Saturday, February 15, 2014

How can my nail polishes stay nice & smooth ?!?


Well most of my nail polishes always end up getting sticky / clumpy . And i don't know what to do . The only ones that have stayed good is O.P.I , China Glaze , & Orly . So i want to know what can i do so they can stay smooth/new? Or how can i repair my nail polishes that got ugly ?
* No they're not old most of them are like only 1 month used or 3 months used

Nail polishes that are old end up lumping together, making it thick and clumpy. Always remember to shake the bottle. If that still doesn't work, try buying a nail polish thinner (available at any beauty or drugstore). You can also try putting a tiny drop of acetone/nail polish remover to get rid of the clumps. Also, always remember to put on base coat and top coat, because that can help give your nails a smooth, professional look.

These articles will help you tremendously:

How do you clean nail polish bottles?

Q. Hi, I love doing my nails but some of my nail polishes have very gunky brushes. It makes it nearly impossible to paint my nails! I will clean the brush off by wiping it on a tissue but then it comes out chunky again if i dip it back in. How do you clean your nail polish bottles?

First unscrew your nail polish
Take the brush out and dip it in nail polish remover
Then clean it with tissue or a soft rag
Then get baby or olive oil and put it on the brushes so it can get soft and fluffy put still sturdy to use
To clean your bottle get nail polish remover on a cotton ball or tissue and clean the rim of the brush with it get all the gunk out
Next get a good amount of vasaline and swip around the rim do your bottle will srew on correctly

Hope I helped!

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How can I personalized my BMW key?


Whenever my car is parked by the valet I freak out because all BMW keys look exactly alike. Almost all...can I put a coat of nail polish on it or a sticker and would that effect how the car starts?? Thanks!
yeah...thanks so much but the BMW key looks REALLY different!!!

Nail polish and stickers wear off pretty quickly - you can buy colored plastic/rubber rings that go around the outside edge of keys:,!zEE9s3!(IZ8BP%252Bpk,s%252B7g~~60_35.JPG&w=300&h=193&ei=aU0TUbDlLdGy0AGhtIDQCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=89&vpy=464&dur=656&hovh=154&hovw=240&tx=152&ty=95&sig=113540529816798961497&page=2&tbnh=141&tbnw=220&start=37&ndsp=43&ved=1t:429,r:45,s:0,i:221

Or those that cover the entire outside:,)!~~60_35.JPG&w=300&h=210&ei=aU0TUbDlLdGy0AGhtIDQCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=300&vpy=136&dur=2219&hovh=168&hovw=240&tx=140&ty=93&sig=113540529816798961497&page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=194&start=0&ndsp=37&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:87

They're cheap, and come in many colors and designs.

EDIT: I did an image search of beemer keys... you're right, they are odd... but then I also found this link for BMW Key Covers:

How do fix my piano key?

Kobe Chen

Some ink got on my piano keyboard and then I stupidly tried nail polish remover to get it off. Instead I realized I got this layer of paint or something off and now my key feels rough and is a different color. Is there something I could buy to repaint it on?

Yes. You don't state just what kind of piano this is. Is it a cheap Walmart piano? An acoustic piano with synthetic keys? A Yamaha Clavinova? If it is a more expensive instrument it may have glued on "ivories." In such case, the ivory, which is a thin covering on a wood key, can be removed and replaced which is what I would do in my shop. If someone brought me a cheaper model electronic instrument with an acetone (nail polish remover) damaged, one piece plastic key, this is what I would do: If the key had been eroded by the acetone to the point where there were deep "craters" in it I would fill these with automotive body filler - Bondo - first masking off the adjacent keys with masking tape. I would then cover the filler with white acrylic paint (nail polish). If there was not serious erosion from the acetone, I would simply do a light sanding and apply the paint. The paint has to be as hard and white as possible - thus the nail polish. I would be careful that the paint does not dissolve the key, testing on the underside of the damaged key first. If it does, I would switch to enamel paint. I would let the paint dry for at least one day to achieve maximum hardness after which I would lightly sand the key surface to flatten it using 220 paper and a flat, hard sanding block cut to the width of the key. I would then wet sand the key with 1,500 paper to get it as smooth as possible being very careful not to let water drip inside the instrument. This may at least give the key an adequate feel. If I wanted to make it shine, I would buff it with a small buffing wheel in a hand drill and "Mirror Glaze" buffing compound. Yes, this is a fairly involved procedure but you could do it yourself with a few inexpensive items available at an automotive store. It depends on how much skill you have and if you are willing to take the risk of making it worse. On the other hand, you might use this information and ask someone who is "good with tools" to do it for you rather than put up with a damaged key.

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how do I get nail polish?


of a rug?

Nail Polish remover will remove the nail polish but it has a high risk of removing the dye in your carpet. Try a couple of these methods first.

Nail Polish Remover
Goof Off
Carpet Stain Removers
Carpet Brush
Baking Soda
Elbow Greese

Scrub the Nail Polish stain with peroxide. Peroxide will remove many fresh stains and is a popular method for removing blood.

Next try baking soda. Baking soda is also great for getting oily stains out.

There are some products on the market that claim to remove nail polish stains. Try these with caution. Try using them in a corner or closet to make sure they will not remove the dye from your carpet before using on the stain.

If all else fails try a Acetone Free Nail Polish Remover. Again test in a closet first before putting directly on the stain.

Can nail polish get you high?


My mom always tells me not to polish my nails in my room in fear that i can get high...Is this possible if I'm not sniffing it and I'm just doing my normal routine around the room but the nail polish "odor" is still in the room that I can get high or something?

yes,you can b/c its an inhalent and acetone(the main ingredient in most nail polishis) can be dangerous if breathed in so many times.

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Nail polish???????????

So I'm going to a special 3 day event that I need to be dressed up for and look good! I wanted to paint my nails but don't know which color to paint em! This is what I'm wearing those 3 days, WHAT COLOR WOULD BE GOOD FOR EACH DAY???? Please don't say black my mom won't let me wear black nail polish!
1) dark green dressy tank top w/ black skirt
2) black and white dress with yellow flowers
3) black n white stripped shirt w/ black skirt

For the first day I think that you should wear a neon green nail polish.
For the second day I think you should wear a sunshine color nail polish.
For the third day I think you should do a french manicure!

If you are really bad at doing nail polish or mess up a lot, here's a tip that's been so helpful.
Get some petrolatum jelly and rub it around your nails. Once you done that, paint your nails. Once done just simply carefully wipe off the petrolatum jelly and you'll have flawless nails.
Good Luck!! :-D

Sally Hansen Salon Effect Nail Polish Strips?

I am getting the strips. I just wanted some ideas on which print to get. What is your favorite???

-thank you

I love the cheetah and zebra strips. They are SO adorable! The pink camoflage prints and flower prints are awesome too :)

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Friday, February 14, 2014

who invented nail polish?

Q. i was polishing a minute ago(there pink lol) and i was wondering who invented nail polish? plz tell me

check this out:

Nail polish seems to have been originated by the Chinese around 3000 B.C. The Japanese and Italians thought to have been the first ones to actually to use nail polish.[citation needed] The Chinese used a colored lacquer, made from a combination of gum arabic, egg whites, gelatin and beeswax. They also used a mixture consisting of mashed rose, orchid and impatien petals combined with alum.[citation needed] This mixture, when applied to nails for a few hours or overnight, leaves a color ranging from pink to red. The Egyptians used reddish-brown stains derived from the henna plant to color their nails as well as the tips of their fingers. Today, some people still use henna dyes to draw intricate, temporary designs on their hands in a practice known as Mehndi.
During the Chou Dynasty of 600 B.C., Chinese royalty often chose gold and silver to enhance their nails. A fifteenth-century Ming manuscript cites red and black as the colors chosen by royalty for centuries previous.[citation needed] The Egyptians also used nail color to signify social order, with shades of red at the top. Queen Nefertiti, wife of the king Akhenaton, colored her finger and toe nails ruby red and Cleopatra favored a deep rust red.[citation needed] Women of lower rank who colored their nails were permitted only pale hues, and no woman dared to flaunt the color worn by the queen or king.[citation needed] Incas were known for decorating their fingernails with pictures of eagles.[citation needed]
It is unclear exactly how the practice of coloring nails progressed following these ancient beginnings. By the turn of the 19th century, nails were tinted with scented red oils and polished or buffed with a chamois cloth, rather than simply painted.[1] Even a century later, women still pursued a polished, rather than painted, look by massaging tinted powders and creams into their nails, then buffing them shiny.[1] One such polishing product sold around this time was Grafâs Hyglo nail polish paste.[1] Some women during this period painted their nails using a clear, glossy varnish applied with camel-hair brushes.[1] When automobile paint was created around 1920, it inspired the introduction of colored nail enamels.[1] Michelle Ménard is credited with inventing the beginnings of our modern day colored nail lacquers.[citation needed]

Most nail polishes are made of nitrocellulose dissolved in a solvent and either left clear or colored with various pigments. Basic components included are: film forming agents, resins and plasticizers, solvents, and coloring agents.
Nail polish makers have been under pressure to reduce or eliminate potentially toxic ingredients, including phthalates, toluene, and formaldehyde, from their nail polish.[2][3] In September 2006, several makers agreed to phase out dibutyl phthalate, which has been linked to testicular problems in lab animals and humans, in updated formulations.[3] Though some makers recently agreed to eliminate formaldehyde from their products, others still use the chemical.[2]
[edit]Nail polish in fashion

Nail polish is traditionally worn by women, but it is gaining popularity with men as well, who may apply it to their fingernails, toenails, or both.
Traditional colors for nail polish are red, all types of pink and flesh-colored shades, although more unusual shades are also available, such as yellow, orange and even green. French manicures traditionally mimic the colors of natural nails, with flesh tones on most of the nail and white at the tips. Today, nail polish can be found in nearly every color and shade desired. It is believed that the film Pulp Fiction started a trend for a shade of dark red nail polish during the mid-1990s, after Uma Thurman's character wore Chanel's "Rouge Noir" (known as "Vamp" in the USA) throughout.[citation needed] Black or other very dark nail polish has been popular with goths and punks of both genders since the 1970s, however it has now gained popularity in the mainstream fashion world. Nail polish may also be used to complete an outfit. In this case, women, and occasionally men, match the color of the nail polish to the colors of the clothing.
Colors with glitter and a metallic sheen have also become popular among the teens of today. With the initial red losing its fame, metallic purple and colors with a shade of pearl are gaining the spotlight of the teen's cosmetic world. Clear and pink are all-time favorites.
Also in today's world some popular designs on one nail and can be done with thinner nail brushes (usually the ring finger) or all includes: flowers, strokes of lines and even more detailed designs with airbrush tools usually on acrylic nails.
Some men also wear nail polish (typically fingernail polish). Musicians, particularly of the rock genre, such as Marilyn Manson, Richard Kruspe, Dave Navarro, Steven Tyler, Kirk Hammett, Brian Molko, Lou Reed, Martin Gore, Davey Havok, Gerard Way, Pete Wentz, Bill Kaulitz, Lauri Ylönen, Jonne Aaron & Sir Christus, Ville Valo, Tuomas Holopainen and Alexi Laiho have been known to wear nail polish. In 1997, the cosmetic company Hard Candy released Candy Man, a nail polish brand aimed specifically at men. It featured colors such as Testosterone (gunmetal grey), Gigolo (silver-specked black), Superman (midnight blue), and Dog (deep purple). [4] Many professional men will choose to follow a pedicure with clear nail polish, although black and other darker colors are gaining popularity with more men.
Some types of polish are advertised to cause nail growth, make nails stronger, prevent nails from breaking, cracking and splitting and stop nail biting. Nail polish may be applied as one of several components in a manicure. Fluoride has been proven to strengthen nails, and there are some types of nail polish that contain fluoride.[5]
[edit]Nail polish remover

Nail polish is easily removed with nail polish remover, which is a solvent (usually acetone, sometimes acetonitrile) and often recognized by its characteristic industrial aroma. Other components may include oils, scents and coloring. Polish remover comes in a variety of different packages including individual felt pads soaked in remover, a bottle of liquid remover that can be used with a cotton ball and even containers filled with foam and remover that can be used by inserting your finger into the container and twisting until the polish comes off.

Any easy nail polish and designs?


I love wearing nail polish xD you will never see me without it. I need some designs that are easy to make because I love my nails being different and weird so any design ideas?

I am the same exact way. Im in love with nail polish, I love doing designs, and I won't go out without wearing it. Designs all depend on nail length, because you might not have enough room on your nails. Well you will, but it will be harder since you might have a smaller surface.
So anyways, I normally do a simple polka dot design. All i do it start off with a base coat, then do any color of choice. I will pick a matching color, and i take the back of a paint brush, and dip it into the polish. I apply it to the nails in just dots and its one of my favorite and easiest designs.
Also, if you have a favorite sport, like mine basketball, i made little basketballs on my nails, and painted my favorite team's logo onto the thumb. You can do that with any sport.
You could do a plaid nail design, just get various sized brushes, since plaid has different sized lines in it.
Also, go by holidays. When the next popular
holiday comes up, like Halloween, do a nail design that's spooky and cute!
I have done clouds before, and I found it really cute! I painted my nails a sky blue, and took white, and I took the back of a paint brush (home made dotting tool) and shaped a cloud out of that. They looked cartoonish, but that's the look i wanted. I filled in the cloud with my homemade dotting tool also.
And also, you could apply a normal coat of polish, then you could take a make up sponge or craft sponge (can be purchased at Micheals for a cheap price) and you can do a gradient look. You would take a matching color, and sponge it on. It looks SO cute!
Also, if you dont like these, go on YouTube and watch Cutepolish. Her designs are super simple and cute! Also IHaveACupcake and xojahtna (i think that's how you spell it). They have amazing designs and i love them! Hope I Helped! :D

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When will sinful colors nail polish go on sale?

Saba Tariq

I heard that sinful colors nail polish goes on for sale for 99cents at Walgreens. I'm looking to buy a large collection of them and wondering when the sale will go on. I live in massachsetts.. Please help!!

Sorry I'm not sure when they'll go on sale again.. you'll have to keep checking every week. The stores don't know until usually the day before the sale starts.

where can I buy nail polish on sale?


I am looking for brands like Essie, China Glaze and Orly, Butter London, Deborah Lippman, Nars and Sephora by OPI (not the regular OPI)
I have a bunch of cheep drug store brands so I am not looking for those. I know I can go to wallgreens or wallmart and buy a bottle for 3 bucks but I am looking for that. thanks for your help

Answer sells Orly and China Glaze for $3 each :) sells Essie (and I believe Opi), check the website regularly because they have sales where the Essie polishes are $4 each :)

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Nail polish+ carpet any suggestions?


How do you get nail polish out of carpet? My basket of nail polish got knocked off of my dresser and a bottle of metallic burgundy polish broke and leaked all over my light blue carpet....Help!!!

How to Remove Nail Polish From Carpet

Step 1 Scrub the Nail Polish stain with peroxide. Peroxide will remove many fresh stains and is a popular method for removing blood.

Step 2 Next try baking soda. Baking soda is also great for getting oily stains out.

Step 3 There are some products on the market that claim to remove nail polish stains. Try these with caution. Try using them in a corner or closet to make sure they will not remove the dye from your carpet before using on the stain.

Step 4 If all else fails try a Acetone Free Nail Polish Remover. Again test in a closet first before putting directly on the stain.

Easily remove nail polish from carpet with these tips from our readers.

Tip #1: Any non-acetone finger nail polish remover will take that off and not hurt the carpet. Take a paper towel soak it down a little and wipe it off. Try to keep the area contained that you rub, at first it will look like you are smearing it around, just keep changing paper towels with a new one until stain is gone. You need to change your cloth several times so you're not sliding polish over a bigger area. When done a liquid dish soap will get the smell out of the carpet.

Tip #2: I use the polish remover and blot, then GooGone works to remove the remaining stain.

Tip #3: When I spilt fuschia nail polish on my carpet I saturated it with non-acetone nail polish remover and scrubbed it with a white cloth. After the color stopped coming out on cloth (and it was still slightly pink on the carpet) I made a mixture of liquid dish soap, hot water and bleach and continued scrubbing until the nail polish came out (for white carpets only). If that doesn't work for you try using a fabric marker from a craft store and color over the stain.

Tip #4: I spilled dark purple nail polish on my light grey carpet. When I tried nail polish remover it didn't do a thing. Then a friend told me to try window cleaner and it worked great. I can't even tell it happened.

Tip #5: Tried the window cleaner on the nail polish on the carpet and it worked a treat. The nail polish remover made the carpet turn pink...Barbara

Tip #6: My 2- and 4-year-old grandsons gave me a "manicure and pedicure" for Mother's Day, and ...wouldn't you know it? Some polish ended up on the carpet. Go figure. Well, nan's don't complain. Inside I panicked. I had no nail polish remover, and no carpet cleaner. I tried vinegar on it, just blotting it, not rubbing, as instructed by my most recent professional carpet cleaners. You won't believe how completely clean it came! Did I mention that it was BLACK NAIL POLISH? I thought my carpet was finished! Now, if only I could think of how to...ahem... deal with my nails...Loretta

Tip #7: I tried to remove the giant purple nail polish stain from my green carpet with polish remover and all it did was smear the stain and frustrate me. I read that someone tried glass cleaner and that it worked, so I tried it. It did not take away the purple completely, but it did take away enough of it that it blends into the green enough to not be so shocking. Thank you to whoever came up with this idea. You saved my 4-year-old quite a few tears!!...Rachael

Tip #8: I live in military housing where the carpet is a cheaper variety and was mortified when I saw my girls had spilt nail polish on the carpet and tried to clean it up. I took the advice and used glass cleaner, all I had was the green multi surface type and it worked like a charm! You can't even tell it was there, save a bit of smell. That tip saved some young girls from a major grounding. P.S. The carpet was a neutral tan...Robert

Tip #9: I picked up a bottle of opi nail polish. The lid was not tightened and it went all over the side of the couch and the carpet. It was a bright pink and my couch and carpet are tan & green. I tried the nail polish remover. All it did was smear the polish, so I tried the window cleaner and it came right up!! Thank you so much!...Michele

Tip #10: Thank you for suggesting that window cleaner will remove spilled nail polish from a carpet! The nail polish remover did remove some, but the window cleaner worked great!...Christine

Tip #11: The windex was the trick. Thank you so much for the suggestion. I also tried the nail polish remover and it did get out a little bit of the purple polish out of the carpet but the Windex got the rest of it...Sue

Tip #12: After reading the tips on this site for removing nail polish from carpet, I tried it too! I spilt some red nail polish on my brand new tan colored wool carpet. I sprayed a little window cleaner and it came out so easily! I was amazed!!!!! Thank you so much!!...Brad

Tip #13: I just walked into my daughter's room and was greeted by 3 large red spots of fingernail polish on our tan carpet. I found this site, used the windex and the stain came right out! It was effortless and painless and I'm already ov

How do you keep nail polish on for a while?


It comes of in the hot tub

To make your nail polish last longer here's what to do,

1) make sure all nails are polish free and dry.
2) apply one layer of clear polish(bottom coat)
3) add one layer of the colour your putting on.
4) wait till it has dried and add another layer.
5) wait until that layer has dried and add another layer of polish.
6) depending on how dark you want your polish you can add another layer when the last one drys.
7) wait for all the polish to dry and add some clear polish to the top (top coat)

I go swimming twice a week and my nail polish always chips so i use these steps to keep it on for longer and it should stay on and last longer.
Hope this helps. :)

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

whats your favorite nail polish brand?


barry m
china glaze
rescue beauty lounge
sinful nail colors
bb couture
cult nails
joe fresh
color club
julep nail parlor
finger paints
models own
priti nail
peace keeper causemetics
the painted nail
manic panic nail lacquer

What are some cruelty-free nail polish brands?


What are some cruelty-free nail polish brands besides WetnWild.:) Thanks!:)

Here is a partial list of companies/nail polish brands who do NOT test on animals and are NOT owned by parent companies who do test.

Barry M
BB Couture
Bon Bons (Bari Cosmetics)
butter LONDON
Catherine Arley
Catrice (Cosnova)
China Glaze
Color Club
Cult Nails
e.l.f. Cosmetics
Filthy Gorgeous London
Golden Rose
Gosh Cosmetics
Hard Candy
Jordana (owned by Milani)
L.A. Girl Cosmetics
L.A. Splash
Laura Mercier
Le Metier de Beaute
LUSH Cosmetics
Make Up Store
Manic Panic
Merle Norman
Milani Cosmetics
Misa Cosmetics
Nails, Inc.
NOX Twilight (DuWop)
NYX Cosmetics
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics
Orly International
Pure Ice (Bari Cosmetics)
Sinful Colors
Speciallita HITS
Stila Cosmetics
Tom Ford
Tony Moly
Urban Decay
Wet n Wild
W.I.C. by Herome
Yes to Carrots

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What are the best brands and colors of nail polish to use for water marbling?


I've tried water marbling a few times and have never been successful. The nail polishes I've tried are Sally Hanson Xtreme Wear, N.Y.C, and a few different Avon Colors. I use Sally Hanson Diamond Strength Base Coat, and Revlon No-Chip Top Coat. Every time I go to design the pattern in the water, the polish sticks to the Tooth Pick, and then I have to start, and I'm wasting SO MUCH nail polish! Any tips? Thanks!

Oooh I've done this. In fact, I am about to do some marble art now for college tomorrow lol. I'm really not usually into nail art and can never normally do stuff like this successfully, but for some reason, marble art has come easy to me. . . I'm braggin, I know, but this is a huge achievement for me =P

Believe it or not but I use really cheap nail varnish and it works. I use George (Asda's brand or Walmart if you're in America) nail polish and it works a treat. I also use Rimmel.

Your problem may not actually be with your nail polish though. It may be that your taking too long to do the swirls. When I do it, the polish usually hardens almost straight away. The trick is to be quick and not let it set. And when you swirl it, don;t start right from the outer colour. Kinda start in the middle out. If that makes sense. Also, I use a straightened hair grip to swirl mine.

Hope this helps and all the best!

What type of nail polishes are best for water marbling?


I'm going shopping tomorrow for back to school and I really want to water marble my nails. I watched thousands of videos on Youtube on how to and I know exactly what I need and what to do. But the videos never really said what type or brand of nail polish to get. I know that some doesn't work and some does. Any suggestions?

Usually the cheap nail polish are good because they are slow drying. Neon colors work best because they offer good contrast.

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How do you store your nail polish?

pasta mons

I have a bit over 100 nail polish bottles and I keep them in a bin but it's hard to find the one I want and they don't fit standing up so I just have to plop them all on top of eachother! And I know that's bad for them so what should i do? Thanks!

I have about 80 in a plastic box and the rest I keep in a bunch of containers. And you shouldn't put them on their side. The reason for this is the polish can get into the neck of the bottle and harden there. So shaking it won't do you any good at that point. Maybe you can get yourself another bin, or maybe build a shelf. You can also get those containers that are meant to be stacked. Or those clear plastic drawers.

what takes off nail polish?


im dead, i just dropped a box of 200 something nail polishes on a wood floor and now the floor is covered in paint. how do i get it out? please help soon!!!!

NOOOO ! don't use nail polish remover on a wood floor, it will take off the color ! :*
i'm not sure what exactly you should use. but don't use nail polish remover, you'll be dead-ier.

i asked my mom, and she said to use hairspray. not mousse or gel. but the spray kind and a scrubby thing. that should get most of it off without taking off the finish.

good luck, !
hope i helped;*

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help nail polish dry faster?


can holding them under a hot light help them dry faster? i usually have to wait an hour or two before doing anything, i am very prone to messing up my nails.

No, but a uv light will dry them quicker only for two min or so thou, or a hairdryer will work, or you could get spray that you spray on top that drys them in a min. hope this helps

does a uv nail dryer work just for regular polish?


i'm thinking about buying a cheap uv lamp nail dryer from ebay, and was wondering does it work on regular nail polish? without having to use the uv top coat? does it dry normal polish?

no it does not.

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what is the history of nail polish?

jennifer s

what is the history of nail polish? where did it originate from? what is a factoid about it? whats a different variation of the origin?

Nail polish seems to have been originated by the Chinese around 3000 B.C. The Japanese and Italians thought to have been the first ones to actually to use nail polish.[citation needed] The Chinese used a colored lacquer, made from a combination of gum arabic, egg whites, gelatin and beeswax. They also used a mixture consisting of mashed rose, orchid and impatien petals combined with alum.[citation needed] This mixture, when applied to nails for a few hours or overnight, leaves a color ranging from pink to red. The Egyptians used reddish-brown stains derived from the henna plant to color their nails as well as the tips of their fingers. Today, some people still use henna dyes to draw intricate, temporary designs on their hands in a practice known as Mehndi.

During the Chou Dynasty of 600 B.C., Chinese royalty often chose gold and silver to enhance their nails. A fifteenth-century Ming manuscript cites red and black as the colors chosen by royalty for centuries previous.[citation needed] The Egyptians also used nail color to signify social order, with shades of red at the top. Queen Nefertiti, wife of the king Akhenaton, colored her finger and toe nails ruby red and Cleopatra favored a deep rust red.[citation needed] Women of lower rank who colored their nails were permitted only pale hues, and no woman dared to flaunt the color worn by the queen or king.[citation needed] Incas were known for decorating their fingernails with pictures of eagles.[citation needed]

It is unclear exactly how the practice of coloring nails progressed following these ancient beginnings. By the turn of the 19th century, nails were tinted with scented red oils and polished or buffed with a chamois cloth, rather than simply painted.[1] Even a century later, women still pursued a polished, rather than painted, look by massaging tinted powders and creams into their nails, then buffing them shiny.[1] One such polishing product sold around this time was Grafâs Hyglo nail polish paste.[1] Some women during this period painted their nails using a clear, glossy varnish applied with camel-hair brushes.[1] When automobile paint was created around 1920, it inspired the introduction of colored nail enamels.[1] Michelle Ménard is credited with inventing the beginnings of our modern day colored nail lacquers.[citation needed]

* Directly copied*

who invented nail polish?

Q. i was polishing a minute ago(there pink lol) and i was wondering who invented nail polish? plz tell me

check this out:

Nail polish seems to have been originated by the Chinese around 3000 B.C. The Japanese and Italians thought to have been the first ones to actually to use nail polish.[citation needed] The Chinese used a colored lacquer, made from a combination of gum arabic, egg whites, gelatin and beeswax. They also used a mixture consisting of mashed rose, orchid and impatien petals combined with alum.[citation needed] This mixture, when applied to nails for a few hours or overnight, leaves a color ranging from pink to red. The Egyptians used reddish-brown stains derived from the henna plant to color their nails as well as the tips of their fingers. Today, some people still use henna dyes to draw intricate, temporary designs on their hands in a practice known as Mehndi.
During the Chou Dynasty of 600 B.C., Chinese royalty often chose gold and silver to enhance their nails. A fifteenth-century Ming manuscript cites red and black as the colors chosen by royalty for centuries previous.[citation needed] The Egyptians also used nail color to signify social order, with shades of red at the top. Queen Nefertiti, wife of the king Akhenaton, colored her finger and toe nails ruby red and Cleopatra favored a deep rust red.[citation needed] Women of lower rank who colored their nails were permitted only pale hues, and no woman dared to flaunt the color worn by the queen or king.[citation needed] Incas were known for decorating their fingernails with pictures of eagles.[citation needed]
It is unclear exactly how the practice of coloring nails progressed following these ancient beginnings. By the turn of the 19th century, nails were tinted with scented red oils and polished or buffed with a chamois cloth, rather than simply painted.[1] Even a century later, women still pursued a polished, rather than painted, look by massaging tinted powders and creams into their nails, then buffing them shiny.[1] One such polishing product sold around this time was Grafâs Hyglo nail polish paste.[1] Some women during this period painted their nails using a clear, glossy varnish applied with camel-hair brushes.[1] When automobile paint was created around 1920, it inspired the introduction of colored nail enamels.[1] Michelle Ménard is credited with inventing the beginnings of our modern day colored nail lacquers.[citation needed]

Most nail polishes are made of nitrocellulose dissolved in a solvent and either left clear or colored with various pigments. Basic components included are: film forming agents, resins and plasticizers, solvents, and coloring agents.
Nail polish makers have been under pressure to reduce or eliminate potentially toxic ingredients, including phthalates, toluene, and formaldehyde, from their nail polish.[2][3] In September 2006, several makers agreed to phase out dibutyl phthalate, which has been linked to testicular problems in lab animals and humans, in updated formulations.[3] Though some makers recently agreed to eliminate formaldehyde from their products, others still use the chemical.[2]
[edit]Nail polish in fashion

Nail polish is traditionally worn by women, but it is gaining popularity with men as well, who may apply it to their fingernails, toenails, or both.
Traditional colors for nail polish are red, all types of pink and flesh-colored shades, although more unusual shades are also available, such as yellow, orange and even green. French manicures traditionally mimic the colors of natural nails, with flesh tones on most of the nail and white at the tips. Today, nail polish can be found in nearly every color and shade desired. It is believed that the film Pulp Fiction started a trend for a shade of dark red nail polish during the mid-1990s, after Uma Thurman's character wore Chanel's "Rouge Noir" (known as "Vamp" in the USA) throughout.[citation needed] Black or other very dark nail polish has been popular with goths and punks of both genders since the 1970s, however it has now gained popularity in the mainstream fashion world. Nail polish may also be used to complete an outfit. In this case, women, and occasionally men, match the color of the nail polish to the colors of the clothing.
Colors with glitter and a metallic sheen have also become popular among the teens of today. With the initial red losing its fame, metallic purple and colors with a shade of pearl are gaining the spotlight of the teen's cosmetic world. Clear and pink are all-time favorites.
Also in today's world some popular designs on one nail and can be done with thinner nail brushes (usually the ring finger) or all includes: flowers, strokes of lines and even more detailed designs with airbrush tools usually on acrylic nails.
Some men also wear nail polish (typically fingernail polish). Musicians, particularly of the rock genre, such as Marilyn Manson, Richard Kruspe, Dave Navarro, Steven Tyler, Kirk Hammett, Brian Molko, Lou Reed, Martin Gore, Davey Havok, Gerard Way, Pete Wentz, Bill Kaulitz, Lauri Ylönen, Jonne Aaron & Sir Christus, Ville Valo, Tuomas Holopainen and Alexi Laiho have been known to wear nail polish. In 1997, the cosmetic company Hard Candy released Candy Man, a nail polish brand aimed specifically at men. It featured colors such as Testosterone (gunmetal grey), Gigolo (silver-specked black), Superman (midnight blue), and Dog (deep purple). [4] Many professional men will choose to follow a pedicure with clear nail polish, although black and other darker colors are gaining popularity with more men.
Some types of polish are advertised to cause nail growth, make nails stronger, prevent nails from breaking, cracking and splitting and stop nail biting. Nail polish may be applied as one of several components in a manicure. Fluoride has been proven to strengthen nails, and there are some types of nail polish that contain fluoride.[5]
[edit]Nail polish remover

Nail polish is easily removed with nail polish remover, which is a solvent (usually acetone, sometimes acetonitrile) and often recognized by its characteristic industrial aroma. Other components may include oils, scents and coloring. Polish remover comes in a variety of different packages including individual felt pads soaked in remover, a bottle of liquid remover that can be used with a cotton ball and even containers filled with foam and remover that can be used by inserting your finger into the container and twisting until the polish comes off.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

not nail art but what is this?


i have found this before, but cant find it because i cant identify it.. I want to find pictures online of the cute nail design I have had done before, where the lady took white and silver and just painted a flower on my real nail I look online and all I can find is this elaborate nail art which I dont want...jst a simple silver flower or heart, that looks airbrushed the nail lady doesnt really understand my english can anyone tell me what I would look under to find this sort of art?


or maybe:

you can probably go look or more under very simple nail deasings or nail stickers, because nail stickers have that ''Airbrushed'' look.

Hope i Helped! :D


What should i buy for my nail art?


i've been told to try the polishes with the tiny brushes, do those work well? what works the best for teeny-tiny nail artt? brands please!!! and something i can order from amazon tonight!!! thx! xoxo

You should try the small polishes with the tiny brushes lol. Usually theyre the narrower bottles that say nail art on them.
Sinful Colors sells these. You could get them at Walgreens or online.
Also, Sally Hansen sells nail art pens, which are literally like ink pens ! Lol, they're really easy to work with as well. You need a good top coat however, so I would recommend Seche Vite.
Get Sally Hansen ! It's really good lol (:
Hope I helped !

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Nail Polish fanatic gift ideas?


I want to ask for some nail polish & nail accesories for christmas, but I don't know what to choose. I'm looking for the L.A color Art Deco, but I dont know what else I should ask for! Ideas please? Like gems, and such

you should get konad nail art stamping. its really easy and they're are so many designs to choose from. here is the link:

hope this helps =)

Gift Idea???


I have a 14 year old niece who i only see a couple times a year and I'm not really sure what to get her. She's not totally "preppy" but I know likes fashion...any gift ideas???

1) A gift card for her favorite clothing store (if you don't know, ask her mother)

2) Nail Polish/Other Form of Make up

3) Jewelry - You can get really good deals from the internet!

4) Electronics - A digital camera is always nice

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how to remove nail polish?


hi every body i do not have nail polish remover and i need ways to remove nail polish and please do not say to scrape it off. thank you very very much. i will give every body a thubs up and i promice i will!

Most commonly Nail Polish Remover, or picking it off.
Nail Polish remover is pretty cheap, Around $1.50

However, I just found this info on a website for you:
How to Remove Nail Polish Without Using Remover
If you want to remove your nail polish, but you have no remover, here are some ways.

1. Find some spray deodorant. Deodorant is a wonderful remover for anything that can't be cleaned very easily, from nail polish to markers.

2. Spray some deodorant as close to your nails as you can. It will work better this way.

3. Rub your nails with a handkerchief. The nail polish won't go away immediately; just insist until your nails are clean.

4. Repeat step 2 if you need to. Rub more thoroughly around the borders of your nails. That's where nail polish isn't completely removed the first time you try.

Enjoy your clean nails! And don't forget to be more careful next time you do your manicure or pedicure.

Tips: Buy some remover next time; it works easier.
If the coat is older, you can just scratch your nails to remove it. Make sure you're not allergic to spray deodorant.

What is the best nail polish?


want it to last longer than any regular nail polish..

OPI nail polish is my absolute favorite! I also love their nail polish because they have tons of colors to choose from. If you put on a layer of "base coat" polish, then 2 layers of the colored polish, and finally a layer of "top coat" polish, your nails should stay cute for awhile. hope that helps! =)

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Good nail polish that last long, dries fast?

Tasha D.

Well even if it don't dry that fast is there really any good nail polish that stays on and didn't chip off?

In my experience, no polishes labeled as fast drying last as long as polishes that are labeled as lacquers.

You may want to try glitter polish. All of them dry very quickly, are relatively chip-proof, and can last for weeks. Keep in mind, however, that glitter polish is quite difficult to remove. You will need to soak it off, if it's applied properly.

My regimen for glitter polish is as follows: Two coats of Nail Tek II as a base, as many (thin) coats of glitter polish that is needed to achieve the look I desire, followed by one coat of Nail Tek II as a top coat. This method can last three weeks or longer with regular maintenance, such as a refresh of Nail Tek every three or four days.

How to get my nail polish to dry fast?


There are a couple ways:

1. Find a fan and put them next to the fan for six minutes

2. Find a blow dryer with a Cool Setting

3. Buy OPI quick dry spray (really does work)

4. Dip your nails in really cold cold water for them to harden after drying!

Good Luck with your nails, I know from experience it can be hard to wait for them to dry. Patience really is a virtue.


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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

multicolored purple sparkly nail polish?

Jade Smith

I want to find this sparkly nail polish
or another cool multicolor sparkly nail polish that would look cool over black nail polish. Any suggestions?

The picture did not load for me, but here are my recommendations for sparkly/glittery purple polish:

OPI Grape..Set..Match!
OPI DS Temptation
Sally Hansen HD nail polish in DVD

Those are my favorites but there are many more. There is one by Sally Hansen Insta-Dri but I forgot the name of it.
I hope you find the polish you are looking for!

Nail Polish Lovers !?


What is the difference between OPI's Liquid Sand and Zoya's Pixie Dust nail polish?

OPI's Liquid Sand seems to have a more fine grainier appearance,so you might feel it a little less since its smaller. Zoya seems to be more of a 3D kind of look since its bigger. If you don't like the bumpy feeling of Zoya just put a couple extra coats on it and I am sure it will even out the texture more. Both are cute looks,regardless of the colors,nice choice!

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What is are some good nail art kits?


My relative is really into doing her friends and her nails. She's actually very good but when she looks at videos online she noticed that they are using different tools than she is? Last time I bought her the polish with the very long thin brushes. I was wondering if anyone knows of some sort of kit which has all the basic tools and possibly a book with instructions and designs??? I don't want to buy a little kid kit though. She's a teen.

KONAD new and revolutionary Nail Art Kits let you decorate your nails by stamping pre-designed images on your nails.

Dries quickly for salon looking results in seconds. Saves time and money. No messy decals or paintings by hand. Just stamp the pre-designed images for amazing results. Works great on Acrylic or polished nails Can be used to decorate accessories such as cell phones, sunglasses or whatever you can imagine!

If you like to dress up your hands then this is the product for you. It will unleash your imagination and creativity. You have to try it. You will absolutely love it. It is like magic! Best of all you can even make some extra cash doing nails for your friends and family members. So go ahead and check it out!

What to get kids for Christmas?


I am going to get my siblings, cousins, and some friends some small things for Christmas(like $1 each)
Age 1-stuffed animals
Age 2 1/2-they are all boys so toy cars
Age 4- they are two twin boys i don't know what to get them(maybe books)
Age 4- quads boys i don't know
Age 5-(boy) some type of soccer accesory (i don't know what)
(girl) some type of fashion thing like a hair scrunchy
Age 7- 3 boys, 1 girl i don't know
Age 8- 2 boys maybe some candy
Age 9- 3 boys, 2 girls i don't know
Age 10- 3 boys some type of sports thing but i don't know what
Age 11- 4 boys, 2 girls probably some candy
Age 12- 2 boys i donn't know
Age 13- 1 boy, 1 girl i don't know
Age 14- 2 boys i don't know
Age 16- 1 boy and me, a girl i don't know
Age 17 1/2- 2 boys i don't know
Age 20- 1 boy, 1 girl i don't know

Could you give me some $1-2 ideas for the ones i said i don't know?
Or some better ideas?

For the girls, little make-up kits and hair accesories are perfect. Nail polish, lip gloss, beads to make bracelets, scrunchies, ect. Even cute little sunglasses.
For the boys, little legos or action figures are good.
For the teens, I'm not sure what you could buy that is 1-2 dollars.. That's tough. Check out the dollar store, maybe you find something there.

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Japanese 3d nail art help?


I used to have acrylic nails and I loved them but it costed to much money to keep having them filled. My real nails just grew out so they are strong again but I recentl descovered japanese nail art and I love it! I really want to try it out but with the glue on nails the you can get in mass quantities. I was wondering how much these damage your real nails and how much up keep they require.

-thanks o3o
also where can I get all of the supplies at a reasonable price?

full well nails that cover all your nails aer are fixed in place do little to no harm to your nails what so ever. gust make sure you pay for a salon quality glue (not as expencive as it soulds, around $5/£3)
there isnt really any upkeep needed with these nails as thye dont stay on for very long (only a few days, MAYBE a week or 2) and once they come off, give your nails a 2-5 day break and apply a nail hardener to keep your nails in tiptop condition.

if you are only going to be using the acrylic for 3D nail art, it would be fine to use a cheap brand, as long as you dont use it what so ever on your natural nails. the stuff can be baught off ebay for a few dollors/pounds ($6/£4 will get you a small bottle of liquid, a pot of white powder and a brush)

if you want to get good quality products, go with NSI attraction powders, there is a really nice bright what called wnning white and the liquid is not to expencive ether, just buy a bottle of liquid and a pot of winning white powder and then get a no 4-6 brush off ebay. thats pretty much all you need.

easy <3 good luck

Good color combinations for nail art?


So I'm planning to do a nail art design that uses three different colors. One of the colors has to be dark blue, since that is the color I'm using to make a stripe down the center.
So what are some good color combinations (with three different colors) using dark blue? Thanks!!!

White looks good with dark blue nails
So does Silver and Red.

Heres a few ideas!!purple+glitter!+014.JPG

Hope that helped!!


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Dry too much nail polish fast?


I made a nail polish design and the French tips are pretty thick. (lots of polish) I want to go to bed but they need to dry first. How do I make the thick goopy like nail polish dry fast? Will choose best answer!

use a fan i always us ea fan to dry my nails or next tot he air conditioner lol or use a blow dryer in cool air! good luck

How do you make nail polish dry faster?


The best and fastest way is to invest in a nail polish drying spray. Many stores stock them or you can buy it cheaply on the internet. Use a fast-drying top coat.

The water method doesn&#x27;t do much as then you have to wait for the water to dry by itself otherwise you stand the risk of it smudging. I can&#x27;t stand blowdrying it as the temperature on my skin makes it feel like its burning. I doubt its doing any good to your skin either.

Either way, its only a matter of a few minutes.

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Best way to put on nail polish?


1) Clean off previous nail polish with polish remover
2) Soak your hands into warmish water for a couple of minutes (so your nails won't suffer damage from the nail polish and turn yellow over time.
3) Apply a fast-drying 3 based nail polish, or buy the 3 different coats (base,top,shine) of nail polish separate.
4) Wait a few minutes (10 or so) for nails to dry (don't blow on them if the nail polish isn't fast dry).
5) Show them off!

teens 3 questions about nails,1. whats the best nail polish that helps with breakage and helps it grow?

KaSeY rOsE

2.i have anemia * low iron* and my nails break off does that mean my iron levels are low?
3. tips on keeping my nails even after i get a breakage?

Well for me I have quite strong nails and kind of long ones and haven't had this problem so I'm not entirely sure, but I think you deserve at least some advice. Well depending on the stores around you there would be all different types of nail polish so I can't give you an exact nail polish to help. You can always try different ones and feel free to ask family members or friends about this, even ask staff members at the shops for suggestions. You can always use clear strong nail polish (cant think of the right thing at the moment) that might help prevent chipping and breakage. I personally hardly ever paint my fingernails a colour, normally it's just clear to help stop chipping. But if you like having a colour on put clear ontop. If the nail polish you buy is extremely thin maybe try two coats. I'm not sure about the iron since I haven't had any experience with this but I searched on google images 'clear strong nail polish' I'm not sure where they sell it but one that had a few pics of was Mabelline New York Forever Strong Professional (also says in a box '+iron') so this may help. Possibly ask someone you know about this and see if its any good?

Some tips for that from me would be:
1. If the breakage is say a small area and didn't actually break of like its split open from the side, try to cut down to that area if it isn't to low to prevent it from tearing and ripping deeper.
2. If you can try to wear clear nail polish most of the time to try stop breakage.
3. Shorter nails may help prevent breakage when doing normal everyday activities. Example: when I was younger my mother would always keep her nails cut short since they would just break off when she was doing her job. On holidays shed grow them out then cut them back down after.
4. Try to keep up your iron levels as high as you can with anemia, this could help.
5. Keep your nails in a good shape, don't have them to long and be sure to file them to round the edges etc.

I really hope something from this helps :) and wish you the best of luck towards the future. I'm not sure I was much help but thought that you deserved an answer after waiting so long :)

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Nail Art with only 4 colors?


I have black pink green purple.
I want to do some simple designs,
something like Bubzbeauty's panda and strawberry nail designs
or cutepolish's designs on youtube.
But I cant fins any tutorials that I can use with my colors. I don't need to use all the colors but its hard trying to find designs I can use with two or more colors.
Any suggestions?

you can always do stripes, manicures, reverse-manicures (where the moon-shaped part of the nail is colored instead of the end), flares, and with pink & green you could even do watermelon nails


i want very cool nail art easy things to do at home like with just nail polish?

or tape you know cool cute simple things to do
also i dont want to go and have to buy art deco pens or paits i want cool stuff to do woth just plain nail polish

you should buy nail polish with a thin brush ..
you can do tons of designs that way :);_ylt=AhJdjdqG43.DgihTFcLuwaDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091004154450AAfPa5D

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Printer Ink nail art?


so I was on pinterest and theres a picture of a girl with an anchor on her nail and she said she used a normai printer to do it but thats reallt all it says so does anyone know how to do that heres her picture

youre beautiful

Nail Art you like it?


i usually alway wear dark blue black...
or black or red...I like the sexy bad ass girl look
Does anyone like the idea of black nails with white polka dots? Ive done it before and loved it...and people say its pretty sick...what do you think?

Its this exactly!

Beautiful, I love it.

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Can I bring uncented nail polish on an airplane?


Me and my husband are taking our kids on a "surprise" trip. We'll be in an airplane for about 2/3hrs but I have a 13mnth old. She really likes to have her nails painted or play with jewelry or drawl/color. Can I bring uncented nail polish and paint her nails on the plane if I put paper towels down?

A 13 month old? Who likes their nails painted? And needs to have it on a 2 - 3 hour flight?

Are you a total moron?

Nail polish on an airplane?


So tomorrow I'm going to Canada and I know about the 311 rule but is there a limit as to how many nail polishes I can bring? I'm planning on bringing 8 different bottles, all under 3oz.

it is a liquid so as long as all the bottles fit in the plastic bag, you'll be fine. Or you could stick it in your hold luggage.

wow, you're high maintenance, aren't you?

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Is super glue safe on nails? READ DESCRIPTION?

Q. Okay, so I got this nail art thing for Christmas. Its like these little gems for your nails in all different colors. It says your supposed to put a clear coat on your nails and when the polish is still wet you stick the gem on. It works, but it lasts about a couple hours. But I have super glue, and I was wondering if it is safe to stick on the gems with the super glue. Thank you to whoever answers! Oh, and I do not want an answer that says just do what the nail kit said with the clear polish because it DOESN'T WORK!!! :)

No. Super glue sticks permanently. You can use OHO or something similar. If you paste your nails with super glue, you will be forced to go to surgeon, who'll cut it.(And it's NOT good, it is painful and your natural nails will look horrible and maybe surgeon will not be able to remove them, so, it's not a good idea. ^^) I'm sorry. :(
You can use OHO or some other glue. ^_^
I hope I helped.

What is the proper name (if there is one) of the acrylic paint that they use to make 3-D acrylic nail art?

Sarah S

I'm not sure if its just called 3-D nail art paint, or whatever, but I want to know what its called.

And also, where might they sell it, and would it be expensive to buy?

I think this might be what you're on about,

Ebay is the only place I have seen them. I have bought them and used them and they're pretty good but not for on natural nails unless you have an hour spare to sit and let it set really does take that long before they are set hard enough not to smudge. Also, some of the colours just don't work well enough to do anything but dots with them...they won't drag into a shape etc.

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!Just now!!!!!!?


i have a declamation contest tomorrow and the topic is 'Dignity of Labour'. Kindly give me some ideas, quotes,etc for this.
write something attractive and praiseworthy things under this topic

I got the blues thinking of the future, so I left off and made some marmalade. It's amazing how it cheers one up to shred oranges and scrub the floor. ~D.H. Lawrence

Heaven is blessed with perfect rest but the blessing of earth is toil. ~Henry van Dyke

If you want to kill time, try working it to death. ~Sam Levonson

To labor is to pray. ~Motto of the Benedictines

A lot of what passes for depression these days is nothing more than a body saying that it needs work. ~Geoffrey Norman

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea. ~Isak Dinesen

Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach. ~George Sheehan

No man is born into the world whose work
Is not born with him; there is always work
And tools to work withal, for those who will....
~James Russell Lowell

Yes, I am positive that one of the great curatives of our evils, our maladies, social, moral, and intellectual, would be a return to the soil, a rehabilitation of the work of the fields. ~Charles Wagner

God sells us all things at the price of labor. ~Leonardo da Vinci

Nothing got without pains but an ill name and long nails. ~Scottish Proverb

"I have no more than twenty acres of ground," he replied, "the whole of which I cultivate myself with the help of my children; and our labor keeps off from us the three great evils - boredom, vice, and want." ~Voltaire

Boredom is a sickness the cure for which is work; pleasure is only a palliative. ~Le Duc de Lévis, Mémoires

What the country needs are a few labor-making inventions. ~Arnold Glasow

Work isn't to make money; you work to justify life. ~Marc Chagall

It is necessary to work, if not from inclination, at least from despair. Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself. ~Charles Baudelaire

When I work I relax; doing nothing or entertaining visitors makes me tired. ~Pablo Picasso

There are moments when art attains almost to the dignity of manual labor. ~Author Unknown

We are closer to the ants than to the butterflies. Very few people can endure much leisure. ~Gerald Brenan, Thoughts in a Dry Season

Without labor nothing prospers. ~Sophocles

To a bee, honey is work
To us, it is leisure, luxury, pleasure.
If only the eating thereof
would fill us with the spirit of hard work.
~Corri Alius

Idleness begets ennui, ennui the hypochondriac, and that a diseased body. No laborious person was ever yet hysterical. ~Thomas Jefferson, 1787

It is only the constant exertion and working of our sensitive, intellectual, moral, and physical machinery that keep us from rusting, and so becoming useless. ~Charles Simmons

Labor was the first price, the original purchase-money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labor, that all wealth of the world was originally purchased. ~Adam Smith

Take a man out of the trenches, make him a straw boss, and he develops a belly. ~Martin H. Fischer

Employment is nature's physician, and is essential to human happiness. ~Galen

Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labor by taking up another. ~Anatole France, The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard

For me the diamond dawns are set
In rings of beauty,
And all my ways are dewy wet
With pleasant duty.
~John Townsend Trowbridge

People love chopping wood. In this activity one immediately sees results. ~Albert Einstein

A mind always employed is always happy. This is the true secret, the grand recipe, for felicity. ~Thomas Jefferson

God give me work, till my life shall end
And life, till my work is done.
~Epitaph of Winifred Holtby

A man who has no office to go to - I don't care who he is - is a trial of which you can have no conception. ~George Bernard Shaw

Chop your own wood, and it will warm you twice. ~Henry Ford

Temperance and labor are the two true physicians of man. ~Jean Jacques Rousseau

As a cure for worrying, work is better than whiskey. ~Thomas A. Edison

Sweat silently. Let's have no squawking about a little expenditure of energy. ~Martin H. Fischer

It is better to wear out than to rust out. ~Richard Cumberland

Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it. ~Lord Acton

We seem as a nation to be suffering from a mania for play. The huge development of pleasure-chasing automobiles merely symbolizes our universal restless eagerness to be running after something, anything, that we can classify as diversion. Under pressure from tormenting constituents our legislatures are piling up holidays. And the cry of labor everywhere is "Cut down hours; cut down hours," until it seems as if brief, tired minutes were all that would be left for work. The obvious deduction is that work is always something to be got rid of, as if it were a curse. Yet life is work. ~Author unknown, editorial from Labor Digest, June 1922, quoted in Quotations for Special Occasions by Maud van Buren

When everything is finished, the mornings are sad. ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin

Maybe a person's time would be as well spent raising food as raising money to buy food. ~Frank A. Clark

Thank God every morning when you get up, that you have something to do that day which must be done, whether you like it or not. Being forced to work and forced to do your best will breed in you temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and content, and a hundred virtues which the idle never know. ~Charles Kingsley

All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. ~Martin Luther King Jr.

What brands does sephora carry?


Acqua Di Parma
Amazing Cosmetics
Anthony Logistics For Men
The Art of Shaving
Atelier Cologne
Benefit Cosmetics
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Billy Jealousy
Bite Beauty
Bobbi Brown
The Body Shop
Brazilian Peel
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Bumble and bumble
butter LONDON
By Terry
Calista Tools
Calvin Klein
Carol's Daughter
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Charlotte Ronson
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Cover FX
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Disney Cinderella Collection
Dolce & Gabbana
Donna Karan
Dr. Brandt Skincare
Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare
Dr. Jart+
Dr. Lipp
Ermenegildo Zegna
First Aid Beauty
Giorgio Armani
Hampton Sun
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Koh Gen Do
L'Artisan Parfumeur
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nails inc.
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Super by Perricone
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Tend Skin
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Urban Decay
Vera Wang
Viktor & Rolf
Violent Lips
WEN® by Chaz Dean
Yves Saint Laurent
21 Drops

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What are the best nail art supplies?


I've been wanting to but some nail art supplies, like a dotting tool and some colored pens. I have nooo idea what products are high quality and which don't work well. If anyone who has any experience in nail art could help with out with any information or recommendations I'd greatly appreacite it. Thanks!!

Dotting tools, Nail Art brushes , Rhinestones , Nail wheels Acrylic Paint, Nail art pens and maybe some konad for nail art stamping (:

I would recomend you check out there stuff is really good and cheap I have gotten my brushes,dotting tools, wheels..etc from there and they all work great, you can even google them for reviews

You should also check out Nail art blogs they always have recommendations

What is a Nail Art Lacquer for?


i dont know?

Sally Hansen Nail Art Pens is what I use. They are for drawing detailed desgins on your nail, not for filling the whole nail with just 1 color as you do with nail polish. They work really well, but the feel of drawing on your nails takes awhile to get used to. If you want to buy some, both Walmart and Walgreens have them, only Walmart is cheaper but doesnt have all the colors, and Walgreens has them all but for a higher price.

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