Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What corporation owns LA Colors cosmetics?


I purchased some LA Colors nail polish for work, and I need the MSDS info sheets. I cannot find them anywhere. I was wondering if anyone knew what company manufactures the brand, and/or if anyone knows how to get a hold of the MSDS sheets for the item.

The Corporation is Beauty 21 Cosmetics. If you are buying from a distributor, they should supply the MSDSs. If you are buying from public stores, there may not be a MSDS available.

What will happen to me after i accidentally drink water with acetone?


I'm 16 years old . and i accidentally drank a half bottle water containing nail polish remover. I didn't noticed it because i have a cold so may tastebuds couldn't taste it.
And now i'm feeling drowsy even though i haven't done anything at all. and i feel something weird with my abdomen,


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