tips for cute nail patterns? Thank you :)

go to and search nail art. there are tons of pictures of nail art and tutorials on how to do them.
they are really cute too :)

Nail Salon Business Course - Which is the Quickest, Most Practical Online Course on Nail Art?


I want to start my own nail salon business.

Try the Nail Technician School's online course.

It covers the whole course in 10 modules (90 lessons) and also shows you how to start your own nail art business.

You get a Professional Certificate on completion.

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can you use acrylic paint (the ones that you get from craft stores) for nail art? are they the same?


i guess that a no.. acrylic paint are more roughier to be used an a nail art. and are water based .they will be washed away easily on nails. acrylics are often used on canvas or wooden material

nail water marbleing?

Q. hey guys :) .. i tried to do this new nail art technique but it kinda dint happen. The thing is that my nail Polish wont spread at all. its like it doesn't drop on the water. so can you just help me out with the technique. and i wanna know what kind of nail polish is best for this technique, like thick or thin or glittery etc ect .

kindly help me :) :) ... thanks in advance :) :)

Heyy the water marble nail is really cool ~! I think ur problem is that your polish is to thick and wont spread.

The best polish for water marbling is prob thin polish, the thinner the better, thick polish don't spread so they don't work ~!
And glitter polish sadly dosen't work for this technique... i tried it and it didn't work. But if u want glitter when you finish apply the glitter over it ;)

I use the ultra 8 nail polish it works really well~! Make sure ur polish is GOOD QUALITY . If you buy bad quality polish it mite not also work. and make sure ur nail polish is reasonably new .. old polish could still be thin but not work. as in old like u had it for years xD


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Can you use scotch tape for nail art?


People, seriously. I am not an idiot. Please stop copying and pasting links to sites that contain who knows what. We all know you aren't a doctor...

Yup! Just make sure your nail polish is completely dry.. like wait at least 20 min, and then prep the tape by rubbing it on your palm and removing it, a couple of times. This makes it less sticky and easier to remove so that the polish doesn't come off with it. =)

Where can I find thin nail art tape?


Craft stores would have them, or simply cut up normal tape into smaller pieces.

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Sleepover Games- Truth or Dare etc. Ideas 10 points best answer!?


So i'm having a it's SUMMER party tomorrow after school (last day!!!) and I wanted to play truth or dare and I never. I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions. There will be between 3-5 girls there that are 13 years old. We live kind of out there so no doorbell ditching type stuff lol. Any other game suggestions would be great. Oh and btw while playing I Never we use soda not achohol... =)

Ohhhh that sounds like fun!!

Well, Heres some:

-Nail Polish Birthday Spin Game: Place several colors of nail polish in the middle of a circle of girls. Have the first girl at the sleepover spin a bottle of nail polish. Whoever the cap is pointing to when it stops must paint one of her fingernails that color. Then that person spins the next color of nail polishâ¦and so on. Pretty soon everyone has really crazy hands and toes!

-Foil Make Over Game: The object is to create the best outfit out of aluminum foil. This can be played individually or if you have lots of girls seperate them into teams. Give each person or team 1 or 2 rolls of aluminum foil. You can add accessories like belts, sunglasses, jewelry, hats and more. Have the girls create tops, pants, dresses, skirts, bikinis or shorts.

-Blind Make Over Game-The first person puts on a blindfold and does the makeup of the second person. Then when they are done the second person puts on the blindfold and does the makeup of the third person. Draw numbers to determine the order. Be sure to take pictures when you are done!

-Sleepover Ball Game: Buy a large inflatable beach ball and in permanent marker write questions all over it. Place everyone in a circle and throw the ball to someone. The person who catches the ball must answer the question that their right thumb is touching. After answering the question they then throw the ball to another person. Here are some suggestions for questions: What is the scariest movie youâve seen? What is your favorite color? What are three words that describe you? Who is your favorite band/singer? What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? What do you say when you talk in your sleep? What is your biggest phobia? If you were invisible what would you do? If you were an animal what would you be? Who is your secret crush? What was your last dream about?

-Candy Hunt: Ask everyone to bring a flashlight to the party. Before everyone arrives at the party ask a parent or sibling to hide candy all over the yard. When it gets dark have everyone take their flashlights outside and hunt for the candy.

-Snuggle Bug: Designate one person at the party the âSnuggle Bugâ by putting slips of paper into a bowl (all blank except for the one that has the SB on it). Whoever picks the âSBâ is the âSnuggle Bugâ. All the guests are in the same room (with the lights off throughout the house) at the beginning of the game. Then the âSnuggle Bugâ gets to go and find a hiding place. People roam throughout the house and ask other players, âAre you the Snuggle Bug?â If the answer is no, then they keep searching. If the answer is yes, then the person has to join them in the hiding spot and snuggle up to the SB. As more guests find the SB and snuggle up, the hiding space becomes overcrowded and the game ends when the last person finds the SB. Maybe have a âboobyâ prize ready for the last person!

-Kiss The Poster: Get a nice poster of your favorite pop star, rock star or celebrity. Have each girl put on lipstick and take turns putting on the blindfold and kissing the poster. The person who kisses closest to the celebrityâs lips gets to take the poster home!

-Tapper: With everyone in the room, one person is chosen to be the Tapper. The Tapper goes into another room where he/she canât hear the other players. Meanwhile everyone hides in their sleeping bags or under pillows and blankets. You can also make decoys by putting pillows/stuffed animals under a blanket to make it look like a person. Then someone gets up, turns off the lights and goes back to their hiding spot. After everyone is settled, you yell to the Tapper to come in. The Tapper comes into the room, with the lights off, and taps on someone. If you get tapped you have to say âYes?â in a weird voice (or say something else, itâs up to you). The Tapper has to figure out who was speaking. If the Tapper is right, the person tapped has to be the Tapper next and everyone gets a new hiding spot. If the Tapper is wrong, he/she has to tap another person. Or one by one the Tapper can guess each person until only one is left.

-Blair Witch Hide and Seek: A new type of hide and seek to play using a cell phone and a house phone. Wait until itâs dark and turn out the lights. One person hides with a cell phone. In the pitch black, everyone goes looking for this one person. Every so often he must call the house phone and give clues to where he is hiding.

-Two Truths and A Lie: Sit in a circle. Each person one by one must tell everyone two things that are true about himself/herself and one thing that isnât. Mix up the two truths and a lie however you please. Everyone has to guess which is the lie.

Heres some more too-

Hope you have fun!!

how to get nail polish remover out of game disc?

Mahad J

i was trying to fix my game i thought nail polish remover was alcohal and now its worse pleeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssse
help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Nail polish remover is acetone. It's similar to alcohol in that it will evaporate quickly at room temperature. I mean, you could rinse it off with either water or alcohol if you need to quickly stop the reaction with the disc plastic.

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Thesis Statement About Nail Art?


I need to write a thesis statement about nail art, why would anyone care about it and why is it considered art but I can't think of anything.. Any help? Please!

well people create art to evoke feelings and reactions in people. Remember art is not the potrait on the gallery or the statue on the pedestal, art is what you find in the heart of the viewer. What the potarit is saying is art and what the statue is making you feel is art. Fashion is a sort of art, people adopt fashions in order to portray themselves, it is a statement and people make judgements based on appearance, so the way you dress and the what you wear is important. Nail art falls under this umbrella, not only is it a skill using paint techniques and the manipulation of materials such as acryllic, it is also a fashion adopted by people as another way to display their personality. Just like clothing, tattoos, peircings and the like. Its considered art because it represents someones personailty and in turn provokes feelings in others :) i hope this helps a little or at least gives you an angle to work on <3

Migi Nail Art? Is is a rip off? Is it worth the money for the whole pack?


i am very interested in nails at the moment. my friend ordered something on the internet called Migi Nail Art. i went on the website and saw that the WHOLE nail kit was $99. My mom thanks it is not worth all that money for nails. she also thinks it is a rip off. is it worth it?? is it a rip off?? Also can you purchase it in a store for at least $100. what store??

first one to give me a decent answer get 10 points!!

Ha. I love painting my nails too, or having my mom do it. I always get compliments and stuff.
My comment on "Migi Nail Art":
I think its a rip off. I've never used it, but you can do about the same thing with household items. Use the tip of a sharp pencil or a toothpick. Dip it in the paint (put some paint on a bag or paper plate) and design. I'm not sure if it will look as professional as this "Migi Nail Art", but my mom does mine that way and everyone loves them! They are totally fierce.You can use skinny paintbrushes too, for not so detailed things like hearts and such.
~hope that helps and good luck! i hope your nails look great!

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how to get nail polish out of carpet?


According to the suggestions and tips I found online, people are saying window cleaner works best to remove nail polish. Here are the first 10 on the website, and there are more on the link below. Good luck. :)

Tip #1: Any non-acetone finger nail polish remover will take that off and not hurt the carpet. Take a paper towel soak it down a little and wipe it off. Try to keep the area contained that you rub, at first it will look like you are smearing it around, just keep changing paper towels with a new one until stain is gone. You need to change your cloth several times so you're not sliding polish over a bigger area. When done a liquid dish soap will get the smell out of the carpet.

Tip #2: I use the polish remover and blot, then GooGone works to remove the remaining stain.

Tip #3: When I spilt fuschia nail polish on my carpet I saturated it with non-acetone nail polish remover and scrubbed it with a white cloth. After the color stopped coming out on cloth (and it was still slightly pink on the carpet) I made a mixture of liquid dish soap, hot water and bleach and continued scrubbing until the nail polish came out (for white carpets only). If that doesn't work for you try using a fabric marker from a craft store and color over the stain.

Tip #4: I spilled dark purple nail polish on my light grey carpet. When I tried nail polish remover it didn't do a thing. Then a friend told me to try window cleaner and it worked great. I can't even tell it happened.

Tip #5: Tried the window cleaner on the nail polish on the carpet and it worked a treat. The nail polish remover made the carpet turn pink...Barbara

Tip #6: My 2- and 4-year-old grandsons gave me a "manicure and pedicure" for Mother's Day, and ...wouldn't you know it? Some polish ended up on the carpet. Go figure. Well, nan's don't complain. Inside I panicked. I had no nail polish remover, and no carpet cleaner. I tried vinegar on it, just blotting it, not rubbing, as instructed by my most recent professional carpet cleaners. You won't believe how completely clean it came! Did I mention that it was BLACK NAIL POLISH? I thought my carpet was finished! Now, if only I could think of how to...ahem... deal with my nails...Loretta

Tip #7: I tried to remove the giant purple nail polish stain from my green carpet with polish remover and all it did was smear the stain and frustrate me. I read that someone tried glass cleaner and that it worked, so I tried it. It did not take away the purple completely, but it did take away enough of it that it blends into the green enough to not be so shocking. Thank you to whoever came up with this idea. You saved my 4-year-old quite a few tears!!...Rachael

Tip #8: I live in military housing where the carpet is a cheaper variety and was mortified when I saw my girls had spilt nail polish on the carpet and tried to clean it up. I took the advice and used glass cleaner, all I had was the green multi surface type and it worked like a charm! You can't even tell it was there, save a bit of smell. That tip saved some young girls from a major grounding. P.S. The carpet was a neutral tan...Robert

Tip #9: I picked up a bottle of opi nail polish. The lid was not tightened and it went all over the side of the couch and the carpet. It was a bright pink and my couch and carpet are tan & green. I tried the nail polish remover. All it did was smear the polish, so I tried the window cleaner and it came right up!! Thank you so much!...Michele

Tip #10: Thank you for suggesting that window cleaner will remove spilled nail polish from a carpet! The nail polish remover did remove some, but the window cleaner worked great!...Christine

Top 10 CHINA GLAZE nail polishes?


I am starting to get into nail polish and I want to know your Top 10 CHINA GLAZE nail polishes!
China Glaze only because it's cheaper then OPI!

Since I'm obsessed with polish, I'll give you my top 20, lol. And I'll post some links below for you also.

1- VIII (dark blackened eggplant purple)
2- Watermelon Rind (teal glass flecked)
3- For Audrey (Tiffany blue)
4- Strawberry Fields (pink with gold glass fleck)
5- Grape Juice (purple glass flecked)
6- Up All Night (dark navy-ish blue)
7- Turned Up Turquoise (neon turquoise)
8- Flying Dragon (neon purple with blue/red glitter)
9- Black Diamond (an off-black with shimmer)
10- Moonlight (off-white creme)

I'll keep going! If you can find these.. they're amazing!

11- Ruby Pumps (red jelly glitter) I know Sally's sells this
12- Shocking Pink (neon hot pink) ... and this
13- Emerald Sparkle (green jelly glitter)
14- Shower Together (aqua blue creme) Sally's has this also.
15- Recycle (gray creme)
16- Millennium (silver chrome)
17- Dorothy Who? (blue jelly glitter)
18- Rodeo Fanatic (blue green shimmer)
19- Short & Sassy (burgundy shimmer)
20- Nova (silver holographic glitter)

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