Sunday, May 25, 2014

Nail polish on dogs?


I was wondering if I could use human nail polish on my dog. I tried to get her groomed at petsmart but she freaked out. So, I've been giving her a makeover myself. :-) Thanks.

Never use human nail polish on your dog i just got puppy nail polish thats fine drys fast and doesnt harm your dog. My dog is fine after painting her nails.

Dog's and nail polish ?


Is it safe to polish your dogs nail?

Yes, any polish will work but the quick dry or one coat type are easiest and fastet to use. Non acetone polish remover to take it off and wash the feet well after taking it off. The only thing special about groomers dog polish is its quick dry one coat which you can get for humans too. If hair is long around nails you may want to trim it back with scissors, obviously blow on the polish to dry and dont let the dog have the foot back until it is dry.

As a groomer at a vets office we often used normal quick dry one coat polish if we needed a color we were out of until we reordered because all of our orders had minimum product # limits.

A lot of breeders use it to mark pups, groomers apply it routinely on groomed female dogs.

Use a little logic, nail polish is toxic if you eat or drink it and on that list, thousands of human babies get nails polished. If its safe for a human baby why wouldnt it be for a dog.

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