Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fake gel nails and non acetone nail polish remover?

nail art yelp
 on Nail art by Rebecca, on Shellac nails. Love her. | Yelp
nail art yelp image


So I got my nails done for prom and I totally hate them.. I asked the guy to do a cute design with a glitter ombre and he said he'd try his best. He literally just dabbed the glitter on the ends of my nails and they looked terrible, so I had to ask him to paint them all glittery. He got really angry when I asked him, so I decided to not complain anymore and just deal with it. Well, they're WAY too dark for my prom dress and it just looks dumb. I was wondering if anyone has actually tried to repaint their fake gel nails? They're done with gel powder, not acrylic. I've seen people suggest that you can use non acetone nail polish remover, but has anyone tried it? I don't want to ruin the fake nails.. I just want to repaint them! And also, should I put a base coat on the nails before I paint them? And put a top coat on over the colored polish? Please and thanks!

Well for one thing, "He literally just dabbed the glitter on the ends of my nails and they looked terrible, so I had to ask him to paint them all glittery. He got really angry when I asked him, so I decided to not complain anymore and just deal with it." That's NOT GOOD Customer Service!

Call the manager! Get them redone- no charge. But call manager, so they can make it better, or do something about it. You went there for a reason, and left ANGRY. That's not right! If you used your Credit Card, you can dispute that, and get 100% refund. They'd want you to go back, HAPPY. First talk to the manager!

2nd, if you're still not satisfied, go to YELP and write a NEGATIVE review on the salon!

I don't do fake nails, gel harms the nerve, but I've done my own nails for 5 decades. On my last Black Tie Event, event, I started growing my nails and shaped them, and I was contemplating if I should get French mani or get them done myself, since I've done that for 5 decades. I was reading my fashion magazine, the day I have to leave for Texas, and stopped @ Rite-Aid and bought Revlon Nail Art Moon Candy in the cosmic blue color, it comes with glitter in green. Galactic 210. They come in 10 stellar shades.

EVERYONE who had salon mani paid a fortune on their nails, COMPLIMENTED ME for my @ home 3 dimension finished nails. I did it 1hr. before I went to work that day, and they looked like I spent a fortune on my nails! The price? $8.99
CONS: They peel easily, I have to keep re-coating, and they are hard to remove because they're dark.

How many words can you find in the word personality?


I've heard that you can find 1300 words in the word personality, please tell me some. Well, as you many as possible! Thanks!
as many as possible*

personality: 1997 words

2-letter words
ae, ai, al, an, ar, as, at, ay, el, en, er, es, et, in, is, it, la, li, lo, na, ne, no, oe, on, op, or, os, oy, pa, pe, pi, re, si, so, ta, ti, to, ya, ye

3-letter words
ail, ain, air, ais, ait, ale, alp, als, alt, ane, ani, ant, any, ape, apt, are, ars, art, asp, ate, aye, ays, ear, eat, els, ens, eon, era, ern, ers, eta, ins, ion, ire, its, lap, lar, las, lat, lay, lea, lei, let, ley, lie, lin, lip, lis, lit, lop, lot, lye, nae, nap, nay, net, nil, nip, nit, nor, nos, not, oar, oat, oes, oil, ole, one, ons, ope, ops, opt, ora, ore, ors, ort, ose, pal, pan, par, pas, pat, pay, pea, pen, per, pes, pet, pia, pie, pin, pis, pit, ply, poi, pol, pot, pro, pry, psi, pya, pye, ran, rap, ras, rat, ray, rei, rep, res, ret, ria, rin, rip, roe, rot, rya, rye, sae, sal, sap, sat, say, sea, sei, sel, sen, ser, set, sin, sip, sir, sit, sly, sol, son, sop, sot, soy, spa, spy, sri, sty, syn, tae, tan, tao, tap, tar, tas, tea, tel, ten, tie, til, tin, tip, tis, toe, ton, top, tor, toy, try, tye, yap, yar, yea, yen, yep, yes, yet, yin, yip, yon

4-letter words
aeon, aero, aery, ails, ains, airn, airs, airt, airy, aits, ales, alit, aloe, alps, also, alto, alts, anes, anil, anis, ante, anti, ants, aper, apes, apse, ares, aril, arts, arty, aryl, ates, atop, ayes, ayin, earl, earn, ears, east, easy, eats, elan, enol, eons, epos, eras, erns, eros, erst, espy, etas, etna, eyas, eyra, ilea, inly, inro, into, ions, iota, ires, iron, isle, lain, lair, lane, laps, lari, lars, lase, last, late, lati, lats, lays, lean, leap, lear, leas, leis, leno, lens, lent, lept, lest, lets, leys, liar, lien, lier, lies, line, lino, lins, lint, liny, lion, lips, lira, lire, lisp, list, lits, loan, loin, lone, lope, lops, lore, lorn, lory, lose, lost, lota, loti, lots, lyes, lyre, lyse, nail, naoi, naos, nape, naps, nary, nays, neap, near, neat, nest, nets, nils, nipa, nips, nits, noel, noes, noil, nope, nose, nosy, nota, note, oars, oast, oats, oils, oily, olea, oles, ones, only, opal, open, opes, opts, oral, ores, orle, orts, osar, oyer, oyes, pail, pain, pair, pale, pals, paly, pane, pans, pant, pare, pars, part, pase, past, pate, pats, paty, pays, peal, pean, pear, peas, peat, pein, pelt, pens, pent, peon, peri, pert, peso, pest, pets, pial, pian, pias, pier, pies, pile, pily, pina, pine, pins, pint, piny, pion, pirn, pita, pits, pity, plan, plat, play, plea, plie, plot, ploy, poet, pois, pole, pols, poly, pone, pons, pony, pore, porn, port, pose, post, posy, pots, prao, prat, pray, prey, proa, pros, pyas, pyes, pyin, pyre, rail, rain, rale, rani, rant, rape, raps, rapt, rase, rasp, rate, rato, rats, rays, real, reap, rein, reis, rely, rent, repo, reps, rest, rets, rial, rias, riel, rile, rins, riot, ripe, rips, rise, rite, roan, roes, roil, role, rope, ropy, rose, rosy, rota, rote, rotl, rots, ryas, ryes, ryot, sail, sain, sale, salp, salt, sane, sari, sate, sati, seal, sear, seat, sent, sept, sera, seta, sial, silo, silt, sine, sipe, sire, site, slap, slat, slay, slip, slit, sloe, slop, slot, snap, snip, snit, snot, snye, soap, soar, soil, sola, sole, soli, sone, sora, sore, sori, sorn, sort, soya, spae, span, spar, spat, spay, spin, spit, spot, spry, star, stay, step, stey, stir, stoa, stop, stye, syli, syne, tael, tail, tain, tale, tali, tans, taos, tape, taps, tare, tarn, taro, tarp, tars, teal, tear, teas, tela, tels, tens, tepa, tern, tier, ties, tile, tils, tine, tins, tiny, tips, tire, tirl, tiro, toea, toes, toil, tola, tole, tone, tons, tony, tope, topi, tops, tora, tore, tori, torn, tors, tory, toys, trap, tray, trey, trio, trip, trop, troy, tsar, tyes, tyne, type, typo, tyre, tyro, yaps, yare, yarn, yean, year, yeas, yelp, yens, yeti, yins, yipe, yips, yoni, yore

5-letter words
aeons, airns, airts, aisle, alert, alien, aline, alist, aloes, aloin, alone, alter, altos, anile, anils, anise, anole, antes, antis, antre, antsy, apers, apery, aport, apres, apron, apter, aptly, ariel, arils, arise, arles, arose, arpen, arson, artel, artsy, aryls, aspen, asper, aster, astir, atone, atony, atopy, atrip, ayins, earls, early, earns, elain, elans, elint, eloin, enols, enrol, entia, entry, eosin, estop, etnas, eyras, inapt, inept, inert, inlay, inlet, inset, inter, intro, iotas, irate, irone, irons, irony, islet, istle, lairs, laity, lanes, lapin, lapis, lapse, lares, laris, laser, laten, later, layer, leans, leant, leaps, leapt, learn, lears, leary, least, lenis, lenos, lento, lepta, liane, liars, liens, liers, liner, lines, liney, linos, lints, linty, lions, liras, lirot, litas, liter, litre, loans, loins, loner, loper, lopes, loran, lores, loris, loser, lotas, lyart, lyase, lyres, lysin, nails, napes, nares, naris, nasty, nates, neaps, nears, neats, neist, nerol, nerts, netop, nipas, niter, nitre, nitro, noels, noils, noily, noise, noisy, nopal, noria, nosey, notal, noter, notes, oaten, oater, oiler, olein, onery, onset, opals, opens, opera, opine, opsin, orals, orate, oriel, orles, ornis

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