Sunday, November 10, 2013

What are five different ways minerals are used by artists.?

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 on Nail Art By Kit � Step By Step Nail Art
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Give examples of each art form.

1. Talc is a mineral that has perfect cleavage and a greasy or soapy feel. It is given the distinction of being number 1 on Mohs hardness scale. Talc is also called soapstone which is used by artists for sculptures. Talc can be ground up into talcum powder. Ground talc is also used to make crayons, paint, paper, and soap.

2. Graphite is very similar chemically to a diamond. Graphite and diamond are both pure carbon. The difference is the amount of heat and pressure that has been put onto the two minerals. Diamond is the hardest natural element on Earth with a hardness of 10 which is the maximum on the Mohs hardness scale. Graphite is a very soft mineral with a hardness between 1 and 2. Graphite has a black streak and was probably formed by the metamorphism of plant remains or by the crystallization of ancient magmas.
Today graphite is used for "lead" in pencils. Lead is poisonous to humans and has not been used for many years in pencils. Graphite is also used in the paint industry.

3. Galena is an important source of lead. Galena's chemical symbol is PbS, which is lead and sulfur. Galena may also contain silver. The United States is the leading producer of lead in the world. Lead was used in pencils and paint until it was found to be poisonous to humans . Today pencil "lead" is made of another mineral called graphite. Lead is used for fishing weights.
Galena is an iron sulfide and the main source of lead. Galena usually occurs in cubic crystals. If you hit a specimen of galena with a hammer it will shatter into small perfect cubic crystals. It has a metallic luster and a black to dark gray color and streak. Galena has a hardness of about 2.5 on Mohs hardness scale which is about as hard as your finger nail.

4. Feldspar is the most abundant mineral in rocks that are located at or near the earth's surface. Feldspar can have glassy white, blue, green, or red crystals. All feldspars contain silica and aluminum.
When feldspars are exposed to the atmosphere they break down or weather easily. When they are broken down, feldspar forms other minerals, many of which are clay minerals. Feldspars also contain potassium which is a major nutrient for plant growth.
The clays formed by weathered feldspar are used by pottery manufacturing plants. Kaolinite is the highest quality of the feldspar clays used by potters.
Feldspar is number 6 on the Mohs hardness scale.

5. The cave paintings of Lascaux and elsewhere are impressive for their artistry, but prehistoric humans needed paint to make them. The red in the paintings comes from Red Ochre (Hematite). People have not only decorated caves, but their own bodies, with body paint. They used Red Ochre and Yellow Ochre (Limonite), and charcoal from their fires.

6. The Egyptian also used minerals in their cosmetics. They used red ochre on their lips, and elaborate eye-makeup or Kohl. This included black pigments such as Stibnite, and colourful ones as well, Malachite, Azurite and even Turquoise. The Egyptians used pigments for paint as well. In Tutankhamun's tomb, among all the rich and beautiful objects was found a small paintbox, perhaps his own from childhood. It contained powdered Gypsum, Orpiment, Hematite and Malachite.

7. The Russians used Dioptase, which is brilliant green, in their religious icons, since the mineral was found in Siberia.

8. Lapis Lazuli has always been highly prized for its vivid blue. It was called ultra-marine. It was used by medieval artists for the Virgin Mary's blue cloak. It was very expensive, as then it only came from Afghanistan.

9. Vermilion, made from Cinnabar was used to paint the face of Jupiter's statue in Rome red, for sacred purposes. It was also used for Imperial writing in China.

What is there to do in Houston for college students?


I'm a male and about to go to college, but I have no idea what there is to do in Houston. Preferably something not "sketchy"

You can go to Hermann Park. It's a beautiful, huge park in the middle of the museum district with paddle-boats, a zoo, a little train that goes around the park, and a Japanese tea garden. House of pies is a great place to go at any hour of the night. PLENTY of clubs down Washington Street of all kinds. There are always concerts going on somewhere. (Don't just look at House of Blues or Toyota Center. You gotta look for the small, informal venues!) Museums are free on Tuesday. Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Natural History, Science, Medicine, and there's one for kids. Ice skating in the Galleria (a huge mall). NASA, if you've never been there. There's a decent beach just a little while away in Galveston. You can visit a local brewery, like the Lawnmower brewery and sample a lot of different beers during a tour. There are even Broadway shows. And of course, going to an Astros game is always a cheap way to have a great time. I haven't even hit the nail on the head! There are hundreds more things to do. I moved here for college and after three years, there is still so much left to do.

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