Saturday, August 3, 2013

What is your favorite Coen brothers movie?

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For me, it's a tie between The Big Lebowski and O Brother, Where Art Thou?
BQ: Give me one or two of your favorite quotes from their movies.
Well, you know, that's just, like, uh, your opinion, man.
These boys is not white! Hell, they ain't even old-timey!!

1.No country for old men
2. Fargo
3. The Big lebowski
4. burn after reading
5. a serious Man

i've seen most of Miller's Crossing but i don't freel i can count that if i havent seen it all XD
loved it though
so NCFOM is my favourite.

BQ: hrrm, Anything walter says in the big Lebowski about Vietnam or his religon.

Walter:You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me.
The Dude: Yeah, but Walter...
Walter Sobchak: Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish. These fucking amateurs...

How does playing music in school (like in band) reveal stress and increase test scores?

Alex M

Im writing a speech on why music program should not be cut. I need scientific evidence on why music helps children succeed.

I am always hesitant answering questions of this nature because I don't believe one should study music because it helps "relieve stress" or "increase test scores". One should study music because it is the highest form of performance art.

That being said there are plenty of studies out there. There are also plenty of people who have high opinions of the study of music, because of what I would call "side benefits" of music. You can find a lot of research based material under the advocacy sections of MENC (Music Educator's National Conference) I'm sure they would be happy to sell you copies of their materials. Although I'm less familiar with it, the Children's Music Workshop quotes several studies that you may site as scientific evidence.
I ran across this too:

A friend of mine sent me a copy of a news article and I found it here on radio Iowa entitled, Huckabee: musical instruments can be "weapons of mass instruction"
It has some common sense ideas about why music and arts should be taught.

My personal opinion is that studying music to pass a test is like cooking a nice romantic dinner to raise the temperature of the kitchen. Yes the kitchen will get warmer but we've sort of missed the point - romance and food. Music involves the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains where many other subjects only challenge 1 or 2 of those areas. But I think it should be taught because it is the highest form of performance art. I took this train of thought from a composer named Samuel Hazo but he hit the nail right on the head. Ask yourself what is the highest form of English? Literature - an author? What is the highest form of Science? A doctor, a physicist? What is the highest form of Math? An engineer? These people don't study these subjects to become better test takers or to relieve stress. They study them because of a passion for making the world a better place. How is the world made better through English, Science, or Math? By invention or discovery. What is the inspiration of invention or discovery? Creativity. What subject teaches creativity? - music.

Enough - I'm off the soap box. Good luck with your search.

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