Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Mask for art.... Gotta be pretty funny you know?


Im doing an art project which includes making a mask?

Im thinking it to be a balle mask style but what to be added to it?

Netting, butterflys, wire shit?


(got to be wacky as hell people)

Im a advanced higher student so anything is poss.

Alix xxx

If your an advanced art student, then there is a reason for it - your thoughts are prob best, but here's a go at it: movie/concert tickets, cd covers, old jewlery, how about a mask made from food lables, plastic food, buttons, thread, zippers, fake finger nails, wrapping paper, tin foil, sandwich bags, food, pill bottles, toothpicks, candy wrappers, yogurt cups, christmas cards, bank recipts, dollar bills, coins. have fun!

novel help? how should he get out of the box?

Gabbi Lanz

Alright, so- for my English language arts class, my teacher is having us write a novel.
Mine is about a guy who wakes up inside a box (not like a cardboard box, like a large one, similar to an insane asylum). & in the box is a note that says, "Get out of the box before time runs out."
Well, its finally at the part where he's going to get out. (there's another twist, so I promise the ending will not be happy like that). Anyways, I'm kind of stuck. I think that I should mention something about him having to think outside of the box to get outside of the box, but I'm not really sure what that looks like. Thoughts?

The box is a standard storage crate, made from 3/4" plywood, and nailed on all sides. The trapped man removed the zipper from his jacket, and used the teeth in one "Half" of the metal zipper as a saw to cut through the nails, then curled into a ball and kicked the side out of the crate.

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