Friday, March 7, 2014

Me and my mother don't get along please help!?


Long story short basically. Me and my mother do not get along. It started ever since 2008 when my little sister was born. My mom's whole life changed I guess. She's been cheated many times by my father(I don't like him). My mother started to ignore me and started to attend to my little sister. Now I'm 14 years old now. So I wanted to hang out with friends and stuff, but I couldn't because she treated me like a baby. Soon my little sister started to get seizures and stuff. Then soon enough my mom claims that I abuse her and stuff when I don't! She even claimed me of pushing her down the stairs and this is why she has seizures, which is WRONG! In 2008, my mother and I got into an argument over something stupid,I don't remember. I was playing on my ps2 and she told me to get off or something and I said why and I mumbled something about the game and played with my nails.. the freakin' lady punched me in my mouth. I was bleeding a lot. I realized now that my tooth hasn't grown, maybe it was because of that! I was only 9 years old! I cried so much, I wanted to go to school and tell the teacher and she said I better not or she's going to do it again. So I didn't I just let it go. This grudge has been on my back for years now. I turned 13 in 2012, I realized that I was still being treated different, I didn't get the things I wanted anymore, and everything I'm into is weird. I always loved anime since I was a baby. I got into a lot since 2011. My mother never really encouraged me into my artwork or anything. In 2012 I was serious about my artwork and watching anime. She thinks it's weird and crap. So in 2013, I didn't get into the high school of my dreams(Preforming Arts school) because my school had no counselor, and my mother didn't even help me with my artwork or judge it to see. I worked my butt off to get in but I didn't. Now I'm stuck in this crappy high school this year. Before my birthday, I wanted to go to AnimeNext with a couple of friends. My friend told me we can share a hotel room together. I told my mother this since January, nothing was done. Everything I say or do she ignores, unless it annoys her. (Happened in June about AnimeNext when I reminded her about it ) She cursed me out so bad. It made me cry. So I went upstairs to go sleep on the cold floor and I was almost killed. She took the blanket and tried to strangle me with it, I COULDN'T BREATHE, I YELLED AND SCREAM FOR HELP AND NOBODY HELPED OR STOPPED HER. When my uncles came downstairs to check she stopped. My older sister was right in the room when it happened. My voice was messed up so badly. I couldn't talk properly. Recently, we went for a walk and she was staring at these gang members and stuff, and the guy asked her "wat you lookin at"? I got very scared and told her to please stop staring at these weird people. She starts yelling and complaining and calling me a pussy and a wimp. She started to curse at me and stuff and made me cry. I have to say I'm very emotional and suicidal, I tried to kill myself about 3 times now. She started to push me and bump into me on purpose. This year I was suppose to go to Europe but do to my Aunt's personal problems I couldn't go. I really want to get away from her this vacation (I'm on school summer break). I can't take this shit anymore, I'm so close to killing myself or she's going to hurt me or even kill me. I can't take it. I'm scared to call the police because they're going to take away my little sister. My dad is worthless, I hate him with my heart, and my grandma lives with me. All my family members are in Europe but its hard to contact them. I need to get away. Please, no rude comments. Just help me.. I'm on my breaking point. I get blamed for everything. All I do is just go on the computer, draw, draw on my tablet, try to make new friends, and other stuff. I can't even have a boyfriend or a good friend... this is just annoying. I can't no more. Help.

Okay, your mother seriously tried to kill you by strangling you with a are NOT safe in your home and you need to get help now. And you need to for the sake of your little sister too. Even if your mom hasn't done anything like that to her, she's quite obviously unstable and has severe mental problems, so who knows if she might even turn on your sister one day and hurt her. I know you said you don't want to call the police but you and your sister NEED to be taken away from your mother. If you have family members that you trust in Europe, then if you guys get taken by CPS hopefully they can get in contact with them so you wouldn't have to go to foster care (but even foster care is safer than where you are now).

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