Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Is it safe to use nail polish and hair dye during pregnancy?

confused m

Today my husband asked me if nail polish is safe for me to use during my pregnancy because of the fumes. I remember hearing that hair dye isn't safe either during pregnancy but I dont' remember if it was from a reliable source or not. I've tried looking it up on the internet but can't find a clear answer.

It's fine to color your hair when you are pregnant. The only problem is that your hormones have changed, which changes your hair, which can make your color not what it was supposed to be.

Some people say that the chemicals can be absorbed into your skin and can harm the baby, but no studies have been done on it, which is why some doctors will say to stay away from it for the first trimester. If you normally color your hair, and it makes you feel better about yourself, then do it and don't worry about it.

Fingernail polish and remover are fine. Just use them in a well ventilated area. You don't want to breath the fumes and pass out. But the chemicals won't hurt your baby.

Trust me, not only as a medical professional, but also as a cosmotologist. I have colored many peoples hair when they are pregnant, and when I was pregnant, and had mine done when I was pregnant and both my babies are fine.

If you are worried about it, talk to your doctor.

Pregnancy and nail polish?

Q. A friend told me not to use nail polish while pregnant because of the chemicals. If I don't keep my nails polished they chip and break easily. It's bad enough the thought of being bloated and tired all the time...now I have to have nasty nails too??!! I'm asking the pregnant women here... do you polish your nails??

yes i polished my nails all the time the doc said there was no problem as long as i couldnt smell it real strong i was safe
if you can smell it strong just go outside or open a couple windows

also prenatal vitamins will help alot with your nails by making them stronger shinier and grow faster (same with hair)

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