Thursday, August 8, 2013

Could someone look over this English Essay?

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Q. From the beginning of mankind, beauty and cosmetics have always been significant. A "cosmetic" is a substance applied to a person's body to promote attractiveness or alter appearance1. If you had not known this fact, then you most likely have been living under a rock all your life and are clueless to reality. Now, I am not saying we live in a completely vain society, because if you go back to any time in history--the higher your level of beauty, the higher your status in religion, society, and wealth. Archaeologists have determined that the use of cosmetics has been around as early as the Ancient Egyptians, but to be honest, who is to say that beauty products have not been around longer? Nevertheless, the need to look attractive or beautiful has seemingly been crucial to society since the birth of men, and woman of course.

The Ancient Egyptians are a prime example of a society that revolves around beauty. The expression "cleanliness is next to Godliness" derived from this time, because they believed that if you display beauty by your physical appearance and scent, then that directly determined your level of spirituality2. The Ancient Egyptians used natural formulas made of oils, fat and minerals to overcome their skin's challenges. They made cosmetic products to get rid of stretch marks, shrink wrinkles, get rid of scars and make hair grow, as well as eye makeup, face creams, body oils, perfumes and fragrances.3 âNecessity is the mother of inventionâ4 was a crucial term that made emphasis on looking beautiful that Egyptian woman found a way method to achieve their look using Mesdemet. The "cat eye", made famous by the Egyptians, was eye makeup applied to the eye in the form of a wing, and mesdemet and Kohl were their secret weapons.5 Mesdemet was an eyeshadow â- a combination of copper and lead ore, which was originally green, but black became popular also and had been thought to have health-giving properties, such as a disinfectant and an insect repellent. Then Kohl used as an eyeliner, made of a mixture of burnt almonds, oxidized copper, lead and ocher, was applied with a small twig. The dark colours used on the eyes reflect back on their spiritual beliefs, as it did not only enhance their appearance but it warded off "evil eyes", to which means those who have the power to glare at you, and can inflict injury or pain.6 Due to the large quantity of insects in Egypt, the Egyptians had shaved their heads and assembled or purchased wigs. One thing that separated the upper class from the lower class in Ancient Egypt were the wings. Upper class people could afford to buy wigs made of human hair, while cheaper wigs were made of vegetable fibers, wool or small grouped strands of hair â much similar to our modern hair extensions â were woven through the hair. 7 As time moved forward, Greeks and Romans became more involved with the Egyptians, therefore the connection between spirituality and cosmetics changed, such as beauty products becoming an aphrodisiac, meaning to arouse sexual pleasure. However, cosmetics being used for vanity had not changed, but the new Roman lifestyle had no boundaries and far less morals with their mud and crocodile excrement baths and nail polish solely made of sheep fat and blood.8
Now say we fast-forward in time, would things be different? Very much so. During the Middle Ages, the "pale face" was the new fad.9 This look defined your place in society as those who were tanned, were citizens who had to work in the fields for a living, compared to those who were rich and had no reason to go outside.10 Both woman and men used a powder made of hydroxide, carbonate, and lead oxide which caused many people to get lead poisoning, but since being beautiful was important, they had later found an alternative â zinc oxide.11 Many people would use a blue-tinted paint to draw faint blue lines on their foreheads and key areas to give them a translucent appearance. Rouges and red powders had been applied to the cheeks, for a flushed appearance which promoted youth, and sexual arousal especially when contrasted against white skin.12 Another odd cosmetic practice was blackening teeth for a rotting appearance.13 If someone were wealthy, they could afford sugar. So with plenty of sugar and no basic hygiene, including a toothbrush, many rich people's teeth would rot over time.
As time advanced to the 1920s, the âwashed-outâ look carried on, however both fashion and cosmetic trends began to change in 1923, when the infamous French fashion designer, Coco Chanel went on a cruise along the French Riviera, where she accidentally encountered a tan.14 After that, the âtannedâ look became popular, as it became a modern symbol of wealth and status, as those who were rich enough to go on a vacation in temperate and tropical climates. The âtannedâ look replaced the pale look, as tanning oils and bronzers were being produced along with âskimpie
... âskimpierâ fashion trends.

Many people in the society look to make-up as being a necessity, while many wonder how it ever became significant. Truth is, it has always had an importance on this planet since the beginning of time. It has been used to show a status of spirituality, wealth, vanity, health and entertainment. From Ancient Egypt to Europe during the Middle Ages to the 1920s â nationwide - the world of beauty and cosmetology will continue to expand and grow beyond its 'limits' with new trends, beliefs and significance. Its reasons for being may evolve over time, but its purpose will always looped around one general idea â beauty.

Right off the bat.. "If you had not known this fact, then you most likely have been living under a rock all your life and are clueless to reality." Is this for school? Sentences like this one have no place in an essay for school. It is also kind of insulting. Your tone is way to conversational and informal for something for an English class or any other class except for maybe creative writing! The content is interesting though, so you've got that going for you. But remember that you must cite your sources for every bit of information that you use in your essay that you didn't think of all by yourself (just about everything in this essay).

Newspaper/Journal articles about chemistry?


I need a newspaper or journal article (from a reliable source) about chemistry for a science assignment.
Something simple, and at a grade 9 level.
Can you get me a link to an article that I could use?
Any help will be appreciated!
Thank you!
jeez, very helpful (first 2 answers)..
i've already tried google.
and why would you answer the question at all if you didn't know anything about chemistry?
make that the first 3 answers..
guys, please don't bother answering the question unless you can help..

You have to write something about chemistry?
Okay you can write about when or how chemistry started. You can also write about the importance of chemistry. Inshallah I helped and good luck!
Please don't copy word for word.
The Importance of Chemistry in Daily Life

Most people have chosen to write their essay about how chemistry has played an important role in everyday life. I have chosen to ask, how doesn't it play a role in everyday life? The simple fact is that chemistry plays an important role in every person's daily activities from the moment we're born.
So what role does chemistry really play in everyday life? Well, this involvement usually begins first thing each morning. Most people wake up to an alarm or radio. These common household items contain batteries, which make them very chemically dependent. These batteries contain positive and negative electrodes. The positive electrode consists of a carbon rod surrounded by a mixture of carbon and manganese dioxide. The negative electrode is made of zinc. Chemistry plays an important role in the discovery and understanding of materials contained in these and many other common household items. Things like household cleaners and water purification systems are vitally dependent on chemistry. Without chemistry something as simple as scrubbing a toilet without fear of severe burns or small explosions might not be possible.
Next, though it isn?t widely known, chemistry is also heavily involved with the manufacturing of things such as makeup and soap. Each time you bathe you are witnessing chemistry at work. Chemicals such as cetyl alcohol and propylene glycol are typical ingredients in the soap used to wash your hair and skin. Without chemistry, these materials (or combinations of these materials) might be hazardous or might not exist. The chemical coloring agents used in makeup and nail polish would not be possible without an understanding of the chemicals involved.
Almost anything you do during the course of a normal day involves chemistry in some way. The gas and tires in cars we drive, the makeup we put on our faces, the soaps and cleaners used everyday, burning wood or other fossil fuels, chemistry is all around you each and every day. The associations are practically limitless. So, as you go about your daily activities, remember to thank chemistry. As my teacher always says, remember, "CHEMISTRY IS LIFE!"

The History of Chemistry

Chemistry is the science of the composition and structure of materials and of the changes that materials undergo. It is also used in improving standards of living, making it possible for such substances as rubber, nylon, and plastics to be made from completely different materials. New materials and new properties of old materials are always being discovered. Some earlier products discovered from chemical reactions are ceramics, glass, and metals. Dyes and medicines were other early products obtained from natural substances. Some practical applications that chemistry is used for are to make stronger metals, improve soil, and the developments of live-saving drugs. Modern technology depends highly on these advancements; chemistry is a way of explaining our material world. Many people can't understand the importance of chemistry if they aren't planning on being a chemist. What many people don't realize is that chemistry provides employment to people in laboratories, universities, schools, and businesses

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