Sunday, April 27, 2014

BABYSITTING HELP. answer ppplease?

gracey young. really. and i babysit my 5 little crazy cousins for about 3 days a week straight in the summer. im not old enough to drive. so i need ideas on some things to do with them. desperatly. for anyone whos maybe done this before could help. ive already tried lemonade stands (by the way didnt go so well because they live like on a really busy street) , crafts, baking, and about a million supermans. (thats where u lay on the floor and lift them up by ur legs)sooo........thats pretty much it. please answer

5 cousins? That is a lot of kids for anyone to handle..

Have them do a fashion show (using mom and das clothes, ask permission first).

Dance contests,

coloring, art

words games, board games...

let them make up their own things to do




playing school

bike riding (be safe)


duck duck goose or other outdoor type games (eg tag, hide and seek, search online for outdsoor games, my generation did this all day when I was a kid)

tv (limit this to no cartoons or no things to grown up)

music, use household items to create a pretend band and make up a song they all know.

play fire drill

role play handling tough situations (eg a bully at school or a strangers asks for help finding a puppy)

girls - fixing their hair, make up, nails, etc

boys- teaching them to build something

make out a schedule..
9am - tv
9:30 snack
9:45 art
10:15 - outside
12pm lunch
12:30 - daily activity (dance, fashion show, band boy time, girl time) etc
1:30 - reading - you to them or them to you, the older to the younger, teaching them new words, etc
2:00pm - outside (bike riding, walk, etc)
2:30 snack
3:00pm - movie (this is your time to relax with them)

this should take you until the parents come home..

Make sure you have sunscreen, emergency numbers on hand, safety rules... and a positive attitude... they will leanr from you over summer..

Kids are a challenge, but you are being very smart.. the busier they are, the less trouble they will be in.. you sound like a loving cousin and very capable sitter and they are lucky to have you.

How can i decorate my room without spending money?

miss lyss

OK well im 14 i have a kinda small room and almost no money to use but i want to have a kool room so any suggestions??

If you can sew you can be very creative. Get your mom to help. You can take your favorite sheet sets and cut them straight down the middle. Sew the edges down and fold the top down, leaving an opening wide enough for a rod, and stitch it across and place a curtain rod through and you have curtains that match your favorite bedding.

Paint your walls your favorite color. If you have silk scarves (for a girl) drape one over your lamp shade for a dramatic effect. Get a small cork board and mount it on your wall with nails or screws, and then post your favorite cards, and pictures, and daily reminders. You can paint the inside of your bedroom door or closet door with black board paint, and use it to create different thoughts for the day, titles of your favorite songs, or messages to your mom or siblings in brightly colored chalks. If you make it a mistake, you can always erase.

If you are a boy, go to a tire shop and ask them if they can give you about three old tires. Stack and glue them together with some liquid adhesive, and then place a round or square piece of wood or plywood on top. Paint it for an unusual nite stand.

Look around in your basement or garage for things that you can use in your space. Old wood items, or unused furniture, old magazaines, old album covers, or old dolls, or miniature cars, or action figures, area rugs, and incorporate them in your space.

If you do not have an area rug group 3 small rugs together with hook and loop velcro, and last but not least you could use duct tape to mesh the rugs together. Every household has duct tape.

Look for picture frames that are not being used, find some pictures in old magazines, or frame an album cover for wall art.

If you are a girl and have a lot of old costume jewlrey, mismatched earrings, ....etc. Get some thin jewlrey wire and twist together earrings and old beads from necklaces and make mobiles and hang them infront of your window. Make a mobile out of your miniatures, or action figures.

Be creative! Good luck.

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