Tuesday, June 3, 2014

If you pour nail polish remover or vinegar and salt into a cut will it get infected?


Nail Polish Remover well it just gets nail polish off
Vinegar solves a lot of problems, Ear Aches, Infections, etc..
Salt well it is used welll anywheres, On food, even in water, It helps the water get soft, etc...

But no it wont infect the cut

Will adding vinegar to old nail polish?


make it more liquidy and usable again?

I'm going to say don't do it. Vinegar is not an ingredient in nail polish so I have no idea what the outcome would be. You need to buy nail polish THINNER. It's an amazing product, it's cheap, and it restores your polish wonderfully. This is the kind I use:

It's super cheap and totally worth it. I have never used a full bottle, and have been able to extend the life of my thick top coats and old polish until they were all the way to the bottom.

But please do not EVER EVER EVER use nail polish remover in your polish. Acetone or not. If you do this, it can entire ruin your polish as demonstrated here:
I mean think about it. You use remover to REMOVE your polish. Why the heck would you put a remover INTO a bottle of polish. That's a horrible idea.
And don't use water, either. There's no water in your nail polish so it would just totally screw up the consistency.

Here's what the wonders of thinner can do:

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