Friday, April 18, 2014

New shop art contest...what is your opinion?


Well, the other guys seemed to like the results from posting this on here instead of the one sided biased votes received at the shop. They kinda want it to be a weekly thing. But of course if I loose this thing too often I do have a bit of pride and will have to postpone...LOL.

Anyway, I invite professionals, amateurs, and enthusiast alike to place comments, to critique, and give an overall judgment of best piece entered. Of course there is a little story behind this little contest and for those of you that don't know it it is just that I simply complement my apprentices and shop artists and boast of there skills and how good they so this little contest started. Just in the shop side at first but the opinions we felt were one sided because most people new who did what piece. So here we are.....And if you happen to recognize who did what piece still attempt to leave an unbiased opinion.

TY in advance.
Hmmmm....didn't get much response from this one but I don't see how any can to the amazing review offered by bratt. I too truly appreciate old school pieces and love the fact that John (the apprentice) desires to make old-school his passion and perfection but adding precise and limited shading to the old-school designs. The goggle piece was done by Jack (shop artists) and it is a portrait Al Jargenson from Mynistry. Mitch did the Nicholson piece - he is/was an apprentice that has been working solid for about a year now. The last was mine. I really appreciate all the answers and specially yours bratt. Spot-on! I agree with the eyes. Also, that piece was done with the Alla Prima flesh tone set but of course with me making some dirty colors like I always like to do. I love to add colors/color that you not typically expect to make the pieces stand apart.

Okay I will take a crack at this. Well first of all, this is like comparing apples to oranges so it is extremely hard to vote on a favorite. They are all very good and as I said before, if not already on skin I would be very happy to hang them. Thank you for sharing!

Number 1 â I like to see old school (especially more so since I rarely see it in my studio because we donât get a lot of call for it) and this is particularly nice in that it is almost an âantiquedâ variation due to soft color shading and color over the gray work. The vase seemed a bit problematic and there looks like a mole was tattooed over in the top rose which I am not cool about, but over all I love the complete look and that yummy dreamsicle orange color in the center really is eye catching.

Number 2 â The focus of light brings you to the right side of the face first which is good in that that is where you see reflection in the goggles of what at first glance appears to be the reflected surroundings but then you are drawn to the left side where the skull appears more fully. Love that! If I had to have one area of criticism, I am not totally feeling it with the left side of the face (cheek/jaw area) but that is a minuscule issue, really. The hair, facial hair and lower lip detail rocks as well as the perimeter of this piece â it stands alone nicely.

Number 3 â âHereâs Johnnyâ has always interested me. I understand why this was done with a bit of a longer face due to space allocations on placement. I would have liked to have seen a straighter nose rather than what appears flatter at the bridge area and maybe less furrowing on the forehead but the crazy-eyed expression was truly nailed (the piece would be easily recognized from the eyes alone) and the shading is superb.

Number 4 â This is sick. Yes, my favorite. While I am only a little distracted by the dealies on the face - pustules, or whatever â they seem to be an important element; and their darkening toward the right side of the face along with the obvious holes (where it seems the claws may have at one time produced them) completes it. The coloring is awesome â the green and red complement wonderfully and the darkness of the lips, brows, and eye areas balance well and allow you to immediately get sucked in by those wild eyes! Great care was obviously taken to keep the globe of the eyes appearing round and the canthus is well pronounced. If I had to have a criticism (and truly this is just nit picking) I would say it is also important to keep the iris/pupil area round as well â there was good use of light there and that could have further been used to soften out a perfectly round look but that is all I can offer. I also like the use of white here a lot . Awesome work!

How long does it take to regrow the tip of your thumb?

steve vill

Yesterday I was in art class using a knife on a project then I cut off a little piece of my thumb it's less then 1/4 of an inch and it barely missed my nail just the tip of my thumb got cut off how long till it heals and will it grow completely back

Skin will form over the cut but we do not regrow digits,

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