Saturday, August 31, 2013

I am bored and want to draw something?

nail art long island
 on nail art design black red nail polish gothic inspired nail art ...
nail art long island image


What should i draw, i am really bored. I am a really good drawer and some of my drawings have been put in my communities church and are little art museum. BUt i just wanna draw something and i don't know what to draw. I love doodling and serious drawings, everything!!

- Wax the ceiling
- Rearrange political campaign signs
- Sharpen your teeth
- Play Houdini with one of your siblings
- Braid your dog's hair
- Clean and polish your belly button
- Water your dog...see if he grows
- Wash a tree
- Knight yourself
- Name your child Edsel
- Scare Stephen King
- Give your cat a mohawk
- Purr
- Mow your carpet
- Play Pat Boone records backwards
- Vacuum your lawn
- Sleep on a bed of nails
- DON'T toss and turn
- Boil ice cream
- Run around in squares
- Think of quadruple entendres
- Speak in acronyms
- Have your pillow X-rayed
- Drink straight shots...of water
- Calmly have a nervous breakdown
- Give your goldfish a perm
- Fly a brick
- Play tag...on West 35th Street
- Exorcise a ghost
- Exercise a ghost
- Be blue
- Be red
- But don't be orange
- Plant a shoe
- Sweat
- Give a Rorschach test to your gerbil
- Turn
- Write a letter to Plato
- Mail it
- Take your sofa for a walk
- Start
- Stop
- Dial 911 and breathe heavily
- Go to a funeral...tell jokes
- Play the piano...with mittens on
- Scheme
- Sit
- Stay
- Water your family room
- Cause a power failure
- Roll over
- Play dead
- Find a witch
- Burn her
- Donate your brother's body to science
- Ask why
- Wriggle
- Regress
- Sleepwalk without sleeping
- Try to join Hell's Angels by mail
- Wonder
- Be a square root
- Ask stupid questions
- Weld your car doors shut
- Spew
- Vacation at Three-Mile Island
- Surf Ohio
- Teach your pet rock to play dead
- Go bowling for small game
- Be a monk...for a day
- Wear a sweatband to your wedding
- Staple
- Run away
- Intimidate a piece of chalk
- Abuse the plumbing
- Bend a florescent light
- Bend a brick
- Annoy total strangers
- Let the best man win
- Believe in Santa Claus
- Throw marshmallows against the wall
- Hold an ice cube as long as possible
- Adopt strange mannerisms
- Blow up a balloon until it pops
- Sing soft and sweet and clear
- Sing loud and sour and gravely
- Open everything
- Balance a pencil on your nose
- Pour milk in your shoes
- Write graffiti under the rug
- Embarrass yourself
- Grind your teeth
- Chew ice
- Count your belly button
- Sit in a row
- Stack crumbs
- Gesture
- Save your toenail clippings
- Make a pass at your blender
- Punt
- Make up words that start with X
- Make oatmeal in the bathtub
- Search for the Lost Chord
- Chew on a sofa cushion
- Sing a duet
- Balance a pillow on your head
- Hold your breath
- Faint
- Stretch
- Flash your mailman
- Teach your TA English
- Learn to speak Farsi
- Swear in Russian
- Use an eraser until it goes away
- Disassemble your car
- Put it together inside out
- Record your walls
- Interview your feet
- Make a list of your favorite fungi
- Sell formaldehyde
- Repeat
- Ad lib
- Fade
- File your teeth - Whine
- Rake your carpet
- Re-elect Richard Nixon
- Critique "Three's Company"
- Listen to a painting
- Play with matches
- Buff your cat
- Race ferrets
- Paint your house...Day-Glow Orange
- Have a formal dinner at White Castle
- Read Homer in the original Greek
- Learn Greek
- Change your mind
- Change it back
- Watch the sun...see if it moves
- Build a pyramid
- Stand on your head
- Stand on someone else's head
- Spit shine your Nikes
- See how long you can stay awake
- See how long you can sleep
- Paint your teeth
- Wear a salad
- Speak with a forked tongue
- Paint stripes on a lake
- Ski Kansas
- Sleep in freefall
- Kill a Joule
- Test thin ice...with a pogo stick
- Apply for a unicorn hunting license
- Do a good job
- Crawl
- Invite the Mansons over for dinner
- Paint your windows
- Watch a watch until it stops
- Flash your goldfish
- Paint
- Flirt with an evergreen
- Smile
- Rotate your garden...daily
- Paint a smile
- Shoot a fire hydrant
- Apologize to it
- Pretend you're blind
- Annoy yourself
- Get mad at yourself
- Stop speaking to yourself
- Be a side effect
- Ride a bicycle...up Mt. McKinley
- Duck
- Redecorate...your garage
- Develop a complex
- Join the someone simple
- Try harder
- Hit the deck
- Put leg-warmers on your furniture
- Cut the deck
- Crumple
- Translate Shakespeare into English
- Skydive to church
- Cheer up a potato
- Do aerobic your head
- Play cards with your swimming pool
- Pinstripe your driveway
- Play Kick the Fire Hydrant
- Harness chipmunk power
- Build a house with ice cubes
- Call London for a cab
- Mug a stop sign
- Change your name...daily
- Go for a walk in your attic
- Challenge your neighbor to a duel
- Build a house out of toothpicks
- Howl
- Wear a lampshade on your head
- Memorize the dictionary
- Stomp grapes in the bathtub
- Find a bug and chase it
- Make yourself a pair of wings

474 Things To Do When You're Bored

I need a Baritone/Bass NYSSMA Level VI-type piece that isn't classical.?


I want to audition for the Long Island High School for the Arts. For the vocal audition, I need to perform two All-State/All-State caliber pieces. I am currently learning Ralph Vaughn Williams' "The Vagabond." I want to show them I have musical diversity and am looking for an All-State caliber piece that is not classical. I'm very open to Musical selection.

I am a NYSSMA judge and taught HS vocal music for many years. But if this does not NEED to be NYSSMA - then you are free to choose what you wish. The Manual is HARDLY the best source for literature for ANY voice or instrument; you need to talk this over with your private teacher ( why do I think you might not have one?? - Oh yeah - you are asking HERE . . .) IF they specify that they MUST be from the Manual - then you need a voice teacher near you to open it and go over things with you. No, I cannot send you a list of all the baritone and bass Level 6 solos that might meet your needs - the list is proprietary, meaning we do NOT share it in public - the whole point being, that you need a teacher's instruction to learn things this hard - so you are not going to choose it by yourself. Does this make sense?

So - independent choice? You do the research. Required to be from the NYSSMA Manual - find a teacher near you who owns the Manual, and will let you see it. I know that this sounds like I am being a stinker here, but I am NOT - you need to tell us in which direction you need to go! Meanwhile, I will see if I can get a better sense form their website. I want to help - but need more info from you AND them.

Added - They DO want NYSSMA level V or VI solos. One if you are applying to the Musical Theater Dept, and TWO if the vocal music department. If vocal music - ONE must be classical - the other is not specified. but does not ask for a theatrical song.

So - find yourself a teacher with the Manual and look it over. I hope you have an excellent *private* teacher - you will need to NAIL this to get in. Hope your sight-reading is good ( use solfege much?) and you need to sing some warm-ups and scales - probably in solfege, major and minor. Again, from you question it is unclear to me WHICH department you are applying for - you have a little but of both in your question. I would guess Vocal department - if classic literature is your strong suit, then AVOID show material - a ton of kids are going to show up doing that (how many times can they hear "Where is the Life That Late I Led?") Good luck- this is a WONDERFUL place for you to go to school - WONDERFUL!!!!!!

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