Saturday, July 27, 2013

How to become a photographer?

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images of beautiful nail art image

Skyler Ale

I am 15 and am really interested in becoming a photographer for the Navy and would like to know where to begin with photography.
I know pretty much nothing about photography.
What camera should I start out with?
What other equipment do I need?
What are other cameras that I should get later on?
Do I need to learn how to edit?
^^ if so where do I begin?
Are there scholarships I could possibly apply for and how would I go about doing that?
College courses?
I know this is a lot of questions, but I have no clue where to start.
Please answer in detail. xx

From editorial and advertising to portraiture and fine art, photographers with a point of view can still carve out a career in a world where (nearly) everyone has a camera.

Get An Education

Kelly Osterholt, a wedding/portrait photographer, didnât just rely on her passion for photography. In college she took photography courses, and later studied at the Brooks Institute of Photography. âItâs like anything else,â Osterholt said. âEducation makes you better.â Costs at a private school like Brooks run high, so learn where you can. Seminars or workshops are a great way to get your feet wet before taking the plunge into a full-time photography program.
Feed Your Creativity

Take the time to practice your craft. Shoot personal projects. Learn about other photographers, go see art and photography exhibits, or look up well-known images online. Seeing quality photography might inspire you and help you define your specialty. Then enter your images into contests, which are a great way to bring your work to a new audience and get feedback.

Technically Speaking

Technical proficiency is more than knowing how to look up âexposure compensationâ in your camera manual. It is about knowing how different sources of light can shape your subject, or how to properly use your fill flash to balance out the sun, or how to pan for great motion blur. Photography is artistic as well as technical and gaining technical expertise is another reason to educate yourself.

Making Money

With the creative and technical side nailed down, you need to turn it from a hobby to a profession. âIn a lot of ways the business and marketing side is the hardest part,â said Chuck Gardner, a Los Angeles photographer specializing in fine-art portraiture. You must know about things like sales tax and permits. Bookkeeping practices are essential. Books and business courses can help. You may also need another source of income. Osterholt assists on bigger-budget commercial shoots.

Networking Is Key

Osterholt and Gardner agree on the importance of networking. âWhen youâre starting out, you need to find people who believe in you,â Gardner said. At the start of his career, Gardnerâs in-laws hired him to photograph seasonal catalogs for a clothing line they owned. âThey paid me enough to buy all my studio lights and equipment,â said Gardner.


Photography is a business that is heavily referral based. If you are a pleasant person to be around, you are more likely to be hired and recommended to family and friends. Mommy-and-me groups, churches, and schools are all great communities to get plugged into for family/children portraiture.

A Saturated Field

With the increasing availability of high quality DSLR cameras, the field has become saturated with people hoping to get paid to shoot. This means a lot of competition for business, as well as a perceived de-valuing of the service you are offering. âI have clients who believe I can bring out something in their children that no one else can,â Gardner said. His business is built on his ability to deliver consistently beautiful images for his clients, but also the clientâs belief that he has something unique to offer.
Changing Trends

Photography is a field of constant change. Aside from the never-ending updates in equipment and digital software, photographers need to be in tune with public tastes and aesthetics. Compare your parentsâ wedding photos to popular wedding photography styles today and youâll get the idea. Pay attention to images in magazines, movie posters and even advertisements. These are the images that influence your clients' tastes.

You Are For Hire

When you put yourself out there as a professional, you should be willing to shoot anything if someone is willing to pay you. If someone asks you to photograph a dog, and is willing to pay you for it, take the job. Pet photographers can bring in about $400 for a two-hour session.

What is a good research paper topic?


I need a research topic for English comp 1. It needs to be argumentative and I have to have at least two journals/ data bases. I'm a little pressed for time. My annotated bibliography is due tomorrow. I have four papers due by the 5th of October... I was originally going to write on CIPA but I then realized it wouldn't argue well. Its my first college research paper! Help!!!!

Stop biting on your nails and trying to come up with topics for persuasive essay. Whether it is your first experience in argumentative essay writing, or you are looking for fresh ideas, we offer you a list of top 50 suggestions for your argumentative essay topic. Enjoy and good luck!

* Should animals be used for scientific researches?
* Do we need prisons?
* Should the death penalty be mandatory for all murderers, or just for those who manage to kill people even when staying in a prison?
* Do we have the right to exhume bodies of prominent people and move them from one place to another?
* Shouldnât Russians finally bury Lenin?
* Better naked, than in furs?
* Was Saddam Husseinâs execution an essential point in establishing democracy in Iraq?
* Should men be allowed to have more than one wife?
* Plastic surgeries: a way to become more beautiful, or someoneâs unhealthy idea?

* In some Asian countries cutting off thiefâs right hand is still commonly practiced. Do you think this is the best way out?
* Talk about major issues (sex, abortion, Iraq, Vietnam, marijuana, etc).
* Say why talking about main issues (sex, abortion, Iraq, Vietnam, marijuana, etc) all the time not only lessens their importance, but even evokes irritation.
* Why atheists have to be tolerant to religion, while religious people are not tolerant to atheists?
* Was the âsex, drugs, and rockânârollâ era significant, or not?
* Prove that bagels with free sour cream stimulate brain activity.
* A maniac killed 15 little girls and was sentenced to death. One of the local TV stations was asked by the parents of victims to show his execution. The channel gave its agreement, but the translation was later cancelled. Give your opinion on this situation.
* Vegetarians vs. Meateaters. Whose side are you on? No fence-sitting, please.
* Why talking about sex is okay, and talking about cheating is embarrassing?
* Do you agree that there is art for the masses, and elite culture? How do you feel about being âthe massâ?
* If you are not in âthe massâ, what do you think about The Black Square by Kazimir Malevich?
* Do you want to have a cosmetic surgery?
* Is it important to talk openly about the contraception?
* Which country has the prettiest girls?
* Prove that blondes are actually smart.
* An image of USA has become negative. Do you agree with this statement?
* There is an opinion that DAEWOOâs are not cars at all. Are they?
* What do you think about gay marriages?
* Why driving is permitted from the age of 16, and gambling â from the age of 21?
* Is it helpful being skeptical?
* What do you think about the negative public opinion on thongs and bra straps?
* Your friend is concerned about his/her grades. Even though they are good, he/she still stays awake for half of the night getting the assignments and extra credit work ready. Convince your friend that wearing him/herself out is not the best idea.
* When you moved to this town, it was relatively small. Now that itâs expanding, your parents consider moving to a calmer place. You, however, have friends here that you donât want to live. Talk to your parents about the necessity of staying.
* A friend of yours, a skinny girl, thinks that she needs to lose a few pounds. Tell her why losing more weight will only damage her health.
* Your friend is failing his finals. If he doesnât pass, heâll be expelled from the university. You know that studying means a lot to him/her, but he/sheâs feeling depressed and doesnât want to do anything. Renew his/her faith into himself by persuading him/her to study.
* As a result of political instabilities, a local political organization reacts severely to the acts of the government. It plans to throw an act of protest. You know that this party is dangerous. Your friend, however, is inspired and wants to join. Tell him about possible consequences of getting into something that is not trustworthy.

Choose another persuasive essay topic from the list:

* Your Mom is not happy with an outfit/make up that you are wearing for a school dance. Try to calm her down.
* You think that school uniform destroys you as an individual. Write a persuasive letter to your principal.
* You are tired of news on TV. They all tell you about the number of victims in Middle East. Tell why it is unethical for journalists to make money on deaths and war.
* Cheating and lying can sometimes be helpful. Convince your readers by giving bright examples.
* Think and prove that living in a big city is better than living in a small town (and vice versa).
* Convince your parents to buy you something.

More persuasive essays topics:

* Your friends want to go dancing; however, all this week youâve been thinking about bowling. Try to persuade them to go to a bowling club.
* You share a room with a younger sister. She has put a poster of Nick Cave onto the wall, and now you feel like an absolutely humiliated person. Tell her why this poster has to be taken off.
* Take any common fallacy (like the one that wolves attack people all the time), and prove why it is wrong.
* You have your own point of view on marriage and family. Convince your readers why it is correct.
* You want to go and study abroad, but there are a number of reasons why you should take someone with you. Persuade a friend of yours that Italy is just the right place for both of you.

And some more persuasive essay topics:

* Your little sister doesnât want to help you and your Mom around the house. Give her reasons why she has to do it.
* The book youâve just finished is absolutely fantastic. Explain to your family member/friend why it is so good. Try to persuade him/her to read it, too.
* A history teacher thinks that showing the movie Pearl Harbor will be just enough to cover the material on the World War II. Prove that you are eager to know more than this, and how the lack of important information can result on your future.
* Tell why it is important to know more than one foreign language.


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