Friday, August 23, 2013

what type of clay are nail art canes made of?

nail art fimo canes
 on ... fimo canes nail art tutorial- fimo clay creations collection DIY fimo
nail art fimo canes image


and how can i make some ?

They can be made by Fimo Clay or Polymer Clay.

Where to get FIMO canes online?


Hey, I'm kinda interested in nail art and stuff so i was wondering where I could buy fimo canes online for a cheap price and the website must also deliver items to Malaysia coz that's where I am! :) plus, it must be trustworthy and not a scam

Ok, got it! There are many online sites but I've used this site several times to buy fimo canes and its definitely a legitimate site. Whether or not she ships to your country, I don't know. May I suggest asking her? She's a wonderful woman, and her canes are high quality hand made creations for a very reasonable price. She also has a selection of raw canes available if that interests you?

If you're new to using fimo canes in nail art, may I suggest viewing online tutorials to help you with the basic concepts of both slicing the canes and ways to incorporate them into your nail art? When slicing the canes, Ive found warming them slightly helps alot since the canes are normally hard as a rock! Also, be sure to use a very sharp tool but always be careful with any cutting tools so you don't injure yourself. As a rule of thumb, the thinner you can slice them, the better. Or, simply purchase pre-sliced canes. I've had good results slicing canes with a single edged razor blade. It may take a little practice to get the hang of slicing canes but it gets easier with practice. When I say thin slices, I mean very thin because thick slices wont work well at all and will be very noticable and lumpy on the nail.
I hope this helps. Have fun!!!

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