Monday, March 3, 2014

how do you do marble nail art ?


how do you do marble nail art?? when i do it it turns out clumpy

Hi :) When water marbling, you have to experiment and find nail polishes that work best. (China Glaze brand nail polishes are great for marble art!) The clumps could be coming from the nail polish consistency and/or age or maybe you're waiting too long before dunking your nails in the cup. I hope what I've written below will help you.

What you'll need:

*More than one nail polish (You might have to experiment with a few different polishes to see which respond well to the water marble art.)
*Orange Stick
*Room temperature filtered water (or bottled)

**Keep a paper towel or napkin handy for accidents.

How to do it:

Tape your fingers around the nail. This will stop the polish from getting on your fingers. Fill your cup with room temperature filtered or bottled water. Quickly and gently alternate between polishes and let a drip each polish each turn fall into the water. When they fall into the water, they should expand to the edge of the cup. If they don't or only go half way, you can assist them but gently dragging the edges of the circle to the edge of the cup with the orange stick. When using the orange stick, you want to not plunge it in the cup but barely touch the tip of the water. Once your target is where you want it to be, use the orange stick to draw your design in the water. Aim your nail at the design and dunk it in. Clean up the polish with the orange stick and pull your nail out. Repeat for each nail and remove the tape when you're done with all the nails and the polish is dry! :D

Can you use scotch tape for nail art?


People, seriously. I am not an idiot. Please stop copying and pasting links to sites that contain who knows what. We all know you aren't a doctor...

Yup! Just make sure your nail polish is completely dry.. like wait at least 20 min, and then prep the tape by rubbing it on your palm and removing it, a couple of times. This makes it less sticky and easier to remove so that the polish doesn't come off with it. =)

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