Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How to represent knowledge and ignorance with textures?

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 on Nail Art Designs For Toenails | All About Fashion
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I'm doing a conceptual art piece so it's more of the idea that counts and that it's obvious that the texture (and visualisation can be used to represent as well, but less so) means ignorance and knowledge. And I've lost my inspiration over Christmas due to being distracted from doing anything productive so if anybody has any ideas?
For example to represent war I'd use nails and have them sticking out of a canvas, or freedom you'd use varnish to make a smooth surface...

Slow down and think as if deep....for ignorance do interpretation of a big "Slash"and do it on hard panel (like masonite)to represent harshness...and for knowledge do nice canvas with warm colour spectrum representing range of knowledge....

What can you use as a medium for art instead of the traditional mediums?

Kayla W

I was inspired by my friends work because he was able to use M&Ms to color in the work, I was shocked to find this out and this got me to think whether there are other sources of mediums from simple items. Thanks!

Use your imagination.

You can pretty much use anything.
Use candy, food, syrups, food coloring, nail polish, lipstick, other make-up products, mud, grass, leaves, bodily fluids (blood, urine, feces etc), dead animals (road kill, meat from the deli).

You can also let food decompose on canvas or paper and see what kind of marks that can make.

Cover yourself in a non-traditional material of your choice and use your body to paint.

Pour bleach on the pigments you make.

Set your canvas on fire. Put it out. Use the burn marks for inspiration.

Put firecrackers between two pieces of wood and set it off.
See what you get.

Please use suggested materials at your discretion.

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