Monday, July 29, 2013

My mom works at a nail salon and she wants to know how much she should charge for doing 3D nail bow designs?

nail art design 5
 on Top 5 Celebrity Nail Colors 2010 |
nail art design 5 image


My mom works at a nail salon and she wants to know how much she should charge for doing 3D nail bow designs. She's really good but she's a beginner with 3D art. If you work at a nail shop and do 3D art, can you please tell me how much y'all charge?

$5 each for a big design for small art $3

how can a person put their life back together and pursue their dreams without money?

Cat's Eye

I want to put my life right and start anew and pursue the dreams I once had, I am 24 yrs old, severely overweight, my health is failing, I suffer from severe depression and everything seems hopeless. I want to pull out from these things but I don't have the money to do it. I want to pursue an art career in either illustration, graphic design or even culinary arts. But I don't have the finances to do so. I have student loans from when I tried to go to college but dropped out cause I lost my way and interest. What can I do to get my life back together while being broke.

I have sat here for the last 10 minutes just staring at this question. There is so much I would like to share with you that I don't even know where to begin. The process of self discovery and healing that you need to go through is complicated and long. I am presently going through it and see it as only a quarter done for me. Money is not your main issue here. Your self esteem and focus is. A year ago I was 275 pounds, couldn't breath, walked with a cane, dealt with a hubby who loved me more than life itself but was frustrated because he saw me sinking lower and lower into depression, ill health and hopelessness. I had just been told by a Doctor that if I let myself keep going like I was, I would probably be dead in another 5 years. I am 50 and totally menopausal. In the past I had survived breast cancer, a minor heart attack, severe back problems and surgeries to correct them, a major accident many years ago, bouts of cronic pnemonia that nearly killed me twice and the deaths of two babies as well as being beaten when I was 15 and having my spiritual life trashed for 35 years. Through it all I just grit my teeth and bore it, sucking all the pain deep inside myself. So I ate to forget. Food was the easiest drug for me to get. I was the quiet , fat one in my family. Always in the back round like wall paper. One night my family was gone for the night and I found myself looking at my fat face in the bathroom mirror. I literally flew into a screaming rage and that night was the beginning of a change. I am now 60 pounds away from my 120 pound target weight. I run, bike and lift weights. I have the cleavage of a Goddess according to my now very happy hubby. My appearance has changed in other ways---I have red hair (not grey), a nose stud on the left side of my nose, a tattoo and long purple or red finger nails (depends on my mood). I look people right in the eyes as I walk down the street, no more shuffling for me. I don't walk, I STRIDE with an attitude. In essense I took control back of my life and am determined to live it to the fullest in the time I have left. I quit my very stressful job last OCtober and started work at a part time less pay job that I love. YOu need to do that first---take back control. Only you can determine how to do that. Email me.....there is too much to discuss here. BUt know that the answer lies in YOU, not others, not money. Blessed Be.

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