Saturday, July 27, 2013

prettier gils in the 1940-60s then today?

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 on 1940s it was typical to match your nails to your clothing which ...
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i wish i was from the 1940s-1960s,i think iam stuck in the wrong time,i dont like this era.everything about 1940s-the1960s just seemes so much better,why do things have to change?.. especally the way young women dressed they would not got gout the door without having there hair done and makeup perfect and there cloths were so much way better then todays style.i dont get why things have to change now nobody cares what they look like well almost everybody.the gilrs back them all looked so beautiful..what happened??...and the way people talked and walked and everythingthey did is so different..

You could not be more right. Women use to have little areas with a mirror & chair. They woul brush their hair 100 times. Men were men and women were women. Now males (cant say men anymore) are all wusses & wearing earrings, nail polish & make up. Females (cant say ladies anymore) have rings & crap all in their face, tatts all over their bodies. Some how they confused being equal with being the same.

Wish I was alive back then too. I am sure there still are some real women out there, but they are not easy to find these days. All the chicks now swear more then dudes, drink strait from a bottle, spit, tell you to pull their finger. When it is cool now to be in a group (emos) that sit in their rooms & cut on yourself. You know we have hit the bottom of the barrel. In those days is was all about being female. Now it is all about being "manish". On the plus side (I guess) the only way to go is up from here.

Scarlet Johanson MAKE UP? :D?


Hello could any tell me what make up scarlet Johanson uses and what she does to make herself look so great? :)

I didn't before you asked, but after a very quick search I now do:

"First things first: that skin.
I'm 24, so I have the same breakouts as everybody else. I never go to bed with makeup on, even if I come home at 4 a.m. My skin's sensitive, so I have to use things without fragrance, like Cetaphil. And I clean my makeup brushes once a week" - Cetaphil is good stuff.

"And I never really use moisturizer. Yeah. Someone once told me that it's better to not use creams every day and just let your skin do its thing. I do use masks, though. I alternate between Jurlique's Purifying Mask, which feels kind of leafy and organic but is really good, and a hydrating one like the Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask."

"What if one of these alleged skin problems strikes?
Ugh, gosh. It's always such a disaster. If it's a swollen blemish or my eyes are puffy, I use whatever's in my freezer. It's not uncommon to see me before a premiere with a bottle of Ketel One stuck to my eyelid!"

"Beauty Belief

âFor every day, I never wear foundation, just concealer. But for being photographed, itâs nice to even out your skin tone.â

Signature Look

âI always look at the golden age of Hollywood, the late 1940s and early â50s, for inspiration. I use bronzer a lot, even on my eyes, with a blush brush. If you sweep it across your whole eyelid, it falls into the crease in the right way. With a little mascara and defined brows, itâs very warm and nice.â

Beauty Faux pas

âI first wore make up when I was 11 or 12, like blue lipstick and green nail polish and stuff with glitter. You know, it was the 1990s.â"

"Beauty kit essentials
"Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser is my go-to face wash. Dolce and Gabbana Passion Duo Gloss Fusion Lipstick in Inflation is a great red for any occasion, Frames! Hair Treatment Line Shampoo for Color Treated Hair maintains and protects my colour.""

"American actress Scarlett Johansson has starred in a new series of promotional shots for Dolce & Gabbanaâs Perfect Matte Liquid Foundation campaign.

The campaign, which was shot by Italian fashion photographers Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott, features the 28-year-old draping herself against a marble statue of a naked Roman, representing the âflawless complexionâ promised by the D&G cosmetics product.

As well as her work on D&G cosmetics, Johansson is also the face of the Italian brandâs The One and The One Desire fragrances.
She has also starred in a series of print campaigns for French fashion house Louis Vuitton, as well as serving as a global brand ambassador for the Moët & Chandon champagne brand.
The D&G Perfect Matte Liquid Foundation is available in 15 shades designed to match all skin tones, and is priced at â¬55 euros.
Dolce & Gabbana was founded in 1985 by Italian designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana."

PS Wrong categorey. This is the LGBT section, but I looked it up for you anyway.

You're welcome

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Makeup programs like Glossybox and Birchbox?

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 on DIY Nail Art Stickers - Make Your Own Nail Polish Stickers
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So I am shopping for a present for one of my really good friends. She is really into high end makeup products like Sephora, Bobbi Brown, Urban Decay, Nars, etc. I really want to find some cheap and good ways to get her samples at a reasonable price. She is already signed up for Glossybox and Birchbox. I need other subscription makeup deliver sets. I also want to know about any other fun monthly subscription programs. It doesn't just have to be narrowed down to makeup. If you have any ideas please message me back :)

If you want to do something other than make up, has a really cool program. Basically, you do a small quiz and they pair you up with a style profile (but you can always change it if you want) and every month for 20 dollars you get 2 nail polishes (or 3 for one of the profiles) and another julep product like mascara, or quick dry drops, or the new body frosting (but the profile that gets 3 nail polishes doesn't get an extra) and then they usually have a sample or some candy also in the box. Also, you can choose not to get that month or quit any time. They usually send out the emails around the 22nd of a month and you have like 7 days to decide if you want that month, but you can also get another style's box if you like it more, or you can get those colors in addition to your colours. Also, everything on the julep website is 20% off to julep mavens (members)

sorry this is so long but yeah, I get a box every month and I really love it

Ever heard of "dry nails"?


I've had monthly pedicures for about a year. Yesterday i took the polish off and I've got this white stuff on my toe nails. I went to a doc in the box at the grocery store and the nurse actually googled photos of nail fungus to compare my nails to. She couldn't tell me for sure that i had fungus but suggested I see a specialist. So I walked next door to the spa where I get my nails done (it's a medical spa.. super clean..single use equipment). The nail tech(who says she took a class on diseases of nails) told me it's not fungus it's dryness because the nail polish is drying to the nail. I have had polish on them constantly for a year. So who do I believe?

Go with the nail tech at the spa; she'd have seen other cases where people had fungus or dry nails.

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How to become a photographer?

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 on cute toe nail designs 150x150 cute nail designs for short nails
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Skyler Ale

I am 15 and am really interested in becoming a photographer for the Navy and would like to know where to begin with photography.
I know pretty much nothing about photography.
What camera should I start out with?
What other equipment do I need?
What are other cameras that I should get later on?
Do I need to learn how to edit?
^^ if so where do I begin?
Are there scholarships I could possibly apply for and how would I go about doing that?
College courses?
I know this is a lot of questions, but I have no clue where to start.
Please answer in detail. xx

From editorial and advertising to portraiture and fine art, photographers with a point of view can still carve out a career in a world where (nearly) everyone has a camera.

Get An Education

Kelly Osterholt, a wedding/portrait photographer, didnât just rely on her passion for photography. In college she took photography courses, and later studied at the Brooks Institute of Photography. âItâs like anything else,â Osterholt said. âEducation makes you better.â Costs at a private school like Brooks run high, so learn where you can. Seminars or workshops are a great way to get your feet wet before taking the plunge into a full-time photography program.
Feed Your Creativity

Take the time to practice your craft. Shoot personal projects. Learn about other photographers, go see art and photography exhibits, or look up well-known images online. Seeing quality photography might inspire you and help you define your specialty. Then enter your images into contests, which are a great way to bring your work to a new audience and get feedback.

Technically Speaking

Technical proficiency is more than knowing how to look up âexposure compensationâ in your camera manual. It is about knowing how different sources of light can shape your subject, or how to properly use your fill flash to balance out the sun, or how to pan for great motion blur. Photography is artistic as well as technical and gaining technical expertise is another reason to educate yourself.

Making Money

With the creative and technical side nailed down, you need to turn it from a hobby to a profession. âIn a lot of ways the business and marketing side is the hardest part,â said Chuck Gardner, a Los Angeles photographer specializing in fine-art portraiture. You must know about things like sales tax and permits. Bookkeeping practices are essential. Books and business courses can help. You may also need another source of income. Osterholt assists on bigger-budget commercial shoots.

Networking Is Key

Osterholt and Gardner agree on the importance of networking. âWhen youâre starting out, you need to find people who believe in you,â Gardner said. At the start of his career, Gardnerâs in-laws hired him to photograph seasonal catalogs for a clothing line they owned. âThey paid me enough to buy all my studio lights and equipment,â said Gardner.


Photography is a business that is heavily referral based. If you are a pleasant person to be around, you are more likely to be hired and recommended to family and friends. Mommy-and-me groups, churches, and schools are all great communities to get plugged into for family/children portraiture.

A Saturated Field

With the increasing availability of high quality DSLR cameras, the field has become saturated with people hoping to get paid to shoot. This means a lot of competition for business, as well as a perceived de-valuing of the service you are offering. âI have clients who believe I can bring out something in their children that no one else can,â Gardner said. His business is built on his ability to deliver consistently beautiful images for his clients, but also the clientâs belief that he has something unique to offer.
Changing Trends

Photography is a field of constant change. Aside from the never-ending updates in equipment and digital software, photographers need to be in tune with public tastes and aesthetics. Compare your parentsâ wedding photos to popular wedding photography styles today and youâll get the idea. Pay attention to images in magazines, movie posters and even advertisements. These are the images that influence your clients' tastes.

You Are For Hire

When you put yourself out there as a professional, you should be willing to shoot anything if someone is willing to pay you. If someone asks you to photograph a dog, and is willing to pay you for it, take the job. Pet photographers can bring in about $400 for a two-hour session.

What is a good research paper topic?


I need a research topic for English comp 1. It needs to be argumentative and I have to have at least two journals/ data bases. I'm a little pressed for time. My annotated bibliography is due tomorrow. I have four papers due by the 5th of October... I was originally going to write on CIPA but I then realized it wouldn't argue well. Its my first college research paper! Help!!!!

Stop biting on your nails and trying to come up with topics for persuasive essay. Whether it is your first experience in argumentative essay writing, or you are looking for fresh ideas, we offer you a list of top 50 suggestions for your argumentative essay topic. Enjoy and good luck!

* Should animals be used for scientific researches?
* Do we need prisons?
* Should the death penalty be mandatory for all murderers, or just for those who manage to kill people even when staying in a prison?
* Do we have the right to exhume bodies of prominent people and move them from one place to another?
* Shouldnât Russians finally bury Lenin?
* Better naked, than in furs?
* Was Saddam Husseinâs execution an essential point in establishing democracy in Iraq?
* Should men be allowed to have more than one wife?
* Plastic surgeries: a way to become more beautiful, or someoneâs unhealthy idea?

* In some Asian countries cutting off thiefâs right hand is still commonly practiced. Do you think this is the best way out?
* Talk about major issues (sex, abortion, Iraq, Vietnam, marijuana, etc).
* Say why talking about main issues (sex, abortion, Iraq, Vietnam, marijuana, etc) all the time not only lessens their importance, but even evokes irritation.
* Why atheists have to be tolerant to religion, while religious people are not tolerant to atheists?
* Was the âsex, drugs, and rockânârollâ era significant, or not?
* Prove that bagels with free sour cream stimulate brain activity.
* A maniac killed 15 little girls and was sentenced to death. One of the local TV stations was asked by the parents of victims to show his execution. The channel gave its agreement, but the translation was later cancelled. Give your opinion on this situation.
* Vegetarians vs. Meateaters. Whose side are you on? No fence-sitting, please.
* Why talking about sex is okay, and talking about cheating is embarrassing?
* Do you agree that there is art for the masses, and elite culture? How do you feel about being âthe massâ?
* If you are not in âthe massâ, what do you think about The Black Square by Kazimir Malevich?
* Do you want to have a cosmetic surgery?
* Is it important to talk openly about the contraception?
* Which country has the prettiest girls?
* Prove that blondes are actually smart.
* An image of USA has become negative. Do you agree with this statement?
* There is an opinion that DAEWOOâs are not cars at all. Are they?
* What do you think about gay marriages?
* Why driving is permitted from the age of 16, and gambling â from the age of 21?
* Is it helpful being skeptical?
* What do you think about the negative public opinion on thongs and bra straps?
* Your friend is concerned about his/her grades. Even though they are good, he/she still stays awake for half of the night getting the assignments and extra credit work ready. Convince your friend that wearing him/herself out is not the best idea.
* When you moved to this town, it was relatively small. Now that itâs expanding, your parents consider moving to a calmer place. You, however, have friends here that you donât want to live. Talk to your parents about the necessity of staying.
* A friend of yours, a skinny girl, thinks that she needs to lose a few pounds. Tell her why losing more weight will only damage her health.
* Your friend is failing his finals. If he doesnât pass, heâll be expelled from the university. You know that studying means a lot to him/her, but he/sheâs feeling depressed and doesnât want to do anything. Renew his/her faith into himself by persuading him/her to study.
* As a result of political instabilities, a local political organization reacts severely to the acts of the government. It plans to throw an act of protest. You know that this party is dangerous. Your friend, however, is inspired and wants to join. Tell him about possible consequences of getting into something that is not trustworthy.

Choose another persuasive essay topic from the list:

* Your Mom is not happy with an outfit/make up that you are wearing for a school dance. Try to calm her down.
* You think that school uniform destroys you as an individual. Write a persuasive letter to your principal.
* You are tired of news on TV. They all tell you about the number of victims in Middle East. Tell why it is unethical for journalists to make money on deaths and war.
* Cheating and lying can sometimes be helpful. Convince your readers by giving bright examples.
* Think and prove that living in a big city is better than living in a small town (and vice versa).
* Convince your parents to buy you something.

More persuasive essays topics:

* Your friends want to go dancing; however, all this week youâve been thinking about bowling. Try to persuade them to go to a bowling club.
* You share a room with a younger sister. She has put a poster of Nick Cave onto the wall, and now you feel like an absolutely humiliated person. Tell her why this poster has to be taken off.
* Take any common fallacy (like the one that wolves attack people all the time), and prove why it is wrong.
* You have your own point of view on marriage and family. Convince your readers why it is correct.
* You want to go and study abroad, but there are a number of reasons why you should take someone with you. Persuade a friend of yours that Italy is just the right place for both of you.

And some more persuasive essay topics:

* Your little sister doesnât want to help you and your Mom around the house. Give her reasons why she has to do it.
* The book youâve just finished is absolutely fantastic. Explain to your family member/friend why it is so good. Try to persuade him/her to read it, too.
* A history teacher thinks that showing the movie Pearl Harbor will be just enough to cover the material on the World War II. Prove that you are eager to know more than this, and how the lack of important information can result on your future.
* Tell why it is important to know more than one foreign language.


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Friday, July 26, 2013

What is a good nail art pen, and where can I buy it?

how to make beautiful nail art
 on French Manicure Nail Art | My Nails Art
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I'm looking for a nail polish pen that can be used to make designs and small details, not the 1 stroke nail polish pens.

honestly, that one chick that answered already is right. The salley hansen nail pens are the best. they are about 8 dollars each and are totally worth it. i bought some for my sister and she made these beautiful leopard spots on her toes. do urself a favor and dont purchase anything online. thats the worst thing to do. just drive over to walgreens, savons, target, or even walmart and buy youself a pair!


Salley Hansen nail art pens, do they work well?


I saw an add for them in a magazine. They look really cool. Has anyone used them? Do they work well or are they bad? Are they worth buying? Thanks yahoo friends with beautiful nails ;)

no, i have the silver one and it comes out opaque. plus if you push down too hard, the paint just spills out. imo, it's a ripoff.

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Salley Hansen nail art pens, do they work well?

beautiful nail art
 on konad-stamping-nail-art-nail-design-pedicure-beautiful-bare-feet-nail ...
beautiful nail art image


I saw an add for them in a magazine. They look really cool. Has anyone used them? Do they work well or are they bad? Are they worth buying? Thanks yahoo friends with beautiful nails ;)

no, i have the silver one and it comes out opaque. plus if you push down too hard, the paint just spills out. imo, it's a ripoff.

is it possible to get nail art on my real nails not the acrylic ones?


they've got beautiful designs but i want to have it done on my own nails, because acrylic nails damage your own. Has anyone tried it

Yes you can do that. But one thing: Acrylic does not damage your nails. A bad, inexperienced tech damages your nails, not the acrylic itself.

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What are some attributes of dark or black faeries???

nail art queen
 on NAILS] Victoria's Secret PINK - YouTube
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I absolutely ⥠faeries..demon like ones mostly so please tell me as much as you know. I'll give as many points as i can =].

Dark fairies are usually considered nocturnal beings. They can often be seen playing tricks on other people, hurting others, and secluding themselves from others and staying away from what most other fairies like. Dark faries are particularly prone to setting off other faries, leading them on some sort of long, tedious, adventure. (by that, I mean a classical scenario where the bad fairy takes something or threatens someting leading the hero-the good fairy- to follow her into a trap, but of course, the good fairy usually wins!) Another case of "bad fairies" would be that when they are around others, they act sweet, popular, and helpful. But behind their backs, she's plotting to take over the world by eliminating the current fairy queen and bringing back the dead or something.
A "Dark Fairy" is usually associated with:
-torn clothing
-ripped wings
-dark colors
-moonlight (said to be the height of their power when the moon has risen, hence the reason for them to be more nocturnal...Full moons, new moons, or eclipses where the sun or moon is blocked out are probably the times of which dark fairies gain full power)
-dark arts/black magic
-roses or dead flowers
-dark makeup
-sharp nails and teeth
-sometimes shown as seductive, tricking others until the very last moment when she shows her true self.
Dark fairies are sometimes known to have "other forms," such as turning into some crazy demon thing that probably resembles something like a fairy, bat, cat, vampire, and demon all in one! Of course, to get to this "other form," it would take something like training, the moon, a potion, or elimination of a person holding their power back. (perhaps referring to a very pure fairy, such as a queen or princess, who sealed her powers?)
Other characterstics:
-longing (for power, for love, for friends, for acceptance, for revenge...)
-usually uses some kind of weapon (such as a sword, staff, stick, wand, dark arts/magic, or just plain muscle)
-jumping to conclusions

Hope this helps! with...whatever it is your doing. That's all pretty much the extent of my knowledge of "dark fairies." XD XD

A novel or play that uses the character convention of Queen Bee?


I love the book gossip girl. i lpove blair but serena is so nice.

At the beginning of Gossip Girl, the teenaged Blair Waldorf is introduced as a privileged, comically vain overachiever living on New York's Upper East Side. The character has been called a successor to vintage film and literary figures such as Becky Sharp of Vanity Fair, and Lizzie Eustace of The Eustace Diamonds.She has also drawn comparisons to notable contemporaries, including Lila Fowler of the Sweet Valley High series.

Blair's tendency to overachieve has been noted as a primary difference between herself and her predecessors. While reviewing the series' introduction, Janet Malcolm of The New Yorker remarked that unlike some of her forerunners, "Blair already has all the money and position anyone could want. She is pure naked striving, restlessly seeking an object, any object, and never knowing when enough is enough." While discussing the collective Gossip Girl characters, she went on to state that Blair's issues made her "both a broader caricature and a more real person than the others.

Serena is described as 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) tall, with huge dark blue eyes and messy long blonde hair. Many of the girls at Constance Billard accuse her of using her good looks as a means to secure that everything goes her way. She is not particularly academically skilled, but she is often told that she is not meeting her full potential. Her father runs the same Dutch shipping firm his great-great-grandfather founded in the 18th century, and her mother, Lillian van der Woodsen, is a socialite. Her parents are on the boards of all major charities and art organizations in the city. The van der Woodsens reside at 994 Fifth Avenue, a ritzy, white-gloved doorman building directly across the street from The Met and Central Park. Serena and her family own half the top floor in a 14 room penthouse.

Serena is often seen as a threat to the other girls as she is mysterious and beautiful. Serena has a nail-biting habit and also cuts her split ends off herself, mainly during her classes at Constance Billard. Though exposed and aware of the on-goings in the fashion world, Serena, unlike Blair, is not as meticulous about her fashion choices and wardrobe. She is described to have an effortless way about her. Serena is charismatic, charming, talented, funny, kind, care free and laid back. These attributes help Serena to thrive and often attract men.

In the first novel of the series, Serena returns to Manhattan where she used to live at the exclusive Constance Billard School for Girls. Before leaving she was best friends with Blair Waldorf. Upon returning, she interrupts a passionate moment between Blair and Nate, and becomes the target of Blair's hatred as she constantly tries to steal the spotlight from Blair. During the series, Serena becomes briefly involved with Dan Humphrey and Blair's stepbrother Aaron Rose.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Anybody have any ideas for a memorable birthday party for a mother?

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 on ... second layer of OPI gel color nail polish for 30 seconds in the led
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My mom's turning 40 on Sunday, March 15 and she wants my sister, my dad and myself to make this birthday of hers really special and memorable. We've come up with ideas but nothing that just pops out and is truly amazing. We are kind of budgeted. Does anyone have any ideas?

have an easter egg hunt for her. buy plastic eggs and inside them, put money, jewelry, makeup items that fit (nail polish, eye shadow, etc). make your own coupons and put them in to give her time off. do dishes for the week or vacuum, laundry, cook things along that line. Maybe she wants to take art, dance or music lessons. Maybe you can get a gift certificate for cooking lessons. There must be somethings she has mentioned over time that you can fulfill for her. a day of beauty package at a spa. Help her pick out a new hairtstyle. shower her with flowers. each day a new bouquet in the week leading up to her birthdate. hand make birthday and thank you mom cards. get her tickets to hear her favorite singer (eventho the date may be later in the year) and if it is out of town, overnight hotel reservations. maybe she wants a flower bed planted or yardwork done. Maybe have a study or hobby room set up for her. hope this helps.

How much money on average should you bring to New York. Just spending money.?

math magic

Don't include money for hotel, transportation, and the flight. Just regular sight seeing and having fun. New York is a vacation.

It really just depends on how long you'll be there and what all you want to see. Another major factor would be how much you pay for in advance; like getting tickets to shows, tours, etc.

I went for a week before and thought I needed a lot of money but I doubt that I even spent $200. I saw the statue of liberty on the free ferry rather than a tour, went to coney island, went to nightclubs (got on the list for free or discounted admission through e-mail, party promotor websites), went to the wax museum by using a coupon from the visitors center in Times Square - it actually turned out to be on a higher level than other pre-paid passes because it allowed us to skip the line AND get discounts while there, I saw most of the sites by using subways....cabs are cheap too....even hopped on the bus.

Buying a "metro pass," is a huge help. You can ride the buses and subways unlimited...just buy one from the booth or if you use the machine, make sure you use a debit card because if it's something wrong with it they won't refund you. I actually had to call customer service, and they mailed a new one to me that I had to use within a year. Luckily I went back a little less than a year later and used; but I feel bad for working people who would've had to shell out another 25 bucks to get back & forth to low paying jobs.

Anyway, back to the sightseeing. My cousin told me that all shows (plays) have what's called a lottery. You have to stand in line early in la manana and so many tickets are sold for like $25 so they aren't denying the poor an opportunity at culture & arts. The only thing is everyone in line want automatically get the tickets.You can also use TKTS.

All in all it's not as expensive as you'd is what's expensive - hotel, rent, real estate. But I found everything else to be average and some things cheaper than other places. Like the hundreds of nice nail salons with spa pedicures for $20, massages in Chinatown for $10-30, even corner stores that sold some grocery and clothing items cheaper than most chains.

So again, if you plan on going on tours and to see shows...and your transportation is paid for in advance - you won't need much more besides to eat & shop or buy souvenirs.

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Any good websites for hand painted Nail art on natural nails?

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 on Nail Art by Vicki Irvine - Christmas nail designs - Nail Art Gallery
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I just started playing with nail art and have found out that I am Pretty good at it. I have see all the Youtube videos I want more, even pics of nail art on natural nails. I can figure it out from there. Thanks in advance.


What is best nail salon in nj for hand painted nail art?


I'm looking for the best salon in NJ preferrably the Hazlet/Middletown area or somewhere near there to get my nails done that does really great hand painted custom nail art. Like if I show them a picture off pinterest can do it plus they have their own designs and they have some that are 3d with the things they can glue on them. Basically all the bells and whistles I could want. Thanks!!

The best nail salon is somewhere in the Central market, in downtown New Jersey.

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How to not be afraid to try nail polish colors?

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 on BONUSES Free China Glaze Nail Polish
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i always wanted to try colors like dark purples,dark blues,etc but im always afraid to wear them and i usually end up wearing a light pink almost clear color and that's it.

Also can anyone tell me some different colors of nail polish for all 4 seasons that would look great!~ thx a bunch! like what colors would be great for spring,summer,winter,and fall. :D

I totally feel you. Growing up my parents would only let me wear this shade of pink called Cotton Candy so I was always used to the light, iridescent pink shades on my nails. As I got older and started to enjoy painting my nails and getting them done, I ventured into darker nails. I went pretty extreme- I wore Lincoln Park at Dark by OPI when I got a free manicure at a sample sale. I say the best way to start wearing darker colors is to go get a cheap manicure and choose a shade that stands out to you. It might look totally ugly in the end but at least you wouldn't have spent an arm & a leg.

To answer the second part of your question: what shades for each season, I say I clump shades into two sections Spring/Summer & Winter/Fall. The shades suggested by fashion mags will change every year but in a general sense are usually in the same family of color. For fall/winter I would go with darker colors and especially metallic colors. Try gunmetal tones- they're really nice looking. I, personally, don't like to wear black nail polish anymore but I still wear dark purples (my favorite shades are Pat on the Black & Arabian Night both by Sally Hansen), darker red tones, and an occasional dark blue.

I actually don't mind wearing whatever color I feel like for any season but I typically go for pastel colors in Spring, hot pinks and bright reds for summer, and darker/metallic colors for the rest of the year. For Spring you might want to try lilac. Essie has really cute shades: Neo Whimsical, Lilacism, Bermuda Shorts. It might help you to transition out of your comfort zone if you're not into just jumping into something new. You can start with light purple and work your way to darker purple. Or just wear a new color on your toes and see how you like it.

What is the longest lasting brand of nail polish?


I want something I can go pick up at most stores and is not to much money. I am sick of nail polish that starts chipping off the first day.

I suggest putting a base coat and a top coat that you can get cheap at Walgreens by Sinful Colors. I love the brands:

-Sinful Colors ($4 Walgreens)
-Sally Hansen ($5-$7 depending on type)
-Pure Ice ($3 Walgreens)
-Heaven (I don't know if they still manufacture it or not, but it's really good, one coat is enough and it won't chip for a while. Check online)
-China Glaze

Hope this helps, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me about it. :)

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Are there any Asian nail salons in Sydney Australia?

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 on Funky Nails Art Designs Pictures,nails art pictures
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Are there any Asian nail salons in Sydney Australia?
I am going to Sydney (in and just around the city) in November and I really want to get my nails done (gels or acrylics) in a nail salon/nail bar. Does anyone know if there are any "Asian" nail salons/bars? Like where most of the staff are Asian and they can do Japanese style nails and nail art like 3D nail art etc. I am specifically wanting to get my nails done in a Japanese/Korean/Asian style and preferably by an Asian girl. I am not racist or anything, I just want an authentic Asian nail experience because I prefer the Asian nail styles and I think that Asian nail techs have a different way of doing nails than others. Thanks ^_^

At first I thought your question was odd, but then I realized I don't know where you are from. I would expect to find Asian nail salons wherever there are more than a few shops, every strip mall. I've never been to any, but would think there must be at least a thousand in the metro Sydney area.

Are there any Asian nail salons in Sydney Australia?


Are there any Asian nail salons in Sydney Australia?
I am going to Sydney (in and just around the city) in November and I really want to get my nails done (gels or acrylics) in a nail salon/nail bar. Does anyone know if there are any "Asian" nail salons/bars? Like where most of the staff are Asian and they can do Japanese style nails and nail art like 3D nail art etc. I am specifically wanting to get my nails done in a Japanese/Korean/Asian style and preferably by an Asian girl. I am not racist or anything, I just want an authentic Asian nail experience because I prefer the Asian nail styles and I think that Asian nail techs have a different way of doing nails than others. Thanks ^_^

Yes there is, but it depends on what part of Sydney you are going too but just for your information
Here are some that I have seen;
-American Nails(Yes I know it says 'American' but they have the same style your going for and yes their staff is Asian)
-Aki's perfect 10 nail salon
-Ella Rogue Beauty

Have a great time in Sydney!

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Songs about self-harm?

nail art queens ny
 on lot of clothes for him, but I always get the sizing wrong!
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Thanks for answering.

100 Stories - Alkaline Trio
A Body Treatise - The International Noise Conspiracy
A Few Small Bruises - Maria Mena
A Suicidal Failure - Cage
Adios - Rammstein
All My Life - Foo Fighters
Angela Baker and my Obsession with Fire - Senses Fail
Angels with Dirty Faces - Sum 41
Another Night - One Man Army
Bad Habit - The Dresden Dolls
Band Aid Covers The Bullet Hole - Scarling
Bandages - Hot Hot Heat
Beauty Fiend - My Ruin
Bed of Razors - Children of Bodom
Bite to Break Skin - Senses Fail
Bleed Like Me - Trapt
Bleeds No More - Silverstein
Blood and Fire - Indigo Girls
Blood Clots and Black Holes - Thrice
Burning Inside - Ministry
Changes - 3 Doors Down
Close Your Eyes - My Ruin
Cold - Corinna Fugate
Concrete Angel - Martina McBride
Cosmetic - My Ruin
Cut - Plumb
Cut Up Angel - The Used
Cutting and Draining - Orange 9mm
Dermo - Vex Red
Design for Life - Manic Street Preachers
Devil With The Black Dress On - Jack off Jill
Die in the Summertime - Manic Street Preachers
Different Problem Same Solution - Violent Work of Art
Diluted - Slipknot
Duality - Slipknot
How to Fix Everything - Bayside
Hurt (bridge to Caught a Lite Sneeze) - Tori Amos
Hurt (intro to Bells for Her) - Tori Amos
Hurt (intro to Caught a Lite Sneeze) - Tori Amos
Hurt (intro to Precious Things) - Tori Amos
Hurt Myself - Dark Lotus
I Cut Myself, Too - Gob
i fell in love with a cutter - Modern Girlfriends
I Lied My Face Off - Alkaline Trio
I Was Wrong - Social Distortion
Kill Me - Etched Memories
Last Resort - Papa Roach
Late at Night - Ten Foot Pole
Leave the Light On - Beth Hart
Lemon - Katy Rose
Let it Bleed - The Used
Lie to Me Baby - Monday In London
Life Of Pain - Black Flag
Little House - The Fray
Long Sleeves for the Summer - Gene
Loose Lips - Kimya Dawsonria
Monolith - Stone Sour
Mr Self Destruct - Nine Inch Nails
Mr. Chainsaw - Alkaline Trio
My Black Dahlia - Hollywood Undead
My Heart Is The Worst Kind Of Weapon - Fall Out Boy
ný batterí - sigur rós
Needle and Your Pain - Lillian Axe
Not an Addict - K's Choice
Numb - Holly McNarland
Ohio is for Lovers - Hawthorne Heights
One More Word - 36 Crazyfists
Pain - Three Days Grace
Painting the White to Gray - Chimaira
Paperdoll - Kittie
Point of View - Silverchair
Point of View - Silverchair
Queen Of Pain - Alkaline Trio
Razor - Foo Fighters
Razor - New Years Day
Rectifier - Ra
Red Sam - Flyleaf
Right Now - Korn
Roses in the Hospital - Manic Street Preachers
Rote Tränen - Goethes Erben
Sappy - Nirvana
Save Your Scissors - City and Colour
Say Anything - Mariana's Trench
Scars - Papa Roach
Scars - My Ruin
Scissors - Slipknot
Send The Pain Below - Chevelle
Severe Emotional Distress - Into Eternity
Shake Dog Shake - The Cure
She's Falling Apart - Lisa Loeb
Sore Thumb - The Format
Sperm - Relative Ash
Stan - Eminem
Strawberry Gashes - Jack off Jill
Taste The Poison - Story of the Year
Tears of Blood - Biohazard
Testify - Amy Studt
The Art of Suicide - Emilie Autumn
The Cutter - Echo and the Bunnymen
The Revisionist - The Lawrence Arms
The Test of Life - Praga Kahn
The Way She Feels - Between the Trees
Three Peaches - Neutral Milk Hotel
Time To Dance - Panic! At the Disco
Today - Smashing Pumpkins
Tormentor - Skinny Puppy
Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Veins of Glass - Lacuna Coil
Vices - Dead Poetic
Victoria's Secret - Sonata Arctica
Wait - Earshot
We Belong With the Dead - Inkubus Sukkubus
We Don't Die - Twiztid
When I Am Queen - Jack off Jill
Willing Oneself To Forget What Cannot Otherwise Be Forgiven - Shai Hulud
Wires - Athlete
Yes - Manic Street Preachers

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How to get dry large unknown carpet stains out?

nail polish for dogs
 on How to have a spa day with your pooch
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I have tried hairspray, rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, windex, and dishwashing soap mixed with water. Please help! The stains are dark and large. They range from unknown-nail polish-dog pee! I would rather not go out and buy something ! Thank you!

Use a steam cleaner with vinegar and really hot water.

My dog got nail polish all on her front left leg what should I do?


The other night my mom dropped and broke her nail polish and I thought she cleaned it good but I guess not because this morning when I woke up I saw the nail polish all on my dogs leg. How can I take it off? will nail polish harm her skin? shes a lab mixed.

Don't use nail polish remover to get it off. Maybe cut the fur that it got on or use baby shampoo and get it off. I don't think it would hurt her skin, though, but I've never been in this situation.

Good luck with your baby!

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How long does it take nail polish to dry?

nail polish ulta
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Q. I've decided to paint my nails tomorrow before school because I'll be wearing flip flops. How long will it take one coat of light pink ULTA nail polish to dry?

It will take about 5 to 10 minutes to dry trust me. I have to paint my nails sometimes right before I go on stage and they dry in 5 to 10 minutes. This is the real Miley Cyrus, and I know people say this all the time but this time it really is.

What are the harmful chemicals in some nail polishes (such as Essie) that can cause cancer and birth defects?


I really like the nail polish brand called Essie, but when I went to get some at Ulta, it had a sign that said it contained a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects. I was wondering what those chemical/s are and if they still exist in Essie nail polishes. Thank you!

the major 2 toxic chemicals in nail polish are Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) and Toluene.
Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) is a plasticiser to prevent chips and cracks. DBP is an oily liquid that is soluble in fat and slightly soluble in water. It is not very volatile so it does not evaporate readily into the atmosphere.
Over 75% of DBP is used as a plasticiser in polymers such as PVC, 14% is used in adhesives, 7% in printing inks and 3% in other miscellaneous uses, including sealants and grouting agents used in construction as well as consumer products such as cosmetics.

Toluene is a solvent that makes the polish easy to apply. It is aromatic and commonly used as an industrial solvent for the manufacturing of paints, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and rubber.
Toluene is found in gasoline, acrylic paints, varnishes, lacquers, paint thinners, adhesives, glues, rubber cement, airplane glue, and shoe polish.

Essie i believe still does use those chemicals you might want to try these

Avon, Butter London, Dashing Diva âExtra Virginâ, HoneyBee Gardens, Lippmann Collection (newer collections), NailTini, NARS (new formula), Nocti, Nubar, OPI (Australia collection & newer), Revlon, Sally Hansen, Vinyl Deborah Lippmann, Zoya

hope this helped

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What Is The Oddest Nail Polish Name You've Heard?

nail polish names
 on ... nail polish  how to wear white nail polish  white nail polish
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The craziest nail polish name I've heard is: My Chihuahua Bites. It's orange. Tell me what the wildest nail polish name you've heard is and what color it is. Thnx:)

It's a tie between Apri-Cotcha Cheating and I'm Not Really A Waitress.
The first color is obvious.
The second is red with some goldish tint to it.
Both are from OPI.
Haha same as My Chihuahua Bites. =)

What are some really good nail polish and where can I buy them?


I have these really bad nail polish that when it dries, I can still see some spots of my nails on it. Can anyone name any brands that actually look pretty and can stay on for some time? Thanks! :)

I expect people will be pouring info onto you about how great OPI nail polishes are. They are great to be honest. But if you don't want to spend lots of money on buying nail polishes, I would suggest you to try drug store nail polish brand like Sally Hansen for example. The Hard as Nails series has a great range of colour and stays on with no chipping for at least a week or two. They are quite cheap and I think you should give it a try.

Hope this helps :)

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How do you get Sharpie out of the Fabric part of Converse?

nail polish loreal
 on Loreal Nail
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K, well like my friend decided to write on the side of my shoe (on the fabric not rubber) and i regret EVER letting her do it, so i want it reeealy want it off, i tried Loreal, and Tresemme Hairspray, Nail polish remover, and washing it, they are Raspberry color converse, barely bought them like a couple weeks ago, and she painted on it with a magenta color sharpie. Help?

Thanks [:

Whatever color converse you have, get the same color or close sharpie, and color over it, until it is damp, and soak it up with a washcloth or something, if you can find the exact color, put bleach into some water, and dab it on the spot, and it will ighten it, and then color over it with sharpie. I got Black sharpie on a red pair of dickes shorts and did this for about 5-10 minutes, and they look like it never happened, although for the first couple times i wore them, it stained my leg.

What is the best makeup money can buy?

Steph D

I used every thing from covergirl to rimell (sp?) London.
Still I wonder what is a good make up out there.
From foundation to nail polish
what do you get?

Hate MAC foundations..thick & heavy looks cakey. Dior, Armani foundations & MUFE are good foundations to choose from

Blushes - NARS. Has the best pigmented blush beats MAC blushes anyday!

Eyeshadows - MAC. Great quality, wide range of colours.

Lipsticks - MAC. Different formulas to choose from e.g. frost lipsticks, creams, lustre will always find a formula you'll love :)

Lipgloss - MAC. Has loads of formulas again to choose from e.g. Lipglass, Dazzleglass, Lustreglass & Plushglass, wide range of colour once again.

Mascara - Diorshow & Lancome mascaras are pretty good, but you dont wanna buy expensive mascaras as you will have to throw it out every 3months so it's really a waste of money. Probably Loreal mascaras have my vote :) For volume try Loreals Voluminous & for length Loreals Telescopic (normal one, not explosion i heard thats crap)

Eyeliners - For the lower lashline pencil eyeliner has to be Urban decay 24/7. And the best eyeliner for the upper lid is gel eyeliner e.g. Bobbi brown long wearing gel eyeliner & MAC's fluidlines

Nail polishes - OPI & China nail polishes out there, great colours & finishes.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

how do you keep permanent marker permanent?

nail polish 2013
 on it comes to colors of opi nail polishes you can find several opi nail ...
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Mis. gamer

So i wanna make these glasses fora friend, but i realized permanent marker, is not all that permanent, i know there's the spray bottles for plastic, but i honestly don't have 44$ to spend on that, will clear coat nail polish work?

One way of creating a permanent marking glass(es), is to engrave the shape and forms - that you want to put on those glasses - with a device like this: (click on the link to see the picture of it)

That way the marking is cut into the glasses and can be filled with any kind of "permanent marker ink". to form a lasting impression. This makes it almost impossible to get worn off, since the ink now lies below the surface of the glasses (that usually gets touched first right ;-)

What nail polish color would look with this dress?

Just Wonde

I have this creme colored dress with black polka dots everywhere and a peter pan collar. I don't know what color to do my nails ! I don't want a color that will match it. I want a color that will accent it. I plan on wearing gold earings with the dress and black wedges. And should I do my toes that same color or a different color? If so what color? And what color should the design be ?

I would do my hands and toes the same color. And then a very bright one, like hot pink, coral, red or yellow.Or a very bright purple!
examples for yellow:
hot pink:
this orange, yellow, red or pink:
But I would ultimately go for this bright red:

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What brands of nail polish Dry the fastest?

nail polish not drying
 on In Order For Quick Dry Nail Polish More. For that, before you should ...
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What brands of nail polish dry fast but are cheap?

Sally Hansen New Lengths

Tips for making my nail polish dry faster?


Are there any little tips that will make my nail polish dry faster?
I use OPI, and it seems to take a very long time to dry. It becomes "tacky" relatively fast, but actually dry nails really takes a while.

run them under freezing cold water...that hardens them instantly...try it...

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How to look pretty for school?

nail polish pinterest
 on Pin Nail Natural Nails Polish Designs Design on Pinterest
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I just moved recently and I started at a new school. My old school was pretty relaxed with the rules, there wasn't a uniform and you could wear makeup and style your hair. In my new school we have a uniform ( a ugly one at that), we can't wear makeup, jewlery, nail polish and our hair must be tied up and out of your face. How can I look pretty with rules that strict, I usually wear makeup (foundation, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick) and keep my hair loose (my hair is black, long and straight .

I know schools for studying but I would just like some tips how I can look better at school?
My schools rule is that the hair must be off the shoulders, neck or back. So I don't think braids would count, right?

You could try a sock bun with a cute bow:) look on pinterest, there are plenty of ideas.

I'm redecorating my teenage girl bedroom and I need help?


I am a teenage girl (13) and I'm moving into a bigger room. (It's like a mini-master bedroom,lol.)
I don't know the size of the bedroom but if it helps it has two windows and four walls.
I'm not buying new furniture except a desk and maybe seating.
I really want to decorate a room I will never outgrow till I move out.
Here are my questions:
1. What colors should I paint on the walls? (that matches everything)
2. What colors should I paint on the furniture? (that matches everything)
3. Are there any cute bedding out there? (preferably an inexpensive bed in a bag or quilt)
4. Are wall stickers recommended? List all of the pros and cons.
5. Are there any cool but cheap posters I could buy?
6. Are there any interesting area/accent rugs?
7. How can I organize my room?
8. Any other creative ways to decorate my room?

To make answering my question easier, I will tell you a little about myself.
I love animals especially dogs, cats, rabbits, and horses.
I am very passionate about writing stories.
I love to read, watch movies and TV shows, do art, and use the computer.
I am not necessarily a girly-girl but not a tomboy. (Though, I have more tomboy in me.)
I hate jewerly, makeup, and nail polish. (Dunno that would help with room makeovers.)
I am not into music, sports, and things like that.
I love my stuffed animals and I love candy =D

Thanks for answering and sorry if this is too long.

The above site is called Polyvore. You can go in and create different rooms and also fashion. You will learn it fairly quickly. I am happy you get a new room. So fun to decorate and make a statement about you.Have plenty of shelves for all the books and stuffed animals. Iwill put some sites on for you.

What is fun about choosing a neutral color is that you can add pops of color in pillows, bedspreads, lamps, through rugs etc.

Using color wheels are fun and you can get ideas here. Start with your neutral and use the wheel to show pops of color

Pretty Jars filled with candy could be colorful.Ideas

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