Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What nail polish things r their to do designs and stuff?

nail art club
 on Nail Art Designs | New Nail Polish!! Color Club Haul
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is their any other nail polish tools besides a dotter, nailpens, nailpolish bottles (normal nailpolish), and jewels...is their like anything u can get so u can do really detailed designs with or is tht all???

You can use a dotting tools:

The dental floss stick thingys here is aa video on that:

Here is a video on how to make your dotting tools if u dont have one:


Nail art pens:

You can also use tape to do cool designs. Like this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPOnU5EomOw and like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPOnU5EomOw

You could also use those little circle thingies for lined paper to make this cool half moon look:

You could also use plastic wrap for this look:

And water marble for a cool look like this!

How to get rid of watercolor stains on clothes?


Recently, at my school, there was a bomb threat while I was in my art class. So, while in a hurry to clean up and such, I got black and yellow watercolor pigments on my white sweater. I've washed it by hand several times now, but there's still a lot of pigment there, it's not as opaque, but still.

And for those wondering, the school's okay.

Scrub with Clorox Stain Remover.. It works!!! or listen to these steps!
Step 1Figure out what kind of stain it is. Grease stains, juices, wines, sandwich condiments, coffee, ink and chewing gum. We've all fallen victim to most of these. And they are each treated differently. So, make sure you know what it is so you know how to best treat it.

Step 2For grease stains, scrape off the excess solids with a butter knife. Place the stain face-down on a plain white paper towel. Squeeze a small amount of dishwashing liquid on the underside of the stain to break up the grease (hey, it works on dishes), and wait about a minute. Pretreat the the stain with detergent, and wash it on the warmest water setting that particular fabric can endure.

Step 3For juices, wines, coffee, tomato-based sauces and soft drinks, blot the stain with cold water. Then, sprinkle with the stain with salt so it can absorb the liquid. After a moment or two, wipe clean with club soda and pretreat for a wash cycle.

Step 4To get rid of chewing gum, rub the glob of goo with ice to harden it. Then scrape it off with a dull knife and wash.

Step 5 For ink, hold the portion of garment tight over the top of a glass or mason jar. Poor rubbing alcohol slowly over the stain, with your piece of clothing acting as a sieve into the container. Rinse and wash as usual.

Step 6 For most other stains, rinse, treat with stain remover and launder as usual. One exception is nail polish, which you should first rub with acetone (nail-polish remover), and then send through the laundry cycle.

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