Saturday, November 16, 2013

What are the best brands and colors of nail polish to use for water marbling?

nail polish at walmart
 on nail polish display rack, nail polish display rack Manufacturers in ...
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I've tried water marbling a few times and have never been successful. The nail polishes I've tried are Sally Hanson Xtreme Wear, N.Y.C, and a few different Avon Colors. I use Sally Hanson Diamond Strength Base Coat, and Revlon No-Chip Top Coat. Every time I go to design the pattern in the water, the polish sticks to the Tooth Pick, and then I have to start, and I'm wasting SO MUCH nail polish! Any tips? Thanks!

Oooh I've done this. In fact, I am about to do some marble art now for college tomorrow lol. I'm really not usually into nail art and can never normally do stuff like this successfully, but for some reason, marble art has come easy to me. . . I'm braggin, I know, but this is a huge achievement for me =P

Believe it or not but I use really cheap nail varnish and it works. I use George (Asda's brand or Walmart if you're in America) nail polish and it works a treat. I also use Rimmel.

Your problem may not actually be with your nail polish though. It may be that your taking too long to do the swirls. When I do it, the polish usually hardens almost straight away. The trick is to be quick and not let it set. And when you swirl it, don;t start right from the outer colour. Kinda start in the middle out. If that makes sense. Also, I use a straightened hair grip to swirl mine.

Hope this helps and all the best!

How do I take nail polish off my toe nails?

------- ni

I used the nail polish remover and it's not working. I think I've had this nail polish on for more than a couple weeks now and srsly, it's not coming off. Someone help me with this!

Go out and buy some acetone remover. It works great and it will be off in seconds!!

You can find it at Walgreen's, CVS, Walmart

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How to clean a nail art brush?

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 on nail art gallery9 Artistic Designs With Gel Nail Kits
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I bought a nail art brush and I used it but now it is all hard and un flexible. How can i fix that or what are ways to prevent that?

Soak the brush in nail polish remover. (A bottle cap makes a good cup for this, if you can get the brush tip to say in the cap without the brush falling out.)

Make sure you use remover that DOES contain acetone. Soak the brush for at least a hour. Then clean with paper towels.

How do I prevent nail art from smudging?


When I do patterned nail art using multiple colours, I always find that the colours run when I put a top coat on. For example, when doing a white base with red dots, the top coat causes streaks of red lines across the white, even when I leave them to dry overnight.

Is there any way to prevent this from happening?


You can try soaking your nails in an ice bath to set the polish or putting them under a nail dryer. If this doesn't work, you could consider trying a new top coat or speed dry nailpolishes.

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Is it true that most nail polish and nail polish removers are toxic or carcinogenic?

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If so, what are the alternatives for someone who uses nail polish on a daily basis? Thanks.

No, they're not. Most nail polishes (OPI, Rimmel, China Glaze, Essie, L'Oreal, NYC, Sally Hansen, etc) are free of the chemicals (toluene, formaldehyde, and dibutyl phthlate) that have been associated with cancer. However, even your nail polish contains those chemicals the chances of getting cancer from them is rare. You would have to literally huff your nail polish (if it has those chemicals I've listed) in a non ventilated room repeatedly to be at risk. As long as you're apply your nail polish in a well-ventilated room you should have no problems.

However, I like to play it safe so I opt for polishes free of the chemicals.

What can I use to remove nail polish besides nail polish remover?

Q. I've run out of nail polish remover and I need to remove some nail polish (thought I would have enough when I was removing the nail polish but I didn't), anyone know of an alternative? Thanks.

Nail polish. Seriously, aha.

Just put on nail polish like normal, but don't let it dry. Wipe it off as soon as you put it on. It'll come off, and the polish under it -the one you're trying to get off- will as well.


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Fake gel nails and non acetone nail polish remover?

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 on Nail art by Rebecca, on Shellac nails. Love her. | Yelp
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So I got my nails done for prom and I totally hate them.. I asked the guy to do a cute design with a glitter ombre and he said he'd try his best. He literally just dabbed the glitter on the ends of my nails and they looked terrible, so I had to ask him to paint them all glittery. He got really angry when I asked him, so I decided to not complain anymore and just deal with it. Well, they're WAY too dark for my prom dress and it just looks dumb. I was wondering if anyone has actually tried to repaint their fake gel nails? They're done with gel powder, not acrylic. I've seen people suggest that you can use non acetone nail polish remover, but has anyone tried it? I don't want to ruin the fake nails.. I just want to repaint them! And also, should I put a base coat on the nails before I paint them? And put a top coat on over the colored polish? Please and thanks!

Well for one thing, "He literally just dabbed the glitter on the ends of my nails and they looked terrible, so I had to ask him to paint them all glittery. He got really angry when I asked him, so I decided to not complain anymore and just deal with it." That's NOT GOOD Customer Service!

Call the manager! Get them redone- no charge. But call manager, so they can make it better, or do something about it. You went there for a reason, and left ANGRY. That's not right! If you used your Credit Card, you can dispute that, and get 100% refund. They'd want you to go back, HAPPY. First talk to the manager!

2nd, if you're still not satisfied, go to YELP and write a NEGATIVE review on the salon!

I don't do fake nails, gel harms the nerve, but I've done my own nails for 5 decades. On my last Black Tie Event, event, I started growing my nails and shaped them, and I was contemplating if I should get French mani or get them done myself, since I've done that for 5 decades. I was reading my fashion magazine, the day I have to leave for Texas, and stopped @ Rite-Aid and bought Revlon Nail Art Moon Candy in the cosmic blue color, it comes with glitter in green. Galactic 210. They come in 10 stellar shades.

EVERYONE who had salon mani paid a fortune on their nails, COMPLIMENTED ME for my @ home 3 dimension finished nails. I did it 1hr. before I went to work that day, and they looked like I spent a fortune on my nails! The price? $8.99
CONS: They peel easily, I have to keep re-coating, and they are hard to remove because they're dark.

How many words can you find in the word personality?


I've heard that you can find 1300 words in the word personality, please tell me some. Well, as you many as possible! Thanks!
as many as possible*

personality: 1997 words

2-letter words
ae, ai, al, an, ar, as, at, ay, el, en, er, es, et, in, is, it, la, li, lo, na, ne, no, oe, on, op, or, os, oy, pa, pe, pi, re, si, so, ta, ti, to, ya, ye

3-letter words
ail, ain, air, ais, ait, ale, alp, als, alt, ane, ani, ant, any, ape, apt, are, ars, art, asp, ate, aye, ays, ear, eat, els, ens, eon, era, ern, ers, eta, ins, ion, ire, its, lap, lar, las, lat, lay, lea, lei, let, ley, lie, lin, lip, lis, lit, lop, lot, lye, nae, nap, nay, net, nil, nip, nit, nor, nos, not, oar, oat, oes, oil, ole, one, ons, ope, ops, opt, ora, ore, ors, ort, ose, pal, pan, par, pas, pat, pay, pea, pen, per, pes, pet, pia, pie, pin, pis, pit, ply, poi, pol, pot, pro, pry, psi, pya, pye, ran, rap, ras, rat, ray, rei, rep, res, ret, ria, rin, rip, roe, rot, rya, rye, sae, sal, sap, sat, say, sea, sei, sel, sen, ser, set, sin, sip, sir, sit, sly, sol, son, sop, sot, soy, spa, spy, sri, sty, syn, tae, tan, tao, tap, tar, tas, tea, tel, ten, tie, til, tin, tip, tis, toe, ton, top, tor, toy, try, tye, yap, yar, yea, yen, yep, yes, yet, yin, yip, yon

4-letter words
aeon, aero, aery, ails, ains, airn, airs, airt, airy, aits, ales, alit, aloe, alps, also, alto, alts, anes, anil, anis, ante, anti, ants, aper, apes, apse, ares, aril, arts, arty, aryl, ates, atop, ayes, ayin, earl, earn, ears, east, easy, eats, elan, enol, eons, epos, eras, erns, eros, erst, espy, etas, etna, eyas, eyra, ilea, inly, inro, into, ions, iota, ires, iron, isle, lain, lair, lane, laps, lari, lars, lase, last, late, lati, lats, lays, lean, leap, lear, leas, leis, leno, lens, lent, lept, lest, lets, leys, liar, lien, lier, lies, line, lino, lins, lint, liny, lion, lips, lira, lire, lisp, list, lits, loan, loin, lone, lope, lops, lore, lorn, lory, lose, lost, lota, loti, lots, lyes, lyre, lyse, nail, naoi, naos, nape, naps, nary, nays, neap, near, neat, nest, nets, nils, nipa, nips, nits, noel, noes, noil, nope, nose, nosy, nota, note, oars, oast, oats, oils, oily, olea, oles, ones, only, opal, open, opes, opts, oral, ores, orle, orts, osar, oyer, oyes, pail, pain, pair, pale, pals, paly, pane, pans, pant, pare, pars, part, pase, past, pate, pats, paty, pays, peal, pean, pear, peas, peat, pein, pelt, pens, pent, peon, peri, pert, peso, pest, pets, pial, pian, pias, pier, pies, pile, pily, pina, pine, pins, pint, piny, pion, pirn, pita, pits, pity, plan, plat, play, plea, plie, plot, ploy, poet, pois, pole, pols, poly, pone, pons, pony, pore, porn, port, pose, post, posy, pots, prao, prat, pray, prey, proa, pros, pyas, pyes, pyin, pyre, rail, rain, rale, rani, rant, rape, raps, rapt, rase, rasp, rate, rato, rats, rays, real, reap, rein, reis, rely, rent, repo, reps, rest, rets, rial, rias, riel, rile, rins, riot, ripe, rips, rise, rite, roan, roes, roil, role, rope, ropy, rose, rosy, rota, rote, rotl, rots, ryas, ryes, ryot, sail, sain, sale, salp, salt, sane, sari, sate, sati, seal, sear, seat, sent, sept, sera, seta, sial, silo, silt, sine, sipe, sire, site, slap, slat, slay, slip, slit, sloe, slop, slot, snap, snip, snit, snot, snye, soap, soar, soil, sola, sole, soli, sone, sora, sore, sori, sorn, sort, soya, spae, span, spar, spat, spay, spin, spit, spot, spry, star, stay, step, stey, stir, stoa, stop, stye, syli, syne, tael, tail, tain, tale, tali, tans, taos, tape, taps, tare, tarn, taro, tarp, tars, teal, tear, teas, tela, tels, tens, tepa, tern, tier, ties, tile, tils, tine, tins, tiny, tips, tire, tirl, tiro, toea, toes, toil, tola, tole, tone, tons, tony, tope, topi, tops, tora, tore, tori, torn, tors, tory, toys, trap, tray, trey, trio, trip, trop, troy, tsar, tyes, tyne, type, typo, tyre, tyro, yaps, yare, yarn, yean, year, yeas, yelp, yens, yeti, yins, yipe, yips, yoni, yore

5-letter words
aeons, airns, airts, aisle, alert, alien, aline, alist, aloes, aloin, alone, alter, altos, anile, anils, anise, anole, antes, antis, antre, antsy, apers, apery, aport, apres, apron, apter, aptly, ariel, arils, arise, arles, arose, arpen, arson, artel, artsy, aryls, aspen, asper, aster, astir, atone, atony, atopy, atrip, ayins, earls, early, earns, elain, elans, elint, eloin, enols, enrol, entia, entry, eosin, estop, etnas, eyras, inapt, inept, inert, inlay, inlet, inset, inter, intro, iotas, irate, irone, irons, irony, islet, istle, lairs, laity, lanes, lapin, lapis, lapse, lares, laris, laser, laten, later, layer, leans, leant, leaps, leapt, learn, lears, leary, least, lenis, lenos, lento, lepta, liane, liars, liens, liers, liner, lines, liney, linos, lints, linty, lions, liras, lirot, litas, liter, litre, loans, loins, loner, loper, lopes, loran, lores, loris, loser, lotas, lyart, lyase, lyres, lysin, nails, napes, nares, naris, nasty, nates, neaps, nears, neats, neist, nerol, nerts, netop, nipas, niter, nitre, nitro, noels, noils, noily, noise, noisy, nopal, noria, nosey, notal, noter, notes, oaten, oater, oiler, olein, onery, onset, opals, opens, opera, opine, opsin, orals, orate, oriel, orles, ornis

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What are the essential makeup supplies a girl should have?

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harley gir

i don't use any makeup at all and i am thinking of getting some stuff to start with. what should I get? I also don't have a lot of nail polish. what colors should I get?

All you need are a good set of tools and some basics and practice. For tools, I suggest you get the Borghese set of brushes from Costco. They are around $20-$25 and have a great range of brushes small to large. The kit even comes with explanations on what each brush is for. It was also recommended in Makeup Artist magazine as a great beginner kit.

A beautiful makeup starts with a good face. A simple routine is:

1. Wash your face with anti-bacterial soap. It is so simple, and it's something my aesthetician friends and cosmetologists taught me.

2. Wash with Ponds Deep Cleanser and Make-up Remover. Very moisturizing and clean.

3. Use a nice toner like Clean and Clear Cooling Daily Pore Toner. Light scent, VERY mild.

4. Moisturizer: Neutrogena Healthy Defense Daily Moisturizer. Very light and clean, but also has a 45 SPF. 45 SPF never felt so comfortable before this.

All you really need to look good is some concealer for putting in key areas, not foundation all over the face. I like to use MAC concealers, they have a great texture and blend well. Go in and test them. Just remember not to squeeze out too much because a little bit goes a long way.

If you do want a foundation, a great store brand is Cover Girl's Advanced Radiance. It's a slim pump bottle. The display has something that makes it really simple to find the right shade. Take their little card and hold it to your skin; whichever color disappears against your skin is the shade for you. I found it ingenious because I'm a professional makeup artist and use all sorts of brands from MAC to less known industry standard makeup. Here, you don't have to have any skill and you can still find the perfect makeup shade without having to go to an expensive counter and hope the sales artist gets it right. And honestly, I've hired some of those girls, and their experience ranges from amateur to expert. I don't like to hope for good luck myself. The product is smooth and blends really perfect. It's light and I had no creasing. To get it perfect, grab a mirror and hold the card to your face. Yeah, I said to your skin, so wash your face after, but you'll get the color match exact!

For eyes, if you like a defined brow, use a brow brush (small and cut at an angle, and softly fill. You can always add more product. To do eyeshadow, start with a palette that has many colors so you can practice. Some simple ideas are earthtones or doing one shadow on the lid and then a highlight at the corner of the brow beneath the end of the eyebrow. There are more detailed ideas, but start easy. Experiment in your free time and take pictures so you can see or repeat what you did. A lot of people will also coordinate and take a color or several colors from their outfits. In the beginning, just start with 1 color.

For lashes, Cover Girl Volume Exact is clean and easy. Just do a tight, quick, swirl with the brush to keep the application clean and clump free.

Basically, it's like anything you want to learn to do well: talk to people who do it, like friends, here online, at makeup counters. Practice. Buy good tools and supplies. Everything good doesn't HAVE to be from the counter, but wonderful things ARE at the counter too.

There are wonderful and easy things to do with blushes, creams, lip glosses, liners, lipsticks, but these are also the best places to just start experimenting.

I've put the Makeup 411 site below, it has great breakdowns (explanations and supply lists) of what artists have used on their actors.

Also, I added links that are great starter resources. Makeup Alley is great because it's got lots of reviews on ALL SORTS of products. So far, I've been able to find reviews on EVERY product I typed in, and that's saying a lot for me.

Oh yeah, and whatever you do, when you go to counters, don't believe the hype, don't get intimidated. Makeup is an art and I've met all sorts of people. Everyone can do it. I know I sound like the chef character in Ratatouille, but I'm serious. I have met a lot of people of all types who never did it before, and once I started teaching them, they picked it up and ran with it. Mistakes and success, a sense of beauty, esteem, or creativity, it's all about learning and building and having fun. Experiment with anything you want, from subtle and barely there to cutting edge and pro.

Good luck and have fun,

what are the best beauty gurus on youtube?


I watch a lot, I mean A LOT. Of beauty gurus already, but I just wanted to know more out there or what you think is the best?

I love

Diamondsandheels14- she puts up a new video every single day and is VERY knowledgable about the products she uses. she gives honest opinions and does a multitude of videos like makeup, fashion, and skin care, as well as lifestyle.

Juicystar07- not my favorite but i do watch her videos. She mostly uses high end products which are far out of my budget though...also, she doesn't seem to be doing that many beauty videos as of late, but she has become very successful lately.

Macbarbie07- I just started watching her videos and she seems really sweet. she uses a multitude of products ranging from drugstore makeup to high end stuff. she really cares about her viewers which i like and gives honest opinions.

Cutepolish- the best nail guru on the web! she has the PRETTIEST nail art designs and makes them look soooo easy! she is truly talented

Meganheartsmakeup- she's a young guru but also seems really sweet. She has a long way to go but she is also just starting out. She also works in partnership with seventeen magazine.

Missglamorazzi- A very nice guru who is very honest on camera. She is comfortable in her own skin and is just an overall beautiful person.

Krazyrayray- She is a 14 year old girl and she looks really sweet. She uses mostly drugstore products but does have some high end. She obviously loves what she does and is doing GREAT for being so young.

For hair videos i follow-----

Cutegirlhairstyles- I LOVE THEM! its a mother who does her four daughters' hair in beautiful braids and twists! it's a whole family effort as the dad films, kids are the test dummies (if you will), and the mom is the braider. They are a lovely family and have adopted two kids.

Lilithedarkofthemoon- she is a stunning woman (from russia i believe...) and she also does beautiful braids that are more for older girls (teens and older)

hair4myprincess- a mother daughter duo! the mother does really intricate braids usually based from princesses or movies or shows but they are lovely styles that are perfect for young girls!

good luck!

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Simple arts and crafts ideas for kids?

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 on Lilac Nail Art Ideas with Flowers - Nail Art Ideas | Nail Art Ideas
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I teach an art class for children whose ages range from 2-10 and I am completely out of ideas! I have done so many things already. When ever I look online for ideas it is all stuff too complicated for the children to do. The materials I have are: tons of different colored construction paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, puff balls, tons of glitter, pipe cleaners, google eyes, plates in every color, foam stickers of shapes and animals, scissors, glue, tape, scissors that cut designs, and just basic paper. Please no idea involving beads/paint. Last time I tried those it was a huge mess and some kids even stuck the beads up their nose. -.-

I used to go to a summer art program when i was in 4-6th grade, I always loved it! I know it's a bit out of the age range you're looking at but we used to go on at least 1 field trip and learn about art (whether if it was an artists home and we go to tour it or if it was at a butterfly garden) then after we learned a few things about art we would draw something after. Once we went to the zoo and drew the animals we saw.

You could always make macaroni art, they can make necklaces, glue them to paper...ect. (plus you can buy macaroni pretty cheap and it lasts for a while), take them outside and let them draw what they see (trees, flowers, birds...ect.), make picture collages (give them magazines, scissors, glue stick, and a piece of construction paper.) Let them cut out pictures they like and them clue them onto the page.If you live near a recycling center you could go and ask if you could pick out a few magazines to take and use those. One of the things we did at summer art (which i really loved!) We picked an animal we wanted to make and we went to the recycling center (usually they'll let you pick out things for free (they are usually cleaned)) we picked out plastic bottles, buttons, paper, twine, thread spools..ect. and we made the animals we chose using the things we picked out. You can ask some older volunteers (adults, teenagers..ect) to help out. Have a hot glue gun station to glue the pieces together. You can have them trace their hands and feet and they them color and draw rings, bracelets, color their nails, color their hands...ect. Get out the stamps, markers, and ink pads and let the kids make cards using the stamps. Get some large round candles and wax paper, let the kids draw on the wax paper using stamps and markers. Once they are done wrap the wax paper around the candle and blow dry the wax paper, the drawings should transfer over onto the candle. Hand out some mirrors and let the kids draw self portraits and then share them with the class. Teach them how to draw something new, weather if it's tree, an animal, flower, people, buildings...ect. You can show the older kids something and then the younger kids something else.

At the end of the art class you should display the art they have made and invite the parents to come look at the art gallery. You can hand out awards at the end if you want :)

What do you look for, seek, or respond to in a work of art?

Lil Greek

In addition, do you think that beacuse someone knows how to draw (make pictures with a pencil, etc.), that it makes their work ART? Is it the skill involved in doing something that is the ART or is it what is expressed through the skill. Example: Norman Rockwell was a skilled painter, yet expressed nothing. And I am talking of all the arts: film making, music, painting, literature, poetry... etc.
Norman Rockwell did express something... he expressed that he lived in a fantasy world. To me, any real art begins in the world of reality. Total fantasy is not art.

Each piece of art can have a different effect on each person.

Generally people look for a composition that either reminds them of something or is something they aspire.

Yes, drawings are art and despite your opinion, Rockwell was popular because he hit a note with the viewers - a glimpse into a simpler time era.

We run galleries every few months and the pieces that sell the most are the ones that are usually the most artistically done. People can see when an artist has hit the nail on the head, so to speak.

In summary, composition is the key, but a well drawn or painted piece is what usually sells best.

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What are some easy nail art designs?

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 on Cool Nail Art Ideas You Can DIY With Scotch Tape- Simply Chic - MSN ...
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Hello Kitt

Well I'm going to paint my nails soon and I wonder if anyone has suggestions for what fairly easy nail art I can do? Here are the materials I have:
- 1 white nail art pen
- tape to make straight lines
- those circle things for folder holes to make round things
- and of course nail polish

So what should I do?

Go for something wild like an animal print:) all you need is..
-a toothpickk
-black nail polish
-white nail polish..
Paint the whole nail white..then with the tooth pick..dip it n the black polish and draw slightly zig zag lines like zebra strips:)

How to do the same nail art designs?

Basically, I do a lot of Nail art designs on others - for free, I don't own a business or anything (i'm 14) - and I get lots of comments saying my designs are good etc. But i mainly do toe nails, i would like to do hand nails but I find it really hard to continue the same design with the same proportions etc. Does anyone know how I can fix this??
By the way, I use the nail art pens you get, not airbrush so it's all by hand

I would use like a sticker type thing...Or you can use tape to be precise sometimes

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Any websites like sub4sub that dont require a phone number?

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 on Cute Panda Couple Nail Art Tutorial - LIFESTYLE
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I am interested in doing something like that but I'm not comfortable giving out a phone number. Do you know any websites?
PS. My name is MsRandomEverything I do videos that document my puppy(very cute) the trouble he gets into, and tips for training, plus nail art tutorials
If you wanna subscribe to each other put your youtube name in your answers and I will subscribe to you if you subscribe to me!

Answer or

is icing nailpolish a slow drying nail polish? is it good for marble nail art?

Yesss Lope

we wanna do marble nail art. btw does it need to warm or cold water? any tips thanks.

I saw video of water marbling nail art on youtube and thought it was so cool. So i just decided to see if it'd work with me. And it actually worked pretty good. If you search, marble nail art, or water marbling nail art on youtube you'll come up with many tutorials and tips. But what i did was took a plastic cup, and filled with room temperature water and then used sally Hansen and N.Y.C nail polishes. They seemed to work well. Put tape around your fingers to keep them from getting the polish on them as well. You can use a toothpick to make the design in the paint and pick up excess nail polish after your nail is dunked. Hope this helped :)

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Is it okay to use automotive paint on your nails as an alternative to nail polish?

nail polish 1920s
 on 1920s vintage nail polish. Not exactly new and ... | Nail Polish I Wa ...
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Please, if you will, read over these four types of automotive paint. Would you want these toxic paints on your nails? How would you take it off? Homemade paint stripper can be made from either a borax and ammonia mixture or washing soda. These would be extremely toxic for your nails and skin. In a word, please, please - just buy a bottleof nail polish at the drugstore.

"The four basic types of paint available today are: acrylic lacquer, acrylic enamel, acrylic urethane and water-based. Weâll drop âacrylicâ and simply refer to them as lacquers, enamels, urethanes and water-based.

Lacquer-based auto paint was popular between the mid 1920s and 1960s, and is still available today, though it has become illegal in certain areas. Lacquer paint is cheap and goes on easy for the inexperienced painter, plus it provides a nice high gloss. However, it also chips easily being a relatively âsoftâ paint, and it doesnât stand up well to UV and chemicals, making it a short-lived paint job. Lacquer auto paint is available in aerosol spray cans and for use with spray guns, but is not generally recommended.

Enamel paints dry to a hard shell making them tougher than lacquer paints. Professional shops bake on enamel paint in heated bays or "ovens," but enamels are also available in aerosol cans and for use with spray guns. Enamels, while tougher than lacquer, do not lay down as easily as lacquer paint, making them trickier for the Do-It-Yourselfer (DIYer) to apply. This translates to more finishing work. Some enamel colors require a clear topcoat, known as a two-stage system, while others can be used alone, referred to as a single-stage system.

Urethane paints are newer than enamels, are more expensive and more trouble, but they lay down easily like lacquer while having the toughness of enamels. This auto paint requires three products: the color, a reducer to thin the color to the right viscosity for the spray gun, and a catalyst used to accelerate drying time. Once the paint is mixed, it must be used quickly and unused paint must be discarded. Urethane auto paint is highly toxic, and though a facemask is standard for all paint jobs, gloves, coveralls, and a respirator are mandatory for working with urethane auto paint.

Like enamels, urethanes can be used alone or in multi-stage paint systems that utilize a final protective clearcoat. A two-stage urethane paint system is the most recommended system as it provides easy-on paint, minimum finish work, and optimum results: a paint job that, with a little care, can look brand new year after year. Urethane clearcoat is also purchased as three products: clear, reducer and catalyst to be used with a spray gun, though there is form of urethane clearcoat available in an aerosol can.

The newest auto paint technology has brought us non-toxic water-based paints. These paints are the most versatile of all, able to be applied to metal, primer, or to an existing paint job. Water-based auto paint is especially popular for use in adding graphics to a vehicle or motorcycle, but can also be used to paint the entire vehicle. Being non-toxic this choice is perfect for the DIYer to use in the home garage, however it does require a topcoat of clear urethane to protect the paint.

Water-based paint is no doubt the future of the auto paint industry, however the line of colors is still expanding. If looking to add graphics or change your vehicleâs color, water-based auto paint is an option. If looking to re-paint a panel with a need to match factory paint, you might have to wait for the introduction of pre-mixed factory colors, or let a professional shop do the job for you."

Why do women let their fingernails grow?


Why do most women have long nails, shape them and paint them? How long has it been a custom in western culture? Does it make their fingers look longer and more elegant? Where does this idea come from?

I'm fascinated by this because, since letting natural nails grow is hard, a lot of women resort to fake nails. I let my own nails grow and get manicures often, I like how they look, but I don't know the origin of this tradition.

Believe it or not, people have been manicuring their nails for more than 4,000 years. In southern Babylonia, noblemen used solid gold tools to give themselves manicures and pedicures. The use of fingernail polish can be traced back even further. Originating in China in 3,000 BC, nail color indicated one's social status -- according to a Ming dynasty manuscript, royal fingernails were painted black and red. The Egyptians also colored their nails, using red to show the highest social class. It is said that Cleopatra's nails were painted a deep red, whereas Queen Nefertiti went with a flashier ruby shade. In ancient Egypt and Rome, military commanders also painted their nails to match their lips before they went off to battle.

In western culture, long nails are a symbol of femininity, while short nails are a symbol of masculinity. Nail decoration is usually limited to females. In the 1930s, fingernails became scarlet and were grown to extreme length, whilst toenails were contrasted in pink nail enamel. On the cheeks and ear lobes rouge was worn. Eyebrows were plucked to a thinner line in the 1930s than the 1920s. Sometimes they were completely plucked to a thin pencil line substitute, some women even shaved them with disastrous end results as the brows never grew back. There was also a fashion for false eyelashes.

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is it possible to get nail art on my real nails not the acrylic ones?

most beautiful nail art designs
 on Nail art . Nail designs
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they've got beautiful designs but i want to have it done on my own nails, because acrylic nails damage your own. Has anyone tried it

Yes you can do that. But one thing: Acrylic does not damage your nails. A bad, inexperienced tech damages your nails, not the acrylic itself.

how do I stop chewing my nails?

Q. I am 17 years old and I am still having trouble not chewing my nails. Does anyone have any tips how to stop. Hypnotism, nail polish, vinagar ANYTHING!

Go on Youtube and search nail art/designs. I felt really bad when i saw these videos cuz i wanted long nails to paint on and stuff. So i put on nail polish on my nails and i told myself 'If i stop biting my nails then i can have Beautiful long nails!' And it worked! i havent bitten my nails in 2 weeks! Some tips- 1. Whenever u are around people u know ,ask them to tell u when u start biting ur nails, they should say, ' Dont do that' or 'Remember what ur goal is?' My mom did that to me and it worked!
2. Chew gum. It keeps ur mouth distracted and busy from biting ur nails. ~hoped i heped!~

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Where can I purchase a nail polish rack?

nail polish rack
 on 2011-149 cosmetic display stand ,nail polish display rack, View ...
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I have over 100 bottles of nail polish and I'm trying to find the best deals on nail polish racks because keeping them in a box is getting to be too much of a hassle.

From one polish addict to another I soo get it. Try checking out ebay and Amazon.

Where can I buy a clear nail polish rack?


I'm looking for a clear nail polish rack to store my nail polishes.
I'm looking for something under $30

Look on Lots of good stuff there. What's helpful too is to look for unorthodox things that COULD hold nail polish but isnt advertised to do so. Like small shelves, shadow boxes, etc. Target is good too!

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What causes some nail polishes to cause bubbles after applying it?

nail polish bubbles
 on Polish Obsessed: Blue Bubble Gum Nail Art
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I sometimes apply nail polish and after drying up they look terrible cause there is way too many bubbles!!! Does it have to do with the brand or what?

Usually, it doesn't have anything to do with the brand. It can either be from applying too much nail polish, or from shaking the bottle too much. One tip can be to roll the bottle between your hands so that it warms up before you apply it (it also prevents bubbles). You can also apply a base and top coat, but make sure each layer dries before you add another.

What to do when nail polish bubbles (when applied)?

Q. Hi! I recently bought an $8 bottle of OPI nail polish that I really like, but when I applied it, the polish bubbles on my nails. I reapplied it several times with the same results. Do you know any tricks/tips for preventing this from happening, or fixing it once it happens? Thank you!

You have apply thin, even coats, and allow the coats of nail polish to dry after each application. If they aren't fully dry, they will form bubbles.

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How to start a beauty youtube channel?

nail art you can do yourself
 on sally hansen salon effects nail polish strips $ 9 want nails that will ...
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Mary Ann

I really want to start like a beauty channel on youtube. You know like talia castellano and krazyrayray and all the other gurus. I dont know how to start it though. Like what kind of video should I start with? What tags should I tag my video with? I'm awesome at nail art and hair and I'm pretty good at makeup. I think I'm gonna do vlogging too. how should I start? Should I make like an intro video like telling stuff about me and stuff? Should I start with a tutorial or a tag or what?

Well, for starting, try an intro tutorial. It would be really cool and gets more viewers than just introducing yourself. And tag stuff like beauty, nails, makeup, etc.
Its actually pretty easy. Many gurus have started like that by doing an intro tutorials. Like for example, cutepolish, or bebexo.

where can i find a good website with some unique interesting acrylic nail art design?


i dont want the 3d nail design
I just want something simple but cute and unique
I have already been to so many websites and googled so many images i give up.
I cant find anything i like.
I want to find a good design and show it to the lady so she can make my nails the same way.
thanks for your help in advance.

If it's on the net, it is no longer Unique ;-))
But here are some ideas & images : -- simple designs -- check out the Related Articles listed below for tons of ideas & instructions. -- images from around the world -- 525 nail art close-ups ! -- images -- tons of images & there are related images for each of them too !!!

What you Can do, is take elements [colors, patterns, etc] from different images & combine to make a Unique, Exclusive pattern for yourself. You can then use the colors You like, etc. Try drawing a sketch of what you finalize & show it to the lady.

Hope this helps
Have fun :-))

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How should i get my nails done?

beautiful nail art gallery
 on bridal decorations my nailart nailart on tips have questions or want ...
beautiful nail art gallery image


how should i get my nails done for my 13th birthday ?
any ideas please x

[pictures will be appreciated]

Well =),

^Those ones are really nice
but if you want something simple but cute, you could get a french manicure

hope i helped =)

How can i be/look like princess Belle?


I've always dreamed of looking exactly like/ acting like princess Belle. How do can I look almost exactly like her (face and hair wise) and act like her? Detailed answers please:)

Hard to say without pic but & I assume you still want to be modern.

Wear yellow flowing dresses, chiffon materials are lovely
Wear either fllats or heels

Wear a cute yellow headband
Wear a diamonte headband
Wear bows
Wear Ribbons
Wear small, dainty, detailed jewellery
Wear brooches

Medium to long hair
Have brown hair with shimmery highlights
Have hair in ringlets Or use hot rollers to have cascading soft waves
Pin only the sides with bobby pins

Natural MakeUp Coverage
Glowing Cheeks; baby pinks
Neutral eyeshadow colours like brown
Wear a thin line of eyeliner on top lid
Wear mascara & natural looking false lashes
Glossy clear or pink lip gloss
Wear delicate floral or fruit perfume
French nails
To act like her:
Cover your mouth slightly when you laugh
Be friendly
Be modest
Use your eyes
Be sweet

Examples of yellow dresses:

Examples of shoes:

Examples of headbands:

Examples of Jewelry:

Examples of Hair:

Examples of MakeUp:

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I'm redecorating my teenage girl bedroom and I need help?

nail art pinterest
 on Nail-art by Robin Moses: purple and gold nail, mahogany nail, crimson ...
nail art pinterest image


I am a teenage girl (13) and I'm moving into a bigger room. (It's like a mini-master bedroom,lol.)
I don't know the size of the bedroom but if it helps it has two windows and four walls.
I'm not buying new furniture except a desk and maybe seating.
I really want to decorate a room I will never outgrow till I move out.
Here are my questions:
1. What colors should I paint on the walls? (that matches everything)
2. What colors should I paint on the furniture? (that matches everything)
3. Are there any cute bedding out there? (preferably an inexpensive bed in a bag or quilt)
4. Are wall stickers recommended? List all of the pros and cons.
5. Are there any cool but cheap posters I could buy?
6. Are there any interesting area/accent rugs?
7. How can I organize my room?
8. Any other creative ways to decorate my room?

To make answering my question easier, I will tell you a little about myself.
I love animals especially dogs, cats, rabbits, and horses.
I am very passionate about writing stories.
I love to read, watch movies and TV shows, do art, and use the computer.
I am not necessarily a girly-girl but not a tomboy. (Though, I have more tomboy in me.)
I hate jewerly, makeup, and nail polish. (Dunno that would help with room makeovers.)
I am not into music, sports, and things like that.
I love my stuffed animals and I love candy =D

Thanks for answering and sorry if this is too long.

The above site is called Polyvore. You can go in and create different rooms and also fashion. You will learn it fairly quickly. I am happy you get a new room. So fun to decorate and make a statement about you.Have plenty of shelves for all the books and stuffed animals. Iwill put some sites on for you.

What is fun about choosing a neutral color is that you can add pops of color in pillows, bedspreads, lamps, through rugs etc.

Using color wheels are fun and you can get ideas here. Start with your neutral and use the wheel to show pops of color

Pretty Jars filled with candy could be colorful.Ideas

I want to do something different with myself?


I'm so bored with the way I look and I want change but I dont know hwat.
I'm 18 soon, I have long dark ginger hair (below the bust) with a grown out side fringe.
A roundish face.
5ft 5, skinny.
One piercing in each ear
I don't wear much makeup because my skin is really dry like nothing helps so yeah.

Any ideas are good, hair, peircings anything!

DO NOT DYE YOUR WHOLE HEAD! Ginger hair is so pretty, you could get ombre hair, do the bottom as blonde and maybe the transition between them as a lighter ginger, it would look fiery and amazing, I know I'd be jealous lol

Go all out on earrings, find some that are really attention grabbing, not boring ones that we see everywhere, like long spikes and stuff like that. Same with rings!!

Change up your eyeliner, some days do it minimal, then others do it winged, then do double winged which is my fave.

I doubt you have bushy brows, but get rid of the of the sparse hairs below your brow. Spend some time looking at stores online to get a true sense of what you want to wear, get inspired by posts you see on tumblr and pinterest so you could see what really interests you. Start mixing and matching things differently, like things you wouldn't normally match and you'll be surprised by how much better you'll outfits will look. Change up your whole style.

Take up new hobbies, you'll also feel different. Look up nail art and get to work!! Nail art is soooo fun, there are some really short (1-2 minutes) vids on youtube that have amazing styles, I recommend cutepolish. Once you get a feel of how it's done, start creating your own styles. But you may need some tools for certain looks, I mostly use slim paint brushes.

Don't wear skin makeup, it's useless. Just get funky with the rest of your makeup. There are also tattoo lips, they're amazing, sephora sells them, you can see them on youtube.

Take advantage of your skinniness and dress well :) You can also contour and highlight your face which is really fun to do, same with your body (chest, collarbone, shoulders). Change up your perfume. Get your split ends cut before doing the ombre thing! Go crazy with your eyeshadow too, there are lots of fun looks you can do.

That's pretty much it, I don't know what else you could do but I think these will be enough :)

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

what are some good board ideas for pinterest?

nail art on pinterest
 on Open This For FAQ and More! Blog Post: http://packapunchpolish ...
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I have already done boards about places, animals, food, treats, music, clothes, accessories, hair, cats & dogs, my favorite photography, marine life, ice, color, pastel, black & white, my favorite color, movie night, arts & crafts, amazing creatures, shoes, amazing cakes, everything hearts, humor, Life Lesson quotes, love quotes, angels, glitter, flowers, gorgeous gardens, rocks, cute nails, art journeling, smoothies & other drinks, house decor, and vintage & antique.

I would like to do more. Any ideas would be good.

wedding ideas, wishlist, DYI projects, pin up girls, places to travel, makeup inspirations, favorite movies/music, recipes to try (i dont know if that is same for food that you have), tattoos and piercings, products you love, health and beauty

What nail polish should I use for my sleepover?


My friend always shows m up on nail polish and I'm having a sleepover with her and her sister the same age also I am 13, but she always says the greatest ideas and says oh you can copy me but when I do her sister is like oh you copied her your such a copycat and I know this shouldn't bother me but I have been teased a lot and it gets to me so it really hurts me and she knows and then the one with great ideas says that she's right and yeah maybe but it's not like I stole a million dollar idea and also she said I could so it's not all my fault and I need good ideas quick

You can go here to get ideas:
You can go here for how you do different things with your nails:

There are a millions things you can do by sectioning off your nails with scotch tape.

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Nail Polish Instagram name?

nail art on instagram
 on NAIL ART: Spring flower nail designs by WAH Nails - Yahoo Lifestyle UK
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I am making an istagram for my nail art. I want a clever name, but I can't think of one! I want it to revolve maybe around happiness or something nice. Nails make me have joy so I want to share it with my instagram and name. :) Thanks!
Hannah-Thanks for those suggestions! I really like them! :)

How about joyfulnails13 or like bubbly_alex_nails sorry if I wasn't much help!

I'm looking for a new summer trend to talk about on my new blog? Can I get some ideas?


Belly chains are becoming super popular for bikinis! If you look in some Victoria Secret magazines Candice Swanepoel is wearing them and now I want one! Vintage swimsuits like the ones Marilyn Monroe used to wear are becoming more noticeable.

Also look at the new nail trends, colors, and art that are out. You can find some looks on Instagram or Pinterest. Girls are getting new designs and making the shape of the nails almond or pointy which is cute. Different colored manicure tips and making one nail a different color is also trending.

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Husband lost a bet on the super bowl and?

nail art for toes
 on comes toinvolving your nails to efficiency using the hottest nail art ...
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Q. His end of the deal is to get his hair done with color (his hair is currently dark brown) in a girly hairstyle at a salon and i'm also taking him to get a manicure/pedicure complete with acrylic/gel nails and nail art. I need to know what hairstyle /color/ nail polish color/nail art you guys think he should get ?

Everything Pink, except the hair. You don't want to embarrass him too much. The hair, go for a softer color, or a less outrageous color. Something like Red, orangish would fit because there are people who actually have red hair so it wouldn't look too bizarre.
Good luck and congrats on winning. I, too, support the steelers and made 150 bucks off the SuperBowl.
Or, you could spell out YOUR name on his fingers with Rainbow colors. And his toes could just be a rainbow with hearts for Valentine's day.

How long does it take to become a nail technitian?

Tamara R

I am interested in becoming a nail technician and I wanted to know how long it would take to go through schooling for it and roughly how much tuition is.

It depends on the licensing requirements in the state or province that you are in and the schools that are available to you that offer it.
I took a 1 month, 160 hour course (8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks long). It was a course that packed all the requirements into half the time. I took this course at a private trade school for in hair and esthetics.
The requirement for the certificate of what used to be the licensing agency of British Columbia (licensing is no longer government regulated or required in BC) is 400 hours and an intensive exam that would cost an additional $100 to take. The course through the local college that involves this exam as part of the graduation requirement is 400 hours (I think it's 3 or 4 months long?).
Oddly enough, both courses give exactly the same amount of information.
The course I took was just over $3200 including textbooks and supplies. I learned manis, pedis, spa manis and spa pedis, gel toes, acrylic and gel nails, wraps, some nail art and how to use an efile. I bought my Erica's mt-20 drill on my own, but the kit included an OPI axxium UV curing lamp.
The course through the local college, I'm told, is about $5500 (CAD) after books, supplies, and tuition.

You'd have to look into schools that teach esthetics in your area and see if they offer courses in each individual area of the esthetics program (nails, waxing, facials, make-up, reflexology, massage, etc). And then email a school for the cost of the program including supplies and taxes.

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