Saturday, September 28, 2013

How do i get rid of a nail polish stain on my carpet?

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 on Nail Art Designs Free MP4 Video Download - 1
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saba m

i droped red nail polish on my carpet and i dont no how to get it out!..Please help!

Nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol.

Tip #1: Any non-acetone finger nail polish remover will take that off and not hurt the carpet. Take a paper towel soak it down a little and wipe it off. Try to keep the area contained that you rub, at first it will look like you are smearing it around, just keep changing paper towels with a new one until stain is gone. You need to change your cloth several times so you're not sliding polish over a bigger area. When done a liquid dish soap will get the smell out of the carpet.

Tip #2: I use the polish remover and blot, then GooGone works to remove the remaining stain.

Tip #3: When I spilt fuschia nail polish on my carpet I saturated it with non-acetone nail polish remover and scrubbed it with a white cloth. After the color stopped coming out on cloth (and it was still slightly pink on the carpet) I made a mixture of liguid dish soap, hot water and bleach and continued scrubbing until the nail polish came out (for white carpets only). If that doesn't work for you try using a fabric marker from a craft store and color over the stain.

Tip #4: I spilled dark purple nail polish on my light grey carpet. When I tried nail polish remover it didn't do a thing. Then a friend told me to try window cleaner and it worked great. I can't even tell it happened.

What type of nail polish remover do i have to use to remove Acrylic nails?

Sanam P

What type of nail polish remover do i need to take off Acrylic nails? and how do you do i really need your help. i am really scared. thanx for helping.

First of all you need to buy {Acetone} polish remover.
Make sure it does not say non-acetone!

Things You'll Need:

* Plastic garbage bag
* Acetone polish remover
* Petroleum jelly
* Nail buffer
* Nail clippers
* Glass bowl

1} Find a good work area where you can sit down and be comfortable. A kitchen table works perfectly for this. Be sure to cover the surface of your table with a plastic garbage bags and a thick layer of newspaper to soak up spills and prevent damage to your tableâs surface.

2} Using a pair of nail clippers, cut the acrylic nails down as short as possible to make the removal easier.

3} Fill a glass bowl with nail polish remover (the type with acetone in it). This will be used to soak your nails in and dissolve the nail glue which attached your acrylic nails to your natural ones.

4} Before dunking your nails apply a coating of petroleum jelly to the skin surrounding your nails. This will help prevent the skin from drying out while soaking in the polish remover. Just be sure you donât get any on the nail or it will block the polish remover from loosening the glue.

5} Dip your fingers into the bowl of nail polish remover and continue to soak them for 15-20 minutes.

6} Remove your hands and try to gently peel the acrylic nails off. If you are met with resistance and any or all of the acrylic nails do not easily peel off, submerge your fingers in the polish remover again and soak for another five minutes. Never force a nail to come off if itâs not ready.

7} After re-soaking you should be able to remove any stubborn acrylic nails and will now be left with only your natural nails.

8} Thoroughly was your hands in order to remove any polish remover residue and the petroleum jelly.

9} If any of the nail glue remains on your nails, simply buff this off with a nail buffer. Be gentle and use a light touch to avoid damaging your natural nails.

10} Apply a moisturizing hand cream to your hands and massage in well. This will help replace any lost moisture from the acetone polish remover.

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What are the necessary tools for nail art?

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 on 45 Color Glitter Acrylic Powder Dust For Nail Art Tips for sale
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Q. I've recently become very interested in nail art, and I'd like to start learning how to do it. Some good nail polish brands, where I can find good brushes and any other tools I may need. Tips and techniques would also be very helpful.

There is a website that I will list as the source. Basically you get plates with patterns indented on them (they are seven dollars each and each one comes with 5 patterns) then you have to buy a scraper and an applicator (together they are about 5 dollars, I believe) then you put any kind of nail polish on the applicator and use the scraper to scrape the excess off, then you roll the applicator across it and then roll the applicator again on your nail. This will create the pattern you wanted. They come in things like zebra print but they also have dogs, cats, zodiac signs, letters, chinese symbols, and stuff like that. If you want to create your own nail art, has a pretty good selection of nail brushes. The best nail polish brand I have ever used is china glaze, but they are a bit expensive. (6 dollars per bottle) however it lasts a very long time. Also, if you want to do things like acrylic nails and fiber nails there are supplies for that at Sally's as well. I hope I helped! Also, the website listed below IS reliable.

What color nail should I use with my silver Nail Art Pen?

Q. I just got a silver nail art pen and I want to use it to do a french manicure.
But I don't know what color base I should use. Any tips?

or if u wanna make ur nails stand out u cud do a bright orange or green. that would look cute with silver

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When do water marble nail art, does it matter if you use scotch or masking tape?

nail art with tape
 on nail art designs with how to use striping tape tutorial cute nail ...
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I love the way the water marble nail art looks & I can't wait to try it!! If you have any pictures of your water marbled nails, I would love to see them:)

Nope! People suggest scotch but I use masking tape it works just as well and isn't as expensive:]

how can you do nail art with normal nailpolish at home?


i don't have designing nailpolish but i love to do nail art i want to do at home with my normal nailpolish but how?

like others said toothpicks, also you can use masking tape

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Friday, September 27, 2013

How to get perfect beautiful nails?

beautiful nail art
 on beautiful nail art
beautiful nail art image


I stopped biting my nails and my nails have made a lot of progress for the month:) umm but I want them to grow faster and longer. my puffy fingers are going away and also any tips on nail art lol.


Over a year and a half ago my doctor advised me to take Vitamin E for my badly picked and bitten nails. I was ready to try anything, believe me! This worked beyond my wildest dreams! My nails are strong and healthy and ugly deformed bumps on my thumb nails disappeared. Now they grow and grow! I use a rectangular nail block to keep them a good length (no talons for me!) and I pamper them with good hand lotion and cuticle cream. One neat trick that I found on my own is a real winner - I clasp my hands together while watching TV, sometimes massaging in hand cream at the same time. I check for rough spots or snags regularly and go after them with the nail block so that no breakage will occur. I even use the block for dry, hard places on the skin around my nails, leaving nothing to bite or pick. I am now a happy camper with my beautiful nails! As for nail art, I prefer simple and classy - usually a French manicure done at home.

How can you make your nails looking beautiful without any effect?

Runway Pro

RUNWAY Professional - The Next Generation in Nail Technology - delivers first class gel nail products to individuals and salons across Australia. With ever popular products such as PolyLock⢠for use at home and in the salon, to the salon-exclusive Crystalizer⢠gel, Australian women are turning to a brand they can trust, an Australian brand that consistently delivers top quality products to an excited, passionate, nail-art-loving market. PolyLock⢠Hybrid Gel Nail Colour that lasts for 2 weeks and dries instantly! LED Cured durable gel that allows the nail to look immaculate without damage!

You can get this "Gel Nail Polish" from

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Share your thoughts about this product.

wear a thin cardigan, tank top, skinny jeans, and flats or gladiator sandals. for your hair, wear it down or in a low bun with side swept bangs.

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How do you prepare your NAILS before applying nail polish?

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 on ... nail wraps 18k brand logo CC design nail art sticker nail patch free
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the professional way, like in the salon. please, i'm so excited bout my stopping biting my nails, and i tend to eat off the nail polish everytime. so its not worth going to the salon.
help me do it at home :)

Manicure Tools needed: Nail polish remover, cotton balls, nail clipper and nail scissors, nail file, bowl, nail brush, cuticle clipper, orange stick, cuticle oil, hand cream, nail strengthener, clear nail polish, color nail polish

At Home Manicure Tips:

1. Start by taking off any remainder nail polish. Use cotton balls and nail polish remover. Nail polish remover can be very damaging to your nails, try to use a nail polish remover that is acetone free. Another option would be to use a salon brand nail polish remover, they work a lot better and remove the polish very easily.

2. The next step is to shape your nails. If your nails are weak or damage it would be better to keep them short. Use a file for this step unless the nails are very short and you need to trim off a lot with scissors or clippers before. Remember to file your nails filing in one direction to prevent damage to your nails.

3. Clean your nails with a nail brush and soak for a couple of minutes to soften your cuticles.

4. Next take an orange stick with a tiny piece of cotton wrapped around it and push back cuticles. If you have hangnails or rugged cuticles, clip them with cuticle scissors. Massage cuticles with cuticle oil and apply hand cream.

5. Use the nail polish remover one more time and remove any oil or lotion that may remain on your nails from the previous step. This will help your nail polish to stay longer and better.

6. Apply a base coat or nail strengthener, depending on what you need. Never forget this step if you enjoy dark polishes, this will help prevent staining. For a simple look, you can stop now.

7. Pick out your favorite color of nail color and apply two light coats.

8. Last but not least, apply a clear nail polish or top coat to help make your at home manicure last longer.

This is what i do when i give myself a manicure, i always get compliments and when i tell people i do it myself, they are always surprised. :)
Hope this helped! :)

What brands of nail polishes are DBP, Toluene, and Formaldehyde free?


I want some nail polishes that are affordable but are free of chemicals.

It's actually rare to find polish now that are NOT "3 Free". Those 3 have been phased out of so many polishes for several years now. Nearly every polish you buy should be 3 Free. Here's some awesome info about it with brands that are 3 Free (you'll see what I mean about nearly every brand).

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How can I find out if a painting that is not signed worth anything at all?

beautiful nail art pictures
 on Posts Related to Beautiful New Valentines Day Nail Art Designs 2013 ...
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This beautiful art work was given to us, however we do not know anything about it. It's not painted, the drawing looks like they actually used ivory, jade, & a few other marble or stone type that the picture is actually done in. There is no signature on it anywhere that we could find. How also can we find out anything about it?
Mahalo so much.

Hmm, I can't envision what you are describing... maybe a link to a photo of it would help.

First what provenance has come to you with the painting? What stories did you hear when you got it? Was it a local artist? Are there more paintings in that area attributed to him/her? Ask the person who gave it to you to tell you what they know about it, before it is too late. They will be proud that you are interested in their gift.

Looking at the wooden frame construction, stretchers, closely examining the canvas side (for color, fiber, weave pattern), how the canvas was stretched and stapled/nailed, what colors the pigments are, what style the painting is done in, examining the gesso to determine if it is animal glue or polymer... may at least give a clue as to the era...

Then researching the era for exemplary artist of that style may help.

Visiting an art dealer or appraiser might be worth a consultation fee if you feel it is valuable.

If you think you have got something, you could pay a boatload of money to do nondestructive analysis that would prove it is possible that a painting COULD have been done, but not that it WAS done, by a specific artist.

Lacking any clues, you should place a value on the piece based upon the visual merits of the painting, that is, if you have no way to discover the unknown painter. This will probably be a low number somewhere between $25 -$500. Is it visually pleasing? Is it well crafted? Is it a good example of its genre or is it derivative (poor or cliched copy of something that was popular)?

Most of all value the pleasure that its beauty brings to your life.

Good luck!

P.S. Be aware that what a painting is appraised at and what you could possibly sell it for are usually VERY far apart. Sale price is usually 10% to 50% of appraised value. Take appraised value with a grain of salt...appraisers are paid to excite you about your find (and justify the price tags in their shop).

What are the essential makeup supplies a girl should have?

harley gir

i don't use any makeup at all and i am thinking of getting some stuff to start with. what should I get? I also don't have a lot of nail polish. what colors should I get?

All you need are a good set of tools and some basics and practice. For tools, I suggest you get the Borghese set of brushes from Costco. They are around $20-$25 and have a great range of brushes small to large. The kit even comes with explanations on what each brush is for. It was also recommended in Makeup Artist magazine as a great beginner kit.

A beautiful makeup starts with a good face. A simple routine is:

1. Wash your face with anti-bacterial soap. It is so simple, and it's something my aesthetician friends and cosmetologists taught me.

2. Wash with Ponds Deep Cleanser and Make-up Remover. Very moisturizing and clean.

3. Use a nice toner like Clean and Clear Cooling Daily Pore Toner. Light scent, VERY mild.

4. Moisturizer: Neutrogena Healthy Defense Daily Moisturizer. Very light and clean, but also has a 45 SPF. 45 SPF never felt so comfortable before this.

All you really need to look good is some concealer for putting in key areas, not foundation all over the face. I like to use MAC concealers, they have a great texture and blend well. Go in and test them. Just remember not to squeeze out too much because a little bit goes a long way.

If you do want a foundation, a great store brand is Cover Girl's Advanced Radiance. It's a slim pump bottle. The display has something that makes it really simple to find the right shade. Take their little card and hold it to your skin; whichever color disappears against your skin is the shade for you. I found it ingenious because I'm a professional makeup artist and use all sorts of brands from MAC to less known industry standard makeup. Here, you don't have to have any skill and you can still find the perfect makeup shade without having to go to an expensive counter and hope the sales artist gets it right. And honestly, I've hired some of those girls, and their experience ranges from amateur to expert. I don't like to hope for good luck myself. The product is smooth and blends really perfect. It's light and I had no creasing. To get it perfect, grab a mirror and hold the card to your face. Yeah, I said to your skin, so wash your face after, but you'll get the color match exact!

For eyes, if you like a defined brow, use a brow brush (small and cut at an angle, and softly fill. You can always add more product. To do eyeshadow, start with a palette that has many colors so you can practice. Some simple ideas are earthtones or doing one shadow on the lid and then a highlight at the corner of the brow beneath the end of the eyebrow. There are more detailed ideas, but start easy. Experiment in your free time and take pictures so you can see or repeat what you did. A lot of people will also coordinate and take a color or several colors from their outfits. In the beginning, just start with 1 color.

For lashes, Cover Girl Volume Exact is clean and easy. Just do a tight, quick, swirl with the brush to keep the application clean and clump free.

Basically, it's like anything you want to learn to do well: talk to people who do it, like friends, here online, at makeup counters. Practice. Buy good tools and supplies. Everything good doesn't HAVE to be from the counter, but wonderful things ARE at the counter too.

There are wonderful and easy things to do with blushes, creams, lip glosses, liners, lipsticks, but these are also the best places to just start experimenting.

I've put the Makeup 411 site below, it has great breakdowns (explanations and supply lists) of what artists have used on their actors.

Also, I added links that are great starter resources. Makeup Alley is great because it's got lots of reviews on ALL SORTS of products. So far, I've been able to find reviews on EVERY product I typed in, and that's saying a lot for me.

Oh yeah, and whatever you do, when you go to counters, don't believe the hype, don't get intimidated. Makeup is an art and I've met all sorts of people. Everyone can do it. I know I sound like the chef character in Ratatouille, but I'm serious. I have met a lot of people of all types who never did it before, and once I started teaching them, they picked it up and ran with it. Mistakes and success, a sense of beauty, esteem, or creativity, it's all about learning

Where on the web can I get a mirror-like metallic nail polish?

nail polish ebay
 on Nail Art UV Gel colour Soak off Polish UV lamp Glitter 15ml 105 colors ...
nail polish ebay image


I've read that metallics (gold, silver, bronze, copper, etc.) are really in this spring. The only two brands that make a good mirror-like (NOT glittery) metallic nail polish, Revlon and Sally Hansen, have discontinued those colors. I know the only way to get them is on eBay.

Can anyone recommend a smooth metallic nail polish that's not discontinued?


Are you sure that Revlon and Sally Hansen
has discontinued them? Because I remember
seeing some at the drugstore the other day.
Maybe try a couple different drug stores they
should have some. Places like Zellers, Wal-Mart,
anywhere. Even if you go the The Bay they have
lots of cosmetic stands some of the brands they
have there still have metallic nail polish. Try NARS

what kind of nail polish to get for my girlfriend?

Trying to surprise my girlfriend with some nail polish.. a bunch of it... what brands are good? and most importantly what brands are cheap? Is ebay a good place to get them? Or cheaper to go to stores?
is it bad to go the cheapest I can find? and what is the cheapest brand I can find?

OPI,MAC,China glaze,NYC,Wet&Wild,Revlon

Any of those brands are good

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

How Do I Get Out Nail Polish Stains?

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 on nail polish should spectacular nail designs 2013 2010 christmas nail
nail polish wiki image
Q. My Little Nephew Dumped 8 Bottles Of Nail Polish On My Floor. I've Tried Clorox Stain Fighter, Hydrogen Peroxide, Goo Gone, Oxi Clean, And Soap. Nail Polish Remover Did Not Help At All Any Tips?

To remove nail polish from carpets, nail polish remover will work but you need to use caution because it can also remove dye from your carpet or upholstery. You can try and bleach your carpet, but only if you have a white carpet.

Note: Be aware when mixing chemicals or cleaners; the potential of causing toxic fumes can be harmful.

On a light-colored carpet it might not be noticeable but on darker colors, test first. Otherwise, a little nail polish will be the least of your worries. How about having to replace a whole roomful of carpet or trying to match the carpet color to dye one patch?

Always test any kind of chemical stain remover/cleaner in an out-of-the-way place like a corner. Under a cushion might be a good spot for upholstery.

Non-acetone polish remover is probably safer, but there are no guarantees. Nail polish remover may be harmful to your carpet or fabric.

Read more:

How do you get nail polish out of all lace shirt!!!!!!?

Q. I got bright pink nail polish on my all lace shirt. I want to get it out without harming the shirt, obviously. How can I do that????

omigosh, lace is so delicate I would hesitate to use acetone at first. Hairspray is one option. There are pre-soak stain removers like shout that you could try. If that doesn't work, I would go to a drycleaner if the shirt is expensive. Make sure they will guarantee to remove it and not hurt the fabric. If not, you could try nail polish remover. I would dab it on with a cotton ball and rinse as soon as the polish is gone.

Here are a few links that could help

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How do I clean nail polish off shoes without ruining the shoes?

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 on ... apply loose glitter for flashy nail art designs | Just In Five Minutes
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Shandy S

My daughter spilled beige nail polish on my only pair of black patent leather shoes. I have a job interview tomorrow and need to get it off without ruining the shoes. I'm afraid that nail polish remover will ruining them. Can any one help?

try to scrappe it off by placing some ice cube on it to make it harden
if not for a quick fix simply applied a black marker perm ink on the stain

What can I use other than nail polish remover?


I have an interview tomorrow and I just realized I have an obnoxious color of nail polish on. I have to get this nail polish color off but I don't have any nail polish remover or acetone. It's too late to run to the store so is there anything around the house that will work as a substitute? I tried peeling it off but it's not really coming off. I usually have acrylic nails but I haven't had the money lately so I've had to use regular nail polish =(

Any commonly found item around the house that will remove my nail polish?

Often, applying a fresh coat of nail polish can help remove the current nail polish. Apply the nail polish and use a cotton ball to wipe off the nail polish immediately. Although this will help remove nail polish, residue can still be left on your cuticles.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Does anyone know where I can buy nail polish in bulk but not in bottles?

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 on ... nail polish A20# with 60 unique clean nail polish colors wholesale
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I have a new type of nail polish bottle that I want to fill with all natural nail polish. I have found plenty of companies that sell it in bulk in the bottles, but I need to buy just the polish to fill my unique bottles with.

I don't think that you are going to find a nail polish company that sells a polish not in the bottle. That would make no sense. If you like your bottles that much, buy nail polish and empty it into your bottles.

Where can I buy nail polish in bulk for cheap?


Hi my mom and I've been going to flea markets and selling cleaning supplies and I've been selling nail polish I found online I got 3 packs of 24 nail polish and theyved been doing good but I was wondering if there are any other websites that sell nail polish in bulks and its cheap. Anything helps
Thanks :)

dollar stores

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How should I remove nail polish from my cell phone?

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 on ... Nail Polish Set and Wholesale Seven Days Childrens Nail Polish Set
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Kelsi C

The nail polish is not on the screen. I tried to scratch it off but it won't come off. I know that nail polish remover can "melt" many kinds of plastics so I don't want to risk using it. How do I remove the nail polish without damaging my phone?

It doesn't come off. I got nail polish on my phone 1 year ago and it's still there. Sorry =[

What kind of nail polish colors look good with an olive complexion?


I have an olive complexion with dark hair. What kind of nail polish colors would look good? Thanks :)

Different colors are for different seasons. Nail Polish is one of those beauty items that does not necessarily matter too much but some colors do look better on others. For your olive complexion I recommend:
Winter- dark blue, dark red, gold, and burgundy.
Spring- pastel purple, pastel pink, pastel yellow, and greens.
Summer- neon's in orange pink and blue, and darker pinks.
Fall- dark greens, and darker oranges.
Avoid colors like black gray and white because they can make your skin look dull as well as any regular yellows (besides pastels). Opt for anything with a little shimmer in it and matte colors but nothing with full on glitter because it will again take away from the uniqueness of your skin coloring. The best brands to check out are Essie, OPI, and China Glaze. Try

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

why does my topcoat always smear my nail polish?

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 on Easy Nail Polish Designs easy nail polish designs neon  Pretty Nail ...
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this always happens to me when i do nail art. i wait up til an hour, but it still smears. i don't know whether it's because of the brand i'm using or because i don't wait long enough, or if it's because of how much polish i'm using.

how long do you guys usually wait?
i go and paint all of my fingers first before applying the topcoat. i wait around half an hour for it to dry, but it still doesn't.

if it is the brand of topcoat i'm using, which ones do you recommend?

it's the brand try sally hansen quick dry when i do my nails i don't even finish my whole hand and my fingers are dry

how can i take false nails off without acetone?

DJ cassius

i basically have painted on nails i got for xmas which are just lovely and one of a kind. So i put them on today, and now i want to take them off. I tried using acetone, but it damaged the nail art and chipped the paint off which has just made me annoyed and upset, is there any easier way to take these nails off with acetone?

This site has lots of useful info for your question.

Quick answer is acetone is fast but harsh. Gentle remover is probably slow and less effective.

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are there any mother/daughter spa day packages within 60 miles of 16933, PA?

nail art york pa
 on Nail Tools - Professional Nail Files, Black 100/180 - Popular
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I really want to do something special for my mom this mother's day. I would love to take her to a mother daughter spa treatment. I need to find someone close to 16933 PA. New York is alright too, about an hour away is best. Thanks!


2641 Pittston Ave
Scranton, PA 18505


400 N Main St
Moscow, PA 18444
7.4MI from Scranton
State of the art facility featuring full service tanning, hair, nail & skin care services. Offering hair extensions, makeup, tanning and more. Our highly trained staff will customize a look to compliment your lifestyle and attitude.

211 Lackawanna Ave Apt 163
Olyphant, PA 18447
4.7MI from Scranton

T L C NAIL STUDIO & DAY SPA 570-586-0586

203 Greenwood Ave
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
5.4MI from Scranton


115 N State St
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
5.4MI from Scranton


1073 Highway 315 Blvd
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
15.6MI from Scranton

MERLE NORMAN & DAY SPA 570-824-9062

Pine Mall
Wilkes Barre, PA 18701
16.7MI from Scranton

UTOPIA SALON & DAY SPA 570-226-9001

Hc 6
Hawley, PA 18428
23.2MI from Scranton


Po Box 2 2
Pocono Summit, PA 18346
25.2MI from Scranton


905 State Route 590 Salem
Nanticoke, PA 18634
25.2MI from Scranton

HELP ME PLZ ! I am getting ready for college and I am not sure what to do!?


Ok soo I am a junior in high school and I am getting ready to start applying for colleges. but i am very artistic i design birthday cakes , I do nails and I design clothes.. I want to be a busniess owner but I am not sure wether i should go into the culinary business or the fashion designing world i and very good at both so I need you guys to help me...What suggestions do u have? Is there a way I can do both at the same time with out going to college for more than 4 years? Or should I just go to college for business?

There may not be possibilities of doing studies in fashion design and becoming a chef at the same time. One can study in each of those areas consecutively without going to college, however. But attempting to do that is not advised.

A better plan would be to choose one, stick to it and become a good chef or a good designer. Difficult as it might seem impossible for you to think that way for now, and you may have to wait until you graduate from high school. The two professions you are considering each have schools that are independent, and you don't have to have a four-year college education to get either. So here they are:

To be a chef, the available schools are:

Le Cordon Bleu is widely recognized as one of the world�s oldest and largest institutes of learning for hospitality management and the culinary arts. There are Le Cordon Bleu Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts. Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, and Washington state.

To be a fashion designer, the available schools are:

Parsons: The New School for Design
72 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10011
(212) 229-8989

Fashion Institute of Technology
Seventh Ave. at 27th St.
New York, NY 10001
(212) 217-7999

Rhode Island School of Design
2 College St.
Providence, RI 02903
(401) 454-6100

Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design
33rd and Market St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 895-1834

Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising
919 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 624-1201

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
37 S. Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 629-6100

Savannah College of Art and Design
42 Bull St.
Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 525-5000

Moore College of Art & Design
20th St. and the Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 965-4000

University of the Arts of London
65 Davies St.
London W1K 5DA
United Kingdom
011 (+44) 0207 514 6000

Ecole de la Chambre Syndicate
45 Rue Saint-Roche
75001 Paris, France
011 (+33) 01 42 61 00 77

Good luck.

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Is it safe to draw on my pregnant belly for Halloween?

nail polish non toxic
 on Acquarella Non-Toxic Nail Polish Date Night | Spirit Beauty Lounge
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Ashley A

I am in my 7th month of pregnancy, and I want to draw/paint on my belly. I'm not sure what I should do- Should I use non-toxic markers, nail polish, or body paint? What kinds are safe and which are harmful to my baby, if any?
(Please give resources and not just opinion.) Thanks in advance :)

Washable markers that are non-toxic never hurt anybody. And my 4 year old and 2 year old are proof of that. As well as myself (and I'm 8 months pregnant).

Is there any nail polish that is safe for cats to be around with?


I am not putting nail polish on the cat. If I put nail polish on a fake hand will the cat be safe around it and I am worry if it gnaw on the nails so please answer!
I also want to buy the nail polish at a store.

I wouldn't trust any kind of nail polish around a cat.
There is at least one that is sold as non-toxic but if you think there is a chance the cat would gnaw at it I'd hide the fake hand - put a glove on it.
Non-toxic nail polish brand: Priti.

Update: Try looking for it in a store like Whole Foods Market in the health and beauty section. They may have that brand or another non-toxic nail polish.

Update 2: Here is a list of stores that sell Priti:

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What can I use to clean Crayon mark on black-finish table?

nail polish 2 year old
 on DIY Glitter Nail Polish - Nail Art Designs Gallery - Zimbio
nail polish 2 year old image


My 2 years old drew all over my coffee table with his grey crayons, I have tried many things such as nail polish remover to clean it but the marks haven't still come off.. what can I use to clean it without damage the color of the table?

Thanks a million!

Crayons are made of mostly wax. If any cleaning products don't work, you can blow dry it with a hair dryer. It should melt the wax, and you can easily just swipe it up with dry paper towel while its wet. Instant fix =D

How to stop 2 year old from chewing finger nails?


My neice is 2 years old and she keeps chewing her finger nails down too hardly anything then she cries they hurt. Does anyone have any good ideas on how to get her to stop?

they also sell a pepper nail polish, it's clear polish with an awful pepper taste. My mom would put this on my nails when I was younger.

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How to make nails last slightly longer?

nail polish vs gel
 on An example of nail condition after gel and nail condition after ...
nail polish vs gel image


So, I'vs jumped on this nail polish trend.... I will sit at home for an hour decorating my nails all pretty but unfortunately.... I work at a job where I use my hands a LOT... We're talking washing stuff with bleach water, frequently using a keyboard, other cleaning, etc... So of course, after a 10 hour day at work, my nails look like complete crap... I know I'm never going to have nails that last a week... But it would be nice for them to at least last a day or two...

(And we're not allowed acrylic nails.)

(I do use a base and top coat, both by Sally Hansen and a wide variety of polish brands including some of the spendier ones like Zoya, etc.)

When you're cleaning use gloves if you aren't already and paint on a topcoat every day. When you use the keyboard be sure that you are using the pads of your fingers and not your nails. Same goes with texting if/when you text. I don't know if you would be allowed to use these or not but you could try gel nails or gel nail polish. They last much longer than your basic nail polish but are more costly. They're worth it though if you really want your nails last longer.

Hope I helped!

What is the difference between gel and acrylic nails?


Acrylic nails are applied using a monomer (the 'liquid'), and a polymer (the 'powder'). The two ingredients are combined and the resulting bead of soft acrylic is placed into your nails and shaped into an artificial nail enhancement. Acrylic hardens by exposure to room temperature air in about 2 minutes for most brands. Acrylic is the most common form of nail enhancement offered in salons. If the tech uses cheap acrylic products, then the result is usually shoddy looking nails that yellow very easily, and look very fake. This usually happens in the cheaper salons, though I have seen it in higher end salons as well. It's always best yo use top of the line nail products when doing either acrylic, or gel nails on someone. The end result is usually so much better looking, and longer lasting than with cheap products.
UV gel nails are made from chemicals which are part of the acrylic family, but are different in a few ways. The most noticable difference is that the nail gels themselves are in fact not powder - as many people believe it is, but instead it is? You guessed it, UV nail gels are a gel! They look exactly as the name implies, like a 'gel.' Here is a pic of what top of the line UV gels look like. Notice they are NOT a powder!
The gels are applied to your nails in several thinly applied layers, and each and every layer MUST be cured under a UV lamp for about 2 minutes each. This is quite different from the way acrylic nails harden - by exposure to air. Gel doesn't cure by exposing it to air. It uses the UV light emitted from the UV lamp to start the process of polymerization, and cure into the finished product. This takes place in 2 minutes - normally. Some brands need to cure for 3 minutes.
To sum it up, UV gel nails are non-yellowing, non-toxic, and quite durable as well. They are also much more realistic looking than acrylic nails are, and you can go a bit longer between fills. But beware if you choose to get this type of nail. First, many discount salons (avoid these places at all costs!) will apply acrylic nails, then apply a thin layer of gel over the top and call them gel nails. Well, they are not gel nails, but rather they are acrylic nails. And you will get charged the higher gel nail price. That is a scam that happens all the time to unsuspecting girls/women. Then, these people will leave thinking they have gel nails. This is why there are so many misconceptions about real gel nails vs. fake. I've seen it before - ask the question on here "How do I remove GEL nails." and everyone will tell you to soak them in polish remover, or acetone. If you got scammed and got acrylic nails instead of gels, then yes, they will soak off easily. And this is what happened to many people, so they think this is how they are removed. BUT, this is far from the truth. UV Gel nails are NOT soaked off. They cannot be due to their being non-porous. Thus, they are not affected by acetone or any other solvents. UV gel nails must be filed off. There is no other way to remove them. Anyone who tells you they had their 'gel' nails soaked off had acrylic nails, and not gel. Don't let that happen to you.
OK, enough gabbing on my part, LOL! I gave you a lot more info than you asked for - sorry...
I hope this helps to answer your question!!!

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How do you get red finger nail polish out of carpet?

nail polish out of carpet
 on Red hair, red dresses and red nails. With hundreds of reds to choose ...
nail polish out of carpet image

Help!! My Daughter spilled finger nail polish on her carpet. I need to get this out I am selling my house and would rather not replace the carpet.

Remove as much as possible using a dull knife or spoon. apply non-oily nail polish remover to a clean white cloth and gently rub ( one direction at a time) or blot at the spot. Do not allow nail polish remove to get to the latex backing.

To remove the nail polish remover: Apply a small amount of detergent solution ( 1/4 teaspoon of Dawn or Joy hand washing dish soap to 1 qt. water). Blot with a white paper towel to work the detergent into the affected area. Next, spray lightly with water, but instead of blotting, apply a pad of paper towels, weight them down with a book or brick until dry then brush the pile up.
If stain remains, moisten tufts of carpet with 3% hydrogen peroxide and let stand for 1 hour. blot and repat until carpet is stain free. Because light will change peroxide to water, there is no reason to rinse. Apply a pad of paper towels and weigh them down until dry. Then brush up the pile of the carpet.

How do i get rid of a nail polish stain on my carpet?

saba m

i droped red nail polish on my carpet and i dont no how to get it out!..Please help!

Nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol.

Tip #1: Any non-acetone finger nail polish remover will take that off and not hurt the carpet. Take a paper towel soak it down a little and wipe it off. Try to keep the area contained that you rub, at first it will look like you are smearing it around, just keep changing paper towels with a new one until stain is gone. You need to change your cloth several times so you're not sliding polish over a bigger area. When done a liquid dish soap will get the smell out of the carpet.

Tip #2: I use the polish remover and blot, then GooGone works to remove the remaining stain.

Tip #3: When I spilt fuschia nail polish on my carpet I saturated it with non-acetone nail polish remover and scrubbed it with a white cloth. After the color stopped coming out on cloth (and it was still slightly pink on the carpet) I made a mixture of liguid dish soap, hot water and bleach and continued scrubbing until the nail polish came out (for white carpets only). If that doesn't work for you try using a fabric marker from a craft store and color over the stain.

Tip #4: I spilled dark purple nail polish on my light grey carpet. When I tried nail polish remover it didn't do a thing. Then a friend told me to try window cleaner and it worked great. I can't even tell it happened.

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Do you want to take a short survey?

nail art 91
 on Trend to Try: Accent Nails | Lacquerous
nail art 91 image
Q. 1. Doritos or Cheetos
2.Coke or Dr. Pepper
3.oreo's or chips ahoy
4.dogs or cats
5. signing, art, dancing, guitar, piano, drums
6.Twilight or Harry Potter
7. Bella or Edward from Twilight
8. where do you live
9.mp3/mp4 or ipod
10.metal or plastic silverware
11. Edward from Twilight hot or not
12. Choir or Band
13. 60/70/80s music or other.
14. News or sports
15. Obama or McCain
16. Big brother or Sister, your choice
17. your dream job
18. your favorite movie
19. something your addicted to
20. your favorite tv show
21. strawberries or blueberries
22. pepperoni pizza or supreme pizza
23. supreme pizza or cheese pizza
24. how tall are you
25. have you ever smoked
26. how much do you weigh
27 do you know the difference between an ape and monkey
28. how long does it take for you to take a shower
29. turtles or snakes
30. snakes or salamanders
31. carrots or celery
32. what kind of haircut do you have
33. what's your hobby
34. what grades do you get
35. batman or superman
36. who's your favorite teacher
37. soda or juice
38. have you seen the new hannah montana movie
39. do you like beans
40. are you good at math
41. winter or summer
42. do you listen to rap
43. where were you born
44. do you like bacon
45. what time do you sleep
46. can you type fast
47. do you like to sing
48. peaches or banana
49. do you like swimming
50. are you happy
51. have you ever been to japan
52. how many brothers do you have
53. how many sisters do you have
54. cheetos or potato chips
55. prunes or raisins
56. what's your favorite band
57. do you like homework
58. can you fly
59. what's your favorite car
60. blonde or brunette
61. favorite cartoon
62. are your parents divorced
63. tennis or bicycling
64. do you like strawberry smoothie
65. piano or violin
66. who's your favorite actor
67. have you met anyone famous
68. what time is it where you live
69. boxers or briefs
70. apple juice or orange juice
71. favorite tv show
72. favorite bird
73. did you have eggs for breakfast
74. how many brothers do you have
75. when was the last time you ate a banana
76. when was the last time you clipped your toe nails
77. do you like mashed potatoes
78. what time do you sleep
79. skinny or fat? which one are you more of
80. how fast can you type
81. can you type faster than your uncles
82. do you like spongebob squarepants
83. cake or pie
84. biking or skateboarding
85. do you like salad
86. when was the last time you saw snow
87. what's your favorite cereal
88. salty or sweet
89. what was the highest mountain you climbed
90. how many pairs of shoes do you have
91. do you like pineapple
92. whoâs your favorite villain
93. do you like basketball
94. what comic books have you bought
95. where are you right now
96. have you ever gone scuba diving
97. lemonade or apple cider
98. do you like beer
99. have you ever gone hunting
100. do you like to sing
101. snowboarding or skiing
102. what's your favorite snack
103. hamburger or pizza
104. do you like ice cream
105. have you ever rode a horse
106. do you like classical music
107. what's your favorite color
108. how long is your hair
109. is your room messy
110. favorite tv show
111. is your handwriting messy or neat
112. do you like cartoons
113. have you ever seen a panda in real life
114. do you wash the dishes
115. what elementar school did you go to
116. what's your favorite card game
117. are you tired
118. how high can you jump
119. muffin or cupcake
120. do you like dinosaurs
121. do you think aliens exist
123. are you good at math
124. have you ever gone on a diet
125. can you jump high
126. mango or guava
127. do you play guitar
128. what's your favorite holiday
129. what's your favorite disney movie
130. who's your favorite disney character
131. do you like reading
132. what's your favorite dessert
133. have you been to jamaica
134. have you ever played golf
135. do you like polar bears
136. what is your favorite song
137. do you work
138. can you rollerblade
139. have you seen the ghostbusters movie
140. do you like roller coasters
141. are you scared of spiders
142. chicken or beef
143. tomato or carrot
144. what's your birthstone
145. how much can you bench
146. jonas brothers or miley cyrus
147. do you know how to play poker
148. what was the last movie you saw in theaters
149. what's your favorite pizza topping
150. can you drive
151. do you like eating marshmallows
152. have you ever skydived
153. what do you like to drink
154. what's your shoe size
155. do you like hanson
156. who's the best teletubby
157. do you have allergies
158. what's the weirdest thing you've eaten
159. what origami can you do
160. do you like shopping
161. are you good at dancing
162. shower or bath
163. do you play video games
164. have you seen garbage pail kids
165. what's your favorite children's story
166. do you think pandas are cute
167. who

hahaa~ i'll do this when im bored lol~~ EDITTT

1. Doritos or Cheetos - Doritos
2.Coke or Dr. Pepper - Coke
3.oreo's or chips ahoy - Oreo's
4.dogs or cats - Both
5. signing, art, dancing, guitar, piano, drums - Guitar & Drums
6.Twilight or Harry Potter - BOTH XD
7. Bella or Edward from Twilight - NEITHER~ i like Jasper & Emmett XD
8. where do you live - Northern Territory XD
9.mp3/mp4 or ipod - iPod
10.metal or plastic silverware - Stainless Steal CUTLERY
11. Edward from Twilight hot or not - hot.. NOT
12. Choir or Band - BAND
13. 60/70/80s music or other. - 80's and new
14. News or sports - Sports
15. Obama or McCain - I'm in Aus mate
16. Big brother or Sister, your choice - Big Bro
17. your dream job - Overseas English Teacher XD
18. your favorite movie - Drop Dead Fred :D
19. something your addicted to - Inernet
20. your favorite tv show - Scrubs
21. strawberries or blueberries - Strawberries
22. pepperoni pizza or supreme pizza - Pepperoni
23. supreme pizza or cheese pizza - Cheesee
24. how tall are you - 170cm
25. have you ever smoked - only once
26. how much do you weigh - a lady never tells lol
27 do you know the difference between an ape and monkey - M and A?
28. how long does it take for you to take a shower - 10~15 mins
29. turtles or snakes - Snakes
30. snakes or salamanders - Snakes
31. carrots or celery - Celery
32. what kind of haircut do you have - Razor chin length
33. what's your hobby - penpals XD
34. what grades do you get - B's
35. batman or superman - Batman
36. who's your favorite teacher - Mr Tootle (true name lol)
37. soda or juice - juice
38. have you seen the new hannah montana movie - eww.. gross.. why did you ask this =/
39. do you like beans - nooo
40. are you good at math - yeesss
41. winter or summer - summer
42. do you listen to rap - nope, rock for me pls
43. where were you born - southAUS
44. do you like bacon - XD
45. what time do you sleep - 11pm~2am
46. can you type fast - yep!
47. do you like to sing - a lot
48. peaches or banana - banananananaa
49. do you like swimming - 9 years comp lol, of course XD
50. are you happy - always!
51. have you ever been to japan - doing a side trip there during my Seoul holiday :D
52. how many brothers do you have - just one
53. how many sisters do you have - only one of those too lol
54. cheetos or potato chips - chippies
55. prunes or raisins - SULTANA'S
56. what's your favorite band - RHCP, RATM or MCR
57. do you like homework - >.<
58. can you fly - of course i can, who can't
59. what's your favorite car - Nissan Skyline / Subaru WRXSti
60. blonde or brunette - blondie
61. favorite cartoon - Invader Zim
62. are your parents divorced - noope
63. tennis or bicycling - Bike :D
64. do you like strawberry smoothie - YES
65. piano or violin - Piano
66. who's your favorite actor - Jonny Depp ^-^
67. have you met anyone famous - do AFL footy player count? i know quite a few hahaha
68. what time is it where you live - 6.54pm
69. boxers or briefs - boxers for whom :d
70. apple juice or orange juice - orange !!!
71. favorite tv show - .... Scrubs :D
72. favorite bird - Budgies
73. did you have eggs for breakfast - noope
74. how many brothers do you have - you asked that before o.O
75. when was the last time you ate a banana - i don't know
76. when was the last time you clipped your toe nails - yesterday lol
77. do you like mashed potatoes - YES! with pumpkin XD
78. what time do you sleep - asked B4
79. skinny or fat? which one are you more of - o.O flat tummy lol
80. how fast can you type - pretty gooodd
81. can you type faster than your uncles - they're old
82. do you like spongebob squarepants - keke~~~ oohhh! who lives in a pineapple under the sea~!!???
83. cake or pie - cake
84. biking or skateboarding - skateboarding
85. do you like salad - nom nom
86. when was the last time you saw snow - about 7yrs ago TT.TT
87. what's your favorite cereal - coco pops :D
88. salty or sweet - salty
89. what was the highest mountain you climbed - none lol
90. how many pairs of shoes do you have - about 5
91. do you like pineapple - YESS
92. whoâs your favorite villain - Dr. Evil
93. do you like basketball - NO WAI
94. what comic books have you bought - none lol
95. where are you right now - home :D
96. have you ever gone scuba diving - i wish
97. lemonade or apple cider - lemonade
98. do you like beer - do i ever!!!!
99. have you ever gone hunting - Roo Shooting :d
100. do you like to sing - i suure do!
101. snowboarding or skiing - snowboarding
102. what's your favorite snack - Watermelon
103. hamburger or pizza - pizzaaa
104. do you like ice cream - YES~!!! mint/choc
105. have you ever rode a horse - yep i hav
106. do you like classical music - depends
107. what's your favorite color - blue/green
108. how long is your hair - chinnyy
109. is your room messy - =_= i don't wanna talk about that... lol
110. favorite tv show - ....scrubs...
111. is your handwriting messy or neat - depends lol
112. do you like cartoons - yeah~
113. have you ever seen a panda in real life - noope
114. do you wash the dishes - of course
115. what elementar school did you go to - rural public one lol
116. what's your favorite card game - UNO or Poker
117. are you tired - nahh
118. how high can you jump - i used to play volleyball for 6yrs... and your asking if i can jump... LOL
119. muffin or cupcake - muffinn
120. do you like dinosaurs - no, they suck, just like the crocodiles
121. do you think aliens exist - NOPE
123. are you good at math - yeah~ i would hope so
124. have you ever gone on a diet - chaa
125. can you jump high - see 118
126. mango or guava - GUAVA
127. do you play guitar - i wish >.<
128. what's your favorite holiday - The one that is coming up.. my South Korea trip XD
129. what's your favorite disney movie - Alladin
130. who's your favorite disney character - Aladin, Genie or Dopey
131. do you like reading - YESSS
132. what's your favorite dessert - Nut Sundae
133. have you been to jamaica - no~
134. have you ever played golf - yea haa
135. do you like polar bears - XD
136. what is your favorite song - a lot of songs~
137. do you work - yes.. full time T.T
138. can you rollerblade - I LOVE IT
139. have you seen the ghostbusters movie - ahem.. who hasn't?
140. do you like roller coasters - YES!
141. are you scared of spiders - TT.TT
142. chicken or beef - chicken!
143. tomato or carrot - carrot
144. what's your birthstone - OPAL
145. how much can you bench - huh?
146. jonas brothers or miley cyrus - oh dear god... what an insulting question.
147. do you know how to play poker - yeas
148. what was the last movie you saw in theaters - the forbidden kingdom... i haven't been for a while lol
149. what's your favorite pizza topping - BBQ Chicken!
150. can you drive - for 4 yrs.. yes XD
151. do you like eating marshmallows - on camp fire :D
152. have you ever skydived - almost did o.O
153. what do you like to drink - Bourbon....
154. what's your shoe size - AU10 for womeennn
155. do you like hanson - that old band?
156. who's the best teletubby - Lala!! LOL
157. do you have allergies - Lily Pilly's lol
158. what's the weirdest thing you've eaten - Lily Pilly's, or crocodile
159. what origami can you do - crane, box, triangle, penguin, paper plane haha
160. do you like shopping - yeahh
161. are you good at dancing - i hope so lol
162. shower or bath - shower
163. do you play video games - i LOVE them XDD
164. have you seen garbage pail kids - seen what~? :s
165. what's your favorite children's story - most of 'em
166. do you think pandas are cute - YES~
167. who am I?

If you click you would have accepted the challenge and can never go back, are you willing?


AHA. I have caught you. Now you can not go back, otherwise you are the WORLDS biggest wimp.

It is time... for... the 100 question SURVEY O.o...

1) Name?
2) Middle name?
3) Location? (only the country)
4) Age?
5) Birthday date?
6) Boyfriend/girlfriend?
7) Crush?
8) Favourite subject?
9) Least favourite subject?
10) Subject you're best at?
11) Subject you're worst at?
12) Favourite film?
13) Least favourite film?
14) Favourite programme?
15) Least favourite programme?
16) Favourite song?
17) Least favourite song?
18) Favourite artist?
19) Least favourite artist?
20) Trapped on a deserted island or Trapped in Antarctica?
21) What are you most scared of?
22) What song is stuck in your head?
23) Favourite colour?
24) Do you have any pets?
25) Favourite ever animal?
26) Latest fail/fml moment?
27) Favourite joke?
28) Favourite food?
29) Favourite drink?
30) Random fact about you?
31) Do you have any siblings?
32) What are your siblings called?
33) Are you sarcastic?
34) Are you good at giving advice?
35) Describe yourself in one word?
36) Names of your closet friends?
37) Science or Tech?
38) Running or Swimming?
39) Are you sociable?
40) Are you a flirt?
41) What are your plans for Valentines Day?
42) Do you have a Valentine?
43) Favourite love song?
44) Favourite season of the year?
45) Favourite type or weather?
46) Favourite holiday?
47) 4th July or Easter?
48) Christmas or Thanksgiving?
49) Yahoo Answers or YouTube?
50) Facebook or Twitter?
51) What other websites do you currently have open?
52) What time is it where you are from?
53) Have you got this week off school (half term? I do lol)?
54) Are you a good singer?
55) P.E. (gym class) or Art?
56) German or French?
57) Favourite quote?
58) Do you like taking pictures?
59) Have you ever seen anybody live e.g. comedian or singer
60) Harry Potter (ftw) or Twilight?
61) Religious?
62) Do you enjoy singing?
63) Do you have a phone?
64) Do you have a lot of friends?
65) Are you popular/nerdy/average/weird/emo/goth/other?
66) Do you have Twitter?
67) Do you have Facebook?
68) Who do you look at for inspiration?
69) Favourite actress
70) Favourite actor?
71) Are you bored of this quiz? Well don't give up yet...
72) Favourite clothing item?
73) Favourite brand?
74) Favourite shop?
75) Are your nails painted?
76) What's the colour or your underwear :3?
77) What colour is the top you are wearing?
78) What colour are you eyes?
79) What colour is your hair?
80) Justin Bieber (I hate him) or One Direction <3?
81) Gore film or Horror film?
82) Horror film or Romantic film?
83) What does your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend look like?
84) What is your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend's personality like?
85) What is your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend called?
86) What would you name your children?
87) Favourite names?
88) If you could have any name what would it be?
89) Know the cause or date of your death?
90) Bleed to death or painful death with no blood?
91) Maths or English?
92) Rugby or Tennis?
93) Basketball or Cricket?
94) Baseball or Soccer?
95) Favourite sport?
96) Do you like school?
97) Favourite music video?
98) Lost your virginity yet?
99) How old were you when you had your first kiss?
100) Did you enjoy the survey?

WOW I DID IT... Now it is your turn... if you complete it you get Best Answer, 5* and thumbs up :)

1) Name? Chloe.
2) Middle name? Louise.
3) Location? (only the country) England.
4) Age? 13.
5) Birthday date? 26/6/98.
6) Boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope.
7) Crush? Nope.
8) Favourite subject? Art.
9) Least favourite subject? PE.
10) Subject you're best at? Art,
11) Subject you're worst at? Swimming.
12) Favourite film? Angus, thongs&perfect snogging. Paranormal Activity.
13) Least favourite film? Something babish or romantic.
14) Favourite programme? Hollyoaks.
15) Least favourite programme? Something boring.
16) Favourite song? At the moment Mr. Know It All - Kelly Clarkson.
17) Least favourite song? Something boring.
18) Favourite artist? Depends what mood im in.
19) Least favourite artist? Depends what mood im in.
20) Trapped on a deserted island or Trapped in Antarctica? Deserted Island, that would be so cool!
21) What are you most scared of? Dying.
22) What song is stuck in your head? Sistser Act - I love him.
23) Favourite colour? Blue.
24) Do you have any pets? No.
25) Favourite ever animal? White Tiger.
26) Latest fail/fml moment? Yesterday night.
27) Favourite joke? Don't know.
28) Favourite food? Thai.
29) Favourite drink? Orangeade.
30) Random fact about you? I have yellow nail varnish on.
31) Do you have any siblings? Yes.
32) What are your siblings called? L&G.
33) Are you sarcastic? Yep.
34) Are you good at giving advice? YES! I am told to be one of the best!
35) Describe yourself in one word? Fat.
36) Names of your closet friends? Cerys, Phoebe, Keeley, Mia, Sophie, Sadiya.
37) Science or Tech? Tech.
38) Running or Swimming? Running even though i HATE both!
39) Are you sociable? Yes.
40) Are you a flirt? Sometimes;).
41) What are your plans for Valentines Day? Doing nothing!:/
42) Do you have a Valentine? Nope.
43) Favourite love song? Don't know.
44) Favourite season of the year? Summer/Winter.
45) Favourite type or weather? Snow.
46) Favourite holiday? Turkey.
47) 4th July or Easter? Easter, chocolate, mmm.
48) Christmas or Thanksgiving? Christmas.
49) Yahoo Answers or YouTube? Yahoo.
50) Facebook or Twitter? Facebook.
51) What other websites do you currently have open? None.
52) What time is it where you are from? 14:30
53) Have you got this week off school (half term? I do lol)? Yes.
54) Are you a good singer? People tell me i am.
55) P.E. (gym class) or Art? ART.
56) German or French? French.
57) Favourite quote? 'Trust is like a piece of paper, once its crumpled, it can't be perfect again.'
58) Do you like taking pictures? Yes.
59) Have you ever seen anybody live e.g. comedian or singer? Yes i saw the Britains Got Talent Tour.
60) Harry Potter (ftw) or Twilight? Harry Potter.
61) Religious? No, but i believe in prayers/god.
62) Do you enjoy singing? Yes.
63) Do you have a phone? Yes, iPhone 4 32gb Black.
64) Do you have a lot of friends? About 15.
65) Are you popular/nerdy/average/weird/emo/goth/othâ¦Average.
66) Do you have Twitter? Nope.
67) Do you have Facebook? Yes.
68) Who do you look at for inspiration? Quotes.
69) Favourite actress? Lindsay Lohan, she was so pretty before drugs:(.
70) Favourite actor? Not sure.
71) Are you bored of this quiz? Well don't give up yet... Yes, im not giving up don't worry.
72) Favourite clothing item? Hollister Hoodie - £100
73) Favourite brand? Hollister, New Look, River Island.
74) Favourite shop? Same as favourite brand.
75) Are your nails painted? Toes yes.
76) What's the colour or your underwear :3? Black&White.
77) What colour is the top you are wearing? Black.
78) What colour are you eyes? Brown.
79) What colour is your hair? Brown.
80) Justin Bieber (I hate him) or One Direction <3? One direction.
81) Gore film or Horror film? Horror.
82) Horror film or Romantic film? Horror.
83) What does your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend look like? Well i don't have one but if i had to choose - Blonde/Brown Hair, Blue/Green eyes, maintained body.
84) What is your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend's personality like? Well i don't have one but if i had to choose - Funny, Bubbly, Flirty, Friendly, Puts you first before other girls, Makes time for his friends.
85) What is your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend called? Don't have one.
86) What would you name your children? Oscar, Hannah.
87) Favourite names? Oscar, Hannah.
88) If you could have any name what would it be? Grace.
89) Know the cause or date of your death? Nope.
90) Bleed to death or painful death with no blood? Bleed.
91) Maths or English? English.
92) Rugby or Tennis? Tennis.
93) Basketball or Cricket? Basketball.
94) Baseball or Soccer? Baseball.
95) Favourite sport? Dance.
96) Do you like school? Sometimes.
97) Favourite music video? Not sure.
98) Lost your virginity yet? NO WAY.
99) How old were you when you had your first kiss? Haven't yet.
100) Did you enjoy the survey? Yes, it was great!:D

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

What would u take along if u were stuck on a island for god knows how long?

nail polish 7
 on Nail Art Tutorial - Formal Prom Flower Nails to match your dress ...
nail polish 7 image


3 things u would take and why??
1)can opener
2) books
3) textbooks
4)nylon stockings
5) beach towel
6) nail polish
7)bottle of whiskey
8) tennis racket
9) golf club
10) cotton balls
11) computer
12) plastic wrap
Nomad i could also ask myself why Josh Hutcherson isnt up there

Cotton balls plastic wrap and bottle of whiskey
I would bring the cotton balls to clean wounds and for other medical purposes. I would bring the plastic wrap to keep food together and preserver it for as long as possible. I would bring the whiskey because it can clean wounds out because its made of alcohol and when the whiskey is gone u could use the bottle to hold clean water

What are the white lines on my fingernails?


Someone told me they were calcium deposits or something but what does that mean?
And i have to wear nail polish 24/7 because they're so ugly does anyone know how to make them go away?

Who ever told you that was right.
Just get some calcium in you, like cheese, milk...etc.
Mine cleared up and i just started drinking milk, i hate milk but i hate the white spots more lol

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