Monday, February 17, 2014

What effect does art have on you?


Be it any form.

Good art inspires me, it makes me feel exalted. A piece of art reflects the worldview of the artist, it's an expression of a fundamental idea. Any emotions expressed in the artwork are just facets of that central theme, of the idea which inspired it.

Bad art bores me tremendously. A good example of this would be a MOMA exhibit where a man nailed his breakfast to a board and called it 'art'. Or the horrid screeching which is lauded by many modern critics as 'great music' (exhibit A: 'Sound Grammar', which was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for music). Or the piles of scrap metal which people insist on calling sculpture. Rodin's Thinker has a central theme, an idea which defines the work of art. Rachmaninoff, Vivaldi, and Tchaikovsky explore interesting musical themes in their composition, which are mathematically harmonious. THAT is art. It is disciplined, and meaningful, and inspired by a deep cogent understand. It represents something. It is not a distorted representation of an unintelligible emotion.

"Works of artâlike everything else in the universeâare entities of a specific nature: the concept requires a definition by their essential characteristics, which distinguish them from all other existing entities. The genus of art works is: man-made objects which present a selective recreation of reality according to the artistâs metaphysical value-judgments, by means of a specific material medium. The species are the works of the various branches of art, defined by the particular media which they employ and which indicate their relation to the various elements of manâs cognitive faculty.

Manâs need of precise definitions rests on the Law of Identity: A is A, a thing is itself. A work of art is a specific entity which possesses a specific nature. If it does not, it is not a work of art. If it is merely a material object, it belongs to some category of material objectsâand if it does not belong to any particular category, it belongs to the one reserved for such phenomena: junk.

âSomething made by an artistâ is not a definition of art. A beard and a vacant stare are not the defining characteristics of an artist.

âSomething in a frame hung on a wallâ is not a definition of painting.

âSomething with a number of pages in a bindingâ is not a definition of literature.

âSomething piled togetherâ is not a definition of sculpture.

âSomething made of sounds produced by anythingâ is not a definition of music...

There is no place for the unknowable, the unintelligible, the undefinable, the non-objective in any human product. This side of an insane asylum, the actions of a human being are motivated by a conscious purpose; when they are not, they are of no interest to anyone outside a psychotherapistâs office. And when the practitioners of modern art declare that they donât know what they are doing or what makes them do it, we should take their word for it and give them no further consideration."
- The Romantic Manifesto -

What are the essentials for painting designs on nails?


I like to paint my nails but i dont have like stuff for designs. I want an idea of stuff i should get.

get nailpolish with a striper brush. these are loooong and slim brushes so that you can create lines and whatnot easier. you can also get a dotting tool to create perfect circles on your nails. they range in sizes. if you want to make it really detailed, you can get a nail art brush. theyre tiny tiny thin brushes so that you can draw on your nails. ORRR you can just buy a tiny tiny art brush and just use that. i suggest you check this youtube guru out! shes comes up with the best designs and simple tutorials. she has a video on how you can make your own dotting tool! i hope this helped(:

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