Thursday, November 7, 2013

IS this Premed Schedule alright for sophomore year?

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michelle k

Hi. Ok so I start school next week and this is my final schedule for my sophomore year:

1) Organic Chemistry 1
2) Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory
3) Human Physiology
4) Abnormal Psychology
5) Understanding the Dance (a Creative Arts Requirement)
6) Spanish 001 OR a Humanities Requirement. (I am hoping for the Spanish)

Total Credits: 16

How does this sound? Too easy, medium, hard, doable?

Also, is it ok to start Physics 1 my Spring Semester and complete Physics 2 the first part of the summer--meaning I should be done with it by June 10. So I have the rest of the summer to prepare for MCAT. Or should I be taking physics concurrently with organic chemistry? Thanks!

16 hours sounds like a good schedule if you are pretty smart, It is wise strategy to focus the first 3 items on your list and Spanish might not be a good choice for you unless you can already Speak the language. You will be competing with other students who are native speakers and already speak Spanish. They go for the easy A. Physics would be a better choice it is not too difficult a class, in spite of what you may have heard. Hope you are already an honors student in chemistry. Organic chemistry was grueling for me and it brought my grade point to 2.5

It takes almost a 4 point average to get accepted into med school.

When I took my MCAT , side note:
I overheard someone talking to a friend in the hall He said " this is the second time I've taken the exam. I'm going to nail it. I took some amphetamines last year. and I purposely missed some questions, so they wouldn't suspect." (ha, ha)

What can I get these friends of mine for christmas?

Hmm. okay

1. My best friend. She is very like me and a bit girly. I think she wants jewellry? Do you know any good sites where I get good but not that expensive jewellry? My limit for her is about £15.
2. My other close friend. She is quite girly and very bright. She likes to read but I'm not sure about getting her books because she's like read everything!!! lol, she is into creative things. £10 on her?
3. Quite close friend. She is very tomboyish and loves football. Its always hard to get her something because shes not that girly- though she is getting better! lol I only want to spend about £5 on her
4. Other friends. They said they are getting me a tricket? I dont even know what that is but they said they want one to? I dont want to spend all that much on them but I still want it to be nice! lol x
do you know any sites where I can get this? and have you got any good ideas on what I can get them? Any ideas will be appreciated!!! Thanks sooo much!!! xx

1. try the argos website. they have really nice jewelery..,+chains+and+pendants%7C14417066/r_001/4%7CPrice%7C12.5+%3C%3D++%3C%3D+19.99%7C2.htm

2. this is both girly and creative

3. ya, she is hard to shop for..


hope this helped!

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