Friday, October 11, 2013

what are some unique features we can add to our school?

nail art vending machine
 on Art Vending Machine
nail art vending machine image

Seldom Sce im in the school council. We have about £5000 to spend on any kind of technology. We already have computers/printers and things like that. We want technology that will make our school better

Im just wondering if there is any new technology out there which we can add to make our school noticed

Or technology you have seen in a school and thought it was good for the students. We are a secondary school by the way (11-16)

Please help! Thanks in advance!

Any advanced/up to date programs for computers, (think Photoshop, the newest Microsoft programs, Career/Options Programs and programs for: gaming, moviemaking, website building etc) are always nice to have.
Our school's really up-to-date: We have a Smartboard in every classroom (which I really recommend, although they are very expensive). And many of our classrooms (science, maths, tech, ICT and the library) have (vista) computers. And we have two sets of laptops to go round different departments (20 in each set).

Our PE depart also has a Wii Fit which is used by a few people for about 15 minutes during a lesson while the other kids do PE and then they swamp so everyone gets a go. You might want to consider other sports equipment as well.

We also have a jukebox for the canteen.
And sinks (water fountains are really unhygienic) and a vending machine for the corridors. And I think we recently spent some money on a big screen TV for the reception room so parents visiting the school could watch short videos about the school made by students. A Smardboard/Projector for the hall, gym or wherever you have assemblies is also useful.

Because the school I go to is a Performing Arts school so we spend a lot on our Drama department (We spent about £20,000, I think, building a dance studio) so if your schools into drama, dance, music etc you could spend money there on things like: Stage Lights, Recording Equipment (Video, Sound and Pictures), Musical Instruments (We have about 30 keyboards and loads of other instruments), Microphones, Anything for special affects (We have a big stage with trap doors, a balcony, hidden doors, and two 'secret rooms' -you can tell our school does a lot of shows).

You could also spend money on things like:
Sewing Machines, Edging Machines (Sorry I don't know the proper names for these), and irons; for Textiles (Technology) lessons.
Ovens, Blenders, Microwaves, Fridges and other cooking equipment; for Food Technology.
Any power-tools or plastic moulding machines for Wood/Metal Work or graphic design lessons.
The science department is also good to spend money on: Anything that could be used in experiments.
Media and EEnterprise Classes are also good to spend technology on since you do a lot of practical things in those lessons (In media we make movies and magazines and Enterprise we have to run our own business - I think some students have made quite a bit of money that way and my two friends who take Enterprise our starting their own Beauty/Nail Salon in the local youth centre).
I also take child development and in there we use these robotic babies who we take home for the weekend and it acts like a real baby and has a sensor on the back so the teacher knows how well your able to look after a baby.

If I were you I would go round the school and see what kind of things teachers want to help them with their lessons. You could also check out your local gym, youth centre and city learning centres for lots of inspiration and could send surveys round the different classes to see what other people want.

How is this excerpt so far?


Elisha Carpenter's blond hair tousled as she sat next to the fan in Mrs. Winters' Algebra class.
Her brown eyes watered when she inhaled dust particle that were in the air. Her allergies were coming and she needed to see the nurse for her medicine. Not now because she needed to find out about integer's. Mark Garwood sat two rows in front of her, the back of his curly dark-blond hair facing her. She sighed, placing her hand underneath her chin. She was sure they had broken up. They haven't talked since Stephanie's Halloween party. And it had ended pretty nasty. She only hoped things could get better.

She packed up her things and headed out of the class when she was stopped by someone she would have never guessed would stop her. Mark.
"Oh," she said, surprised, "hi."
"Hey," he waved, smiling guiltily. "Can we talk?"
They walked past the sea of students who were just standing in the hallway. Elisha hated when people just stood in hallways. They were clearly inconsiderate to the thousands of students who needed to get to class. She frowned when she saw Holly and Damien holding hands near the vending machines. At least they were happy.

Mark took a seat on one of the benches, crossing his feat. Elisha did the same thing, making sure she didn't sit so close to him. Awkwardness always made her feel awkward.
"I was thinking." he said. "About us. I mean, I know we've said things we didn't mean."
I meant what I said. Elisha thought.
"But I just want to say I'm sorry." he finished, smiling at her hopefully.
"I'm sorry too." she said, smiling slightly. "I was kind of a jerk to you."
"It's okay." he said, taking her hand. "We all make mistakes."
Elisha shivered. Was he admitting to her being a jerk? He wasn't supposed to do that. Suddenly, a spark flew from above them. She yelped, jumping up.

Mark looked up and saw that the light above them had went out. Bypassers laughed at Elisha's reaction. She had to laugh herself. It was so sudden that she didn't even know what had happened. Her and Mark were now on good terms, so she wasn't so annoyed with anyone.
He placed a kiss on her lips and took her by the arm. Elisha was led to their ceramics class. Mrs. Lang stood in front of the chalkboard drawing diagrams of different potteries.
She slid into the seat next to Melissa Johnston who was talking on her cellphone. Since she had Demi sitting next to her and a had on, Lang couldn't see her talking on the phone.
"Oh, Josh Arts was telling me how Shelbi found out that Brandon had cheated on her." gossiped Demi, examining her nails.

Elisha rolled her eyes. She knew there would only be a matter of time before Shelbi Glick would find out that Brandon Albertson was cheating on her with Pam Wheaton. It was obvious. She kind of thought Brandon deserved to be caught. Shelbi didn't deserve a boyfriend like that. She certainly didn't deserve a best friend like Pam. She sighed sadly. Drama, drama, drama.
She was getting annoyed with. She just wished one day could be a day without drama. A peaceful day in Heaven. That was all she was asking for.

She looked at Lang. She was a weird teacher. All she talked about was "feeling your clay" and "let the clay feel you". It was very strange to Elisha. She had no idea what the woman was saying half of the time. What was worse was that the woman expected her and the clay to be "best friends". How can she be best friends with an inanimate object. It was beyond stupid. A lot of art teachers were weird, it seemed.

its a good excerpt, you didnt pose much conflict but I like how she and her boyfriend were having a fight
maybe later you'll explain what had happened at the party and what they'd said to each other.
i guess you have actually left the reader in suspense by saying that stuff about their fight and how you didnt explain it

nice strong main character, I love the name, but you're gonna have to use more punctuation.
if you wanted to get this published, you could post it on this website
it is a great site for aspiring authors

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