Saturday, March 29, 2014

What to perform in a two minute talent show?

miley Ash

We will be given 2mins to perform anything we are talented in. It should be very unique. I am actually good at art. My friend's suggested me to do nail art. But it is hard to do all the nails in 2mins. It may take even 5mins for each nail. I think I should talk to our ma'am about it. But will it be good to do it only for one nail? (I am using fake nails stuck to a toothpick) Or should i try doing something else for 2mins? Any ideas and suggestions? The show is on 21st of June 2013. Please reply!
Thank you! :)

It's talent show and no one knows your talents better yourself. How can we help you here?

Need help with christmas list?

Alannah H

I'm making my christmas list but I'm not sure what to put on there. I'm 13, I already have an iPhone 4S and I'm getting my upgrade next year, so not a phone. And it can't be a pet because I already have two puppies, I'm very girly, and my favorite color is pink. There is no price limit so suggest anything!

christmas is about being with family not what you can get. But that doesn't mean people don't like the gifts and of course we don't want a pair of socks lol. I would suggest things you really like, not what can I get, but what you really would like for the year. Do some soul searching.

I can give you some ideas on how to go about it. such as....

maybe something new for your room, a new lamp, or blankets, maybe a statue of something you're really into. Give you something new and fresh for the new year. IF you like to read, some kids do think of what books you like to read for the year.

maybe you like to add some new cool jewelry for the year or a new kind of outfit or wardrobe for 2013. if you're allowed to wear makeup add that to your list. I do and I never have to get makeup or nail polish throughout the year. saves me loads of money, that now can be used for something else.

there is always gift cards as well, it's great to have money for something you see later in the year that you really want but don't have the money for.

New jacket, gloves, hat, scarf. always makes me feel great after christmas to show off my new winter stuff.

Do you need a new bike, skates,

how about cd's new stuff has came out this year. A lot of new bands old bands making new cd's.
do you like to draw, maybe some art stuff, or an easel.

Think about what could I use this year, what do I like to add or have for this year. It can be anything from your room to your hair, clothes, to your hobbies, outdoor activities, to something you really want.

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nail designs?


my birthday is coming up and im getting my nails done can anybody help me and try to tell me what kind of designs i should get or send me a link of pictures


This ones my favorite:)

These ones are interesting...

Thesis Statement About Nail Art?


I need to write a thesis statement about nail art, why would anyone care about it and why is it considered art but I can't think of anything.. Any help? Please!

well people create art to evoke feelings and reactions in people. Remember art is not the potrait on the gallery or the statue on the pedestal, art is what you find in the heart of the viewer. What the potarit is saying is art and what the statue is making you feel is art. Fashion is a sort of art, people adopt fashions in order to portray themselves, it is a statement and people make judgements based on appearance, so the way you dress and the what you wear is important. Nail art falls under this umbrella, not only is it a skill using paint techniques and the manipulation of materials such as acryllic, it is also a fashion adopted by people as another way to display their personality. Just like clothing, tattoos, peircings and the like. Its considered art because it represents someones personailty and in turn provokes feelings in others :) i hope this helps a little or at least gives you an angle to work on <3

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Will glitter nail polish stay on a hard silicon phone case?


I have a white hard silicon phone case and it's all dirty so I wanted to put glitter on it, but I don't have any mod podge glue. So I was thinking about using glitter nail polish.
And I see a lot of people put all different types of nail polishes on their plastic phone cases, so would it work the same on a hard silicon case?
And this may sound stupid.. But.. Would it make a difference if I put like a clear top coat nail polish on after I put the glitter nail polish on?
Because a few people that I've asked have said that the glitters just gonna come off every time I touch it.
So does anyone have any suggestions?
Because I don't wanna try it and end up ruining a perfectly fine phone case. ;P
Thanks to anyone that helps.(:

yes but they will wear off eventually. just buy a new phone case

how to clean nail polish off of cell phone case? PLEASE HELP!?

Samantha i

i got nail polish on my silicon cell phone case. if it helps its for the blackberry curve 8530 and the brand is xentris wireless. my moms definitely NOT going to get me another case. what should i use to clean it? nail polish remover? will that ruin the case? also, i don't want the case to smell from the nail polish remover? 10 points best answer!! thank you!

First, you can try a tiny bit of nail polish remover (maybe wet the tip of a cotton swab (aka Qtip) on a small and not easily noticeable part of the case to test to see if the nail polish remover will harm it. I don't think that it will, but be sure not to rub too hard. Let that dry and if it seems not to have caused any harm to the case (no change in color and no 'melting' on the case), try it on the nail polish in the same way. I think you can remove it if you are very careful with the remover--don't spill it on the phone, for example. I think it will be okay.

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Printer Ink nail art?


so I was on pinterest and theres a picture of a girl with an anchor on her nail and she said she used a normai printer to do it but thats reallt all it says so does anyone know how to do that heres her picture

youre beautiful

how often would i need to buy ink for barbie nail art printer?


where would i buy the ink and special nail polish??

That depends on how much you used it but most likely you would need to buy it often, and probably at the same store where you bought the printer.

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Good name for a nail polish blog?


I am OBSESSED with nail polish! I would like to start a blog but i cant think of a good, creative name that has to do with nail polish! darn my limited creativity! lol. thanks!

How about the name "Well Polished"? :) Or "Sweetly Polished"? :)

Fake OPI nail polish?

Lauren W

So the other day I was comparing my OPI polishes to see which ones were the old formula and which ones were new (you can tell by the color of the label on the bottom) and I noticed that one of them looked different, so I researched how to tell fake polishes from genuine ones. The one I was worried about was okay, but now I'm worried about two of the ones I got online from the Katy Perry collection. I read that only the newer bottles have the four warning labels on the back. So that should include the Katy Perry collection right? Mine only have three, but everything else looks exactly right.
Also, if anyone else has any from the Katy Perry collection (specifically Teenage Dream and Last Friday Night) can you tell me if it has 4 warning labels and where you got yours from?

Don't worry, it's not fake. Mine only have 3 and even some of my Shrek collection only has 3. They're not fake.

It is actually very rare to come across a fake OPI polish. If you do, it's blatantly obvious by "OPI" being spelled incorrectly, or the color of the polish is not the same as what the polish says it is. For example, Gargantuan Green Grape is obviously supposed to be green. If it's blue, then someone replaced the polish inside. This does happen with nail salons, but not intentionally. They're not trying to sell you fake OPIs. The other time you might find a fake OPI is with a very rare, expensive, sought after color. But if you're buying on eBay or something and you're paying $4 for a polish that otherwise costs $40, then it's probably fake (unless it's just hidden in an auction). But again, I want to stress how VERY VERY rare it is to come across a fake OPI. If you buy it from stores, odds are it's not fake.

As for a fake bottle, as I said, OPI would be spelled wrong. But you're asking about OPI being written on the brush. This is true for the OPIs that are currently being produced. However, OPI has been around for over 20 years, and in that time, their brushes and bottles have changed. So if you have a brush that does NOT have OPI written on it, that definitely doesn't mean it's fake.

I suggest checking out this link:
for info about OPI polishes over the years. It gives you the most accurate information. On the other hand, if you google "Fake OPI", the first link that comes up is this:
and that person is 100% dead wrong. Many, many people have tried to reply in her comments that she is not correct, but she just deletes those comments. If you read the first link I gave you, you'll see what she's wrong.

And one last thing because I don't remember if it's properly discussed in Ainnir's guide. If the bottom of your polish does not have two layers of labels, it does NOT automatically mean it's fake (as the second link suggests). The first layer with the barcode, peels away to reveal the polish name and some other stuff, but no barcode. If you see no barcode, it more than likely means that someone just pulled off the first layer. Hence the "Peel Here" written on the first layer.

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In the study of metaphysical.....?

Jasmine K

I have recently started my study of metaphysical subjects and I was wondering if any one had any suggestions for a really good book or other resource on palm reading?

palm reading is hard to learn, everyone writes a different interpretation on the subject. You can learn the basics which are standard anywhere.
Start online search first, learn mounts, lines and symbols on lines.

When a new client first sits down with me for a palm reading, he or she will often thrust a palm in my face and quip, "So, what do you see?" The act of reading a palm is much more than looking at a person's hand. It is an art.
Palm reading is actually an ancient art, and modern palm reading methods incorporate thousands of years of accumulated knowledge. The history of Rom or Gypsy palm reading goes back to the Middle Ages. Even older is the study of Ayurveda (a Sanskrit term meaning "science of life"), which has used the physical character of the fingernail for medical information for over 5,000 years.

There are numerous good books on palm reading, but even if you read all the books ever written on the subject they could not interpret every hand. You could not turn to chapter 6 and find your client's hand. Why? Because each hand is a unique combination of strengths, weaknesses, talents and emotions, all influenced by the individual's own desires and personal history. Each reading is a unique experience. That's one of the reasons I love this job -- it's never the same thing twice.

The art of palm reading means more than just looking at the lines in the palm! The fingers, the pads, the color, texture size and shape of each hand have meaning. Each finger has different characteristics. Jupiter (the index finger) represents the leadership qualities of a person. The longer the finger is in relation to the other fingers shows whether a person relates to others in a controlling or controlled way. For example, a very long, pointed Jupiter indicates a politician or religious leader. But which one of these is indicated (a politician or a religious leader) we can only learn from the other features of the hand.

The length, thickness, and direction of lean of each finger have a meaning. For instance, if Jupiter leans toward Saturn (the middle finger) that person may be more concerned with society, therefore, perhaps politics or social services. If Jupiter is very straight or leans away from the other fingers, this person may be more independent or tend to spend a great deal of time alone.

Each joint of the finger has a different meaning. The first joint (closest to the palm) has material or physical properties. The second joint tells of scientific or practical interests. The third is the intuitive or spiritual indicator. The length and thickness of the joints have different importance on each finger because each finger tells a different story. There are also some traditional signs concerning the joints. For example, a long, thick first joint on Jupiter indicates someone who either loves to cook or is a gourmet!

There is a wealth of information about personality in just the fingernails. An oval- or almond-shaped nail holds psychic or intuitive properties for the finger it is found on. A square nail shows responsibility, practicality and well-organized qualities. However, a short, rectangular nail, especially on the thumb, can be an indicator of short temper or even cruelty.

The physical characteristics of a hand have hundreds of interpretations. None can be read alone, for each is governed by its fellows. For instance, an island (an oval-shaped area where the line seems to split then come together again) at the beginning of the life line (the line starting between the thumb and index finger and running down the palm to the wrist) can indicate a time of loneliness, unhappiness, illness, feeling unloved, confusion, living in many different places or being on the move. It can also mean the client has suffered from respiratory illness or been susceptible to such from their youth. The correct meaning influences what other signs on the line mean.

A good palm reader must read the entire hand as it works together. This requires several important factors. The lighting must be bright enough and in the right direction to show all the features. Both reader and client must be physically comfortable. Any cramps or itches will block or distract the psychic flow of information between the two people. This psychic flow is an important part of the art. Listening to the inner voices and spiritual leadership guides the reader to the correct interpretation of the information before him or her.

The most important factor to a successful palm reading is trust. I have had several clients tell me they are afraid of what I will tell them because the last person who read their hands had nothing but bad things to say. It is my belief that it is part of the art to balance the positive with the negative things I see in each person.

The primary reason people come to me is for some kind of help or guidance. If I am not able to give a client hope, encouragement, or some sense of direction, I don't feel

the above is from the first source, I do not read palms professionally, myself

What do people mean when they say "Black Americans don't have a culture"?

Sir Black

I have heard Black Americans don't have a culture but I can clearly state a list full of things of Black American culture like Basketball, Hip -Hop, different foods and etc.

Yes, our old culture was taken away but we made our own within the U.S, so what do they really mean? And we haven't been absorbed into "White culture" either because that's why we can distinct whites from blacks in the U.S from our beliefs and customs. However we did take some of their customs and incorporate it into "OUR " Black American culture such as religion and dress.
@Dejele..I agree...nice to see you too likewise.

I agree with Americans have created a new one in the U.S. However most people don't take the time to look into their culture. What they do instead, is look down on them based on small clips that the media shows or certain things they see from people on the street. Here are some fabulous things that I realized are a part of black American culture:

1. Juneteenth: Celebration of the end of slavery.

2. Soul food: chitlins, ham hocks, cornbread, mustard greens, ribs, boiled greens, jerk chicken, candied yams, dumplings, etc.

3. Jazz, Hip hop, soul, R&B, reggae, swing, rap, funk, motown, the Blues, rock n' roll (started by blacks but taken over by whites), gospel rap, dance hall, bebop, electronica (trip hop), reggaeton (helped Latinos start it), country (copy of the Blues), dance pop, electro pop

4. Hair braiding for black women: various hairstyles: (permanent waves, twists, updos, jheri curls, Bantu knots (Zulu knots), goddess braids, box braids, afros, locs, high volume spiral curls, ringlets, etc.) Use hair as a form of art

5. Fabulous nail creations by black women

6. Wearing a cap backwards, wearing jerseys of sports teams, wearing long shirts, wearing shirts untucked, hoop earrings, doorags, skullcaps, bandannas, cropped jeans, capri pants, tight jeans for girls, baggy jeans for guys, cargo pants, boot cut jeans for girls, lambskin leather jackets, leather jackets, bubble coats, hoodies, chains, headwraps for women of various designs, nose rings, etc.)

7. Locs for black men, fades for black men (I wear the skin fade, ha ha...yes...I lived among black Americans), flattop, afros, cornrows, designs in hair--usually the skin fade or letters in the back of regular hair, etc.) Use hair as a form of art.

8. Step dancing

9. Kwanzaa (African-American scholar and activist "Maulana" Ron Karenga invented the festival of Kwanzaa in 1966, as an alternative to the increasing commercialization of Christmas. Taken from the harvest rituals of Africans, Kwanzaa is observed each year from December 26 through January 1st. Participants in Kwanzaa celebrations affirm their African heritage and the importance of family and community by drinking from a unity cup; lighting red, black, and green candles; exchanging heritage symbols, such as African art; and recounting the lives of people who struggled for African and African-American freedom.)

10. Black Music Month (June): Created by President Jimmy Carter, Black Music Month is highlighted with various events urging citizens to revel in the many forms of music from gospel to hip-hop. African-American musicians, singers, and composers are also highlighted for their contributions to the nation's history and culture.[

11. Instruments: Drums, tambourines, cymbals

12. Jumping the broom after completing their marriage ceremony

13. Graffitti

14. Break dancing

15. Names: Lovely variations

AND SO MUCH MORE. They have given so much to American culture, music, art, traditions, dress, etc. My parents are from Jamaica but I was born in the United States. I learned a LOT about the culture of black Americans here after going to their museums, listening to their stories at the library as a child, reading their novels, watching their shows, listening to my friends who have black American heritage and doing research on my own time. I agree with you that the culture of blacks in America was taken away...just like those of the people from the Caribbean Islands, South America, etc. I don't get why people bash them so much. We all have African heritage but have had to get creative in order to pass on traditions, religion, dress and customs to our children and give them something to be proud of. They took things from Asia, Europe and Africa and put their own unique spin or twist on it. Wow...haven't seen you in quite a while!

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Which brand of nail polish dries the fastest?

Q. Between
Sally Hasen
which brand has the quickest drying time?
if you've ever used them please let me know
i need this for a project
thanks in advance

Most nail polishes will dry quickly if you don't glom them on or apply too many coats. For me, L'oreal and Sally Hansen both dry quickly, but I think Maybelline still has their 60 second drying nail polishes out.

How to get red dried nail polish out of the carpet? ?

Q. I have a light pink carpet and recently spilt bright red nail polish all over it, I've tried nail polish remover but it didn't work, is there anything else I can try?

Often nail polish on carpet is just on the very tips of the fibers. If this is the case you can just snip the polish off with sharp scissors.

Just cut the very tips of the fibers. Work slowly. Don't cut a single millimeter more than you have to and pull up while cutting. This will help prevent divots in the carpet. Try your best to do just one or two fibers at a time...not a whole clump.

This will work unless you have used nail polish remover and have worked the nail polish deeper into the carpet.

Good luck.


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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

katy perry nail polish!?

Carson Rut

i want katy perry's new nail polish that cracks. but i am not sure where to get it att. and i dont wanna go running around looking for it. so if you have it and know where you got it att, let me knoww please!

You can buy it anywhere you can buy OPI polishes that regularly come out with the new collections (so even though Target sells OPI, you won't find the new collection there. And no, Sally's, Sephora, and MAC do NOT sell OPI). You can buy it at Ulta, JC Penney salons, Trade Secret, or possibly some salons near you. Recently, OPI sent out another batch of these polishes. My Ulta was totally stocked and I was there TODAY. You can also go to OPIs website ( and in the top right corner is a "Where to Buy" link.

If you cannot find it, China Glaze has a line of 6 different colors of crackle polish (black, teal, pink, grey, purple, white). You can buy them at Sally's, though they might be sold out as well because they had more colors than just black. You might be able to find these online, too.
There are also other brands besides OPI and China Glaze that have crackle polishes. You'll have better luck searching with the name Crackle as opposed to Shatter. Crackle polishes actually came out back in the 90s by CoverGirl. OPI just renamed it to "shatter".
Some other brands that sell crackles are LaRosa, IsaDora, and Barry M. Also know that OPI is releasing several more crackles in different colors in the coming months.

which crackle / shatter nail polish is the best?


china glase
sally hanson

which one is you favorite and why??and rate each one on how good they are.

First, I want to mention that OPI did not "invent" crackle polishes. It first came out back in the 90s by Cover Girl. Yup. And even currently, other companies were selling crackle polish before OPI released theirs. OPI is just a more well known brand, so people just assume OPI came up with it.

I own all 3, but have not used the Sally Hansen ones yet. So between China Glaze and OPI, I find China Glaze cracks better. But I prefer more cracks, while OPI tends to have less, but larger cracks. And China Glaze has a wider selection and it's less expensive. When it comes to the crackles, I think there is NO way you can say one is "better quality" because it just depends on how you like it to crack. I will say, though, that OPI black shatter became thick and unworkable and needed to be thinned. China Glaze crackles have not had that happen yet and I've owned them for just about the same amount of time. Ultimately, I'm not really a fan of the crackle trend, though.

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HELP!! My iphone has been spilt on!?


Hey so i just spilled some acetone for natural nails nail polish remover on my phone (on the top half) and immediatly ran and rubbed it off with a kitchen clothy thing, and its all off, and i took of my case and it was wet in there but i dried it out. My lock button seems to work well and everything, but now my back camera is a little jacked up, because its sorta blurry and it seeing double. Will the nail varnish evaporate? How long does it take. Mind you i have a iphone 5 so im really scared i broke it. Please answer asap!! :(

ooooh yeah you're in shit. The best I can say is wait it out. Maybe take some water or spit on the leans and wipe it. Acetone eats everything like CRAZY. A bottle spilt in my luggage when I was travelling and my iPod (thank god it was only a 2nd gen) was super cloudy on the screen and it literally had eaten away at the screen. I hope it'll be alright! and honestly you're really stupid to have your phone around while doing your nails. That's a disaster waiting to happen.

what should i ask for, for my birthday?


My mom wants to go all out for me idk why. Im pretty casual this year & getting older isnt as exciting anymore. But it makes her happy to buy me things &give me what she never had.
I hope im not sounding like a spoiled brat, but i honestly dont know what i should for. Im content with my life :/
Anybody have any ideas?

Samsung galaxy s3, straightning iron, iPhone 5, gift cards,clothes,necklaces, makeup,curling iron,bracelets, earings and if u don't have your ears peirced your present could be to get them done,cozy pajamas,ugg boots,slippers,nail polish or nail kit,posters of your favorite band or singer,some candy,a book you have been wanting, phone/iPod case,or a laptop. Hope you found an idea you like out of those:)
Good luck!

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girls: what's on your Christmas list for 2013?


okay I know i'm pretty early hah but i'm starting my Christmas list and need some ideas! So tell me whats on yours, or like what you will write on your Christmas list if you haven't started it. Here is what I have so far:

- room décor
- new curling wand
- Victoria's Secret PINK Pullover Hoodie
- knit slippers from H&M with bow on the side:
- OPI nail polishes
- Urban Decay Naked 2 eyeshadow palette

Thanks (:

Chelsea boots
New slippers
A safety chain and clips for my Pandora bracelet
The world according to bob (book)
New gloves
Soap and glory thick and fast mascara
The body shop all in one face base

Merry Christmas!

What do 15 year olds want for Christmas?


I am 15 and I don't know what to ask for for Christmas. I already have uggs, an iPhone, enough makeup, and digital camera. Please help me so I can make my list(: -I like nice things
I don't need an iPod because my phone is one, I have tons of lotion and perfume, I'm not big on reading, I already have the standard Tiffany & co jewelry... So far on my list I have riding boots, sand bailey button uggs, a makeup mirror, circle scarf, sweaters, Tiffany pearl necklace, my parents are divorced so I have two houses.

Hair straighteners (Amika is amazing, it's what i'm asking for.)
Hair curlers
Bath stuff
Clothes ( Levi and Diesel jeans and really good)
a TV (Try asking for one with Dvd)
slipper boots
a laptop
Nail polish (i really like OPI nail lacquer and China Glaze)
a Hand bag
a purse
Makeup brushes (Mac ones are really good)
Earphones/ headphones
DVDs or Blu Ray discs.
fancy chocolate
2013 calendar
Makeup bag
Merchandise of your favourite singers or bands (Mugs, t shirts, etc)
High heeled shoes
Something for hobbies you do
Stereo Radio with an ipod dock
a blanket/throw
Furniture (eg: duvet, lamp)
A watch
Converse Chuck Taylors

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nail Polish Nightmare?


My daughter spilled bright pink nail polish on her BRAND NEW QUILT!!!!!!! Its not alot but VERY noticeable. Any suggestions? Im afraid if I put remover on it, it will bleed.

Nail polish stains that are still wet should be attacked immediately â donât let them dry!
-Using a clean and dry paper towel, gently blot the polish stain until it stops lifting. Donât rub.
-Gently dab the stain with a clean paper towel dipped in non-acetone nail polish remover, moving to a clean part of the towel as the stain lifts. Continue patiently dabbing the stain until itâs entirely gone or no longer lifts.
Acetone-based nail polish removers can also be used. But first, do a test on a hidden patch of the quilt.

-Using a blunt edge (like that of a non-serrated butter knife or spoon), gently scrape up any excess from the surface.
-Gently rub the stain with a gum eraser (a light, abrasive block).
-If that fails, step it up and use an emery board.
-If that fails, step it up to fine-grade sandpaper.

What is a good nail polish brand?


I have nails that do not grow fast at all and they peel out of no where and when they grow they are yellow! Does anyone know a really really good nail polish for these problems?

O.P.I. and Sally Hensen have worked for me.
To stop them peeling use a top coat and base coat. (Though for a top coat I use a clear regular polish which actually lasts longer). If it is peeling though it may mean the nail polish has expired and it's time to get a new one. But when it starts to peel, take it off the right way.
Now, with yellow nails, that is a sign to immediately stop using polish. You have to let it grow out. Your nails are sick and damaged. Don't have your nails always painted. Maybe try every second week, to give your nails time to recover.
However an excellent way to stop yellowing nails before they happen, is to use a base coat, and when you paint your nails, leave a very small amount of nail at the base showing and unpainted. It lets the nail breath and your nails are less likely to get sick.
Hope this helps :)

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Can wearing Nail polish and using remover harm a pregnancy?

Q. A question in my mind I just kept thinking about. No negative comments please! :)

No its fine just make sure you are not directly inhaling the remover as that stuff is quite potent. But using it every now and then in a well ventatlated room should be fine.

Is nail polish safe during pregnancy?


Thanks everyone. I just wanted to make sure, it seems that things are a little out of hand these days with the ... don'ts of pregnany. I rarely paint my nails but since being pg I have noticed they have grown and clear polish makes them look decent. Thanks again......

From the little bit I know, the answer is yes. But don't inhale the fumes!! If you breath them, your baby will breath it too.
Polish remover (acetone), in the other hand is not such an innert chemical:

"Exposure to exogenous acetone can be chronic due to acetone contamination of water, food (e.g. milk), or the air (acetone is volatile). A number of acute poisoning cases have been described. Relatively speaking, acetone is not a very toxic compound; it can, however, damage the mucosa of the mouth and can irritate and damage skin. Accidental intake of large amounts of acetone may lead to unconsciousness and death."

The effects of long-term exposure to acetone are known mostly from animal studies. Kidney, liver, and nerve damage, increased birth defects, and lowered reproduction ability of males (only) occurred in animals exposed long-term. It is not known if these same effects would be exhibited in humans.

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i want very cool nail art easy things to do at home like with just nail polish?

or tape you know cool cute simple things to do
also i dont want to go and have to buy art deco pens or paits i want cool stuff to do woth just plain nail polish

you should buy nail polish with a thin brush ..
you can do tons of designs that way :);_ylt=AhJdjdqG43.DgihTFcLuwaDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091004154450AAfPa5D

have you ever heard of migi nail art?

Lisa N

nail art is $25 per set. and also the goz straightener I think it is called. It curls, waves, straightens, and goes to 480 degrees without burning the hair. plus it is 100% ceramic but its $100. I saw this at the state fair in arizona. should I get it all.

Yeah...that area (cali,las vegas, nm, az) is good with nail art. I'd say go for it (the migi) if you really want it but that isn't the cheapest alternative if you are a nail artist yourself. The nail shop I go to uses these things without the extra part to design the nail...they do it the old fashioned way. I'm not sure about the goz straightener...I like to try my hair products out (like at the mall or through a beautician) before I buy them!

Answer mine...;_ylt=AtJ.froyCKm3uhFyWv5.VMfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081026140017AAJFv9W

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Cool nail polish/art ideas?

please link it to a picture or a video...and id really love if u could tell me how to do the design or hav a video to say how to do the design......and whats a brand of nailpolish remover tht works well, i hav to scrub it off my nail real hard and thts not good for ur nail...thanx

My mom does her nails a lot and she uses a website called Pinterest. It's a famous website where people post all kinds of ideas from recipes to nail art to cool places to travel and etc.
I found some nail art that you could do, I don't know if they have the steps but one of the links has a nail art with steps.
Hope this helped! My mom's friend uses Pinterest all the time for her nail art ideas and her nails are beautiful. Enjoy :D

which one of these are most beautiful nails?

It depends on what your doing them for, I think. But one thing I know is come spring, I'm taking that first picture in to the guy who does my nails. Thank you.

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Expanding my nail polish collection, which colors?


I am a bold, eccentric man with a very imposing figure. I typically wear solid color button down shirts, and either jeans, jean shorts, khaki pants or shorts, and occasionally Hawaiian shirts. I always go barefoot, and my feet look very good, and although my hands are tough from manual labor, they are also clean and photogenic. I have a 4 inch long beard and a buzz cut, and blue eyes.

I love to wear nail polish however, and mostly bold colors. Right now I have a bright, bold green, bring bold blue, brown, black, gunmetal, dark grey, and a light green. I really want to expand my collection, and possibly start wearing it on my fingernails in addition to my toenails. What I want to know is what colors I should buy, and might I be able to pull off nail polish on my hands as well?

Best answer goes to whomever posts the answer with the best explanation of which colors they suggest, and an explanation of how/why I could pull off nail polish on my hands.
Just a note, I always keep my nails well, I never let them chip or become messy, mainly because I feel I am a representative of the barefooter community, and because being a man, I don't want to fall into the unkept disgusting mens feet category. So far the answers are helpful, thank you.

Here are some colours you might like:
OPI You Don't Know Jacques - medium to dark grey
Revlon Suede Matte Green - Forest Green but matte
Essie Sew Psyched - this is a weird military green shade, it's great
Essie Matte about you - this is a matte topcoat, it takes the gloss off of any shade, I think it's awesome and it gives every polish you have 2 looks.

BB Couture makes some polishes designed for men but they are stunning. I like Night Ops (black with a subtle blue shimmer), Bandito (metallic deep purple), Coal Miner (steel grey with purple undertone), Grenade (it's grenade green), Posse (camo green), and Universal Joint (odd muddy green tone very different).

Making My Own Nail Polish Color?


I want to make my own nail polish color. Since my uniform shirt color is maroon/burgundy, I want to make a maroon nail polish color. What instructions, items, etc would I need to do and have? If this helps, here are some color nail polishes that I have: Burberry-Redish color, very pale light pink, blue-grayish color, light sky blue, midnight blue, black, dark purple & light purple. So, would mixing one of those colors make maroon? What would I need? I need very thoroughly instructions. Thank you so much for who ever answered!
*No rude answers, please

I'd say paint all of your nails in the dark purple. Wait for them to dry. Then paint over the purple in the redish color.

If you're looking for more mixing your own nail polish, take a plastic cup and pour those 2 colors into it- make the mix about 1/4 purple and 3/4 red. Stir with a toothpick. If it looks too red or too purple, add more of the other color. Repeat until you get the color you want. Get a clean brush- either one of the nail ones or even a very small paintbrush will work (if you wash it properly after) and paint your nails as usual. Voila! If you want to save some of your color for later, just cover the top of the cup with saran wrap.
However, the second method might not work if the polish colors aren't the same brand- i.e. if one is Sally Hansen and the other is NYC, the two brands might use different chemicals in their polishes and they might react weirdly and give you a strange color- this might even happen if you use two bottles from the same brand! It's unlikely, but just a warning.

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