Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Can wearing Nail polish and using remover harm a pregnancy?

Q. A question in my mind I just kept thinking about. No negative comments please! :)

No its fine just make sure you are not directly inhaling the remover as that stuff is quite potent. But using it every now and then in a well ventatlated room should be fine.

Is nail polish safe during pregnancy?


Thanks everyone. I just wanted to make sure, it seems that things are a little out of hand these days with the ... don'ts of pregnany. I rarely paint my nails but since being pg I have noticed they have grown and clear polish makes them look decent. Thanks again......

From the little bit I know, the answer is yes. But don't inhale the fumes!! If you breath them, your baby will breath it too.
Polish remover (acetone), in the other hand is not such an innert chemical:

"Exposure to exogenous acetone can be chronic due to acetone contamination of water, food (e.g. milk), or the air (acetone is volatile). A number of acute poisoning cases have been described. Relatively speaking, acetone is not a very toxic compound; it can, however, damage the mucosa of the mouth and can irritate and damage skin. Accidental intake of large amounts of acetone may lead to unconsciousness and death."

The effects of long-term exposure to acetone are known mostly from animal studies. Kidney, liver, and nerve damage, increased birth defects, and lowered reproduction ability of males (only) occurred in animals exposed long-term. It is not known if these same effects would be exhibited in humans.

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