Monday, March 3, 2014

How long should you keep nail polish before throwing it out?

Q. I found some polish on a shelf of miscellaneous bathroom items in my linen closet. I know I've had it for a while, I'm not sure how long, but should I use it? A couple bottles are newer and barely used and I like the color, I'd hate to throw them out. I have had a past experience with old nail polish remover about a year ago, as I don't get all girly all the time. The old polish remover literally ate the skin off of my fingertips, had to go to the ER, and be bandaged up for about 1-1 1/2 weeks until they healed on top of using a cream for it. Wasn't good at all, and still don't have feeling in my fingertips the way I used too. I do, just not as great as before. I don't want nail polish to maybe do the same thing. So is it safe to use or should I just toss them to be safe, than sorry?
I forgot to mention that the nail polish remover was non-acetone and was for sensitive skin. Amazing how that did that to my fingers, but it was only about a tablespoon left in the bottle. I'm just not sure if nail polish itself would have the same effect for even a full or 3/4 full bottle. Maybe about a year or so old, that I can think of, not sure exactly how old it is. Thank you for reading and for any replies

Nail polish usually only gets thicker with age, and the pigment becomes more difficult to redistribute evenly into the base. Try shaking it to see if the polish goes smoothly back into solution, and try applying a coat on one nail to see how thick it is. If it doesn't mix, or it's too thick, toss it.

prayin with nail polish ? or kennah ?

Q. Salam Aleykum!
I know that nail polish isn Haram! But it is kinda not allowed when u wear it while performin ur prayers, cuz the water duzn reach ur nail when u do wudu'.. that's what people say n ulama' as well!! But is there any verse or hadith that prooves it.. or a simulation to this case when Muhammad (pbuh) was alive..! Cuz women do kennah on their hands n nails too.. even though they pray with it.. they say is ok(accordin to sum ulama') !then if nail polish covers nails; kennah duz too.. n in wudu' the water duzn reach their nails as well! So in both cases.. prayers r just not performed as it should be!
I jus wanna know if im right with that?

Most nail polishes are made of nitrocellulose dissolved in a solvent and either left clear or colored with various pigments. Basic components included are: film forming agents, resins and plasticizers, solvents, and coloring agents.

For one of the absolute requirements for the validity of ablution is that water should come in contact with oneâs skin (unless of course one is suffering from a medical condition that prevents using water). Since nail polish has a thick layer of coating that prevents water coming in contact with the skin, wuduâ performed while wearing nail polish shall be considered as null and void.

Henna, Lawsonia inermis, produces a red-orange dye molecule, lawsone. This molecule has an affinity for bonding with protein, and thus has been used to dye skin, hair, fingernails, leather, silk and wool.

U can see there is no film coating in Henna its a dye used to dye body parts, like hands feet and hair.
as its a dye wudu will be valid.

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