Sunday, December 1, 2013

i need a tumblr profile name?

nail polish quotes tumblr
 on Tumblr | via Tumblr - image #784866 by Speen on
nail polish quotes tumblr image
Q. i need a titile on tumblr for my page

i like purple. designer things. quotes like "never say never", girly stuff, perfumee nail polish that sort of stuff.

heres my profile

How about like, Violette ? That's purple in french, so that works if you like purple..

My sister posts things about me online?

Q. Okay, so this has been going on for quite some time. My sister is practically glued to her computer at the hip. She uses it to chat with her friends online via email, to "do homework", and most importantly, to blog/rant. She has this thing called a Tumblr, which she decided was the perfect place to rant about my less than perfect family. Our parents are very strict (they won't let us wear nail polish) and they yelll at us for the smallest things. It CAN get annoying, but I've told her itme and time again not to tak about our family on the Internet, and if she does, then do it in a private online journal. Not for a billion people to see out in public. But no, she didn't listen to me. My sister has had a reputation for saying bad things about me (she probably still does even though she says she doesn't (she told her friend I was slow, laughed at me with another friend, etc.) and she used to be really nice and stuff but ever since she went to high school (she's in 10th grade) she's just gotten worse and worse. She barely tlaks to me and all she cares about is her boyfriend and chatting with her friends on email. She is probably 100% nicer to them than to me. I used to tlak to her about anything and I used to be super close but we are drifting away. As seen in an earlier question, :;_ylt=AsQzBqNMaleBY0yisZSmJ5_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101205163137AAU40gP she got her Tumblr taken away and she finally forgived me. I found out she made a new one and promised not to tell our parents about it. I was looking through it and saw she had posted a quote I had said, because she and my dad were being frustrating and stuff. It was , "I was hoping to get out of the house so I didn't have to look at you or dad for a few hours or so. NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR". They were making me mad because we are supposed to split the chores but I pretty much do everything because SOMEONE has to and my sister loves her computer too much to give it up for two minutes to help her little 13 year old sister. My mom was going to the chiropractor's and she said she would take me but then she promptly left, causing me to say that because she said that taking me out would cool me down. Now I'm mad at her because she posts things like that baout how her parents are screaming and such and acts like her family is awful and dysfunctional. Sometimes it can be heck, but it's not HORRIBLE like she mkaes it sound. I just wish she would stop her posting addiction or at least stop posting about us but no one can stop but her. I have barely talked bad about her and I wonder what has driven her to do all of that. I tried to tell her about my problem and she went "I DON'T CARE." The only way I can properly communicate with her is through email!!! Is that ridiculous? Even worse, she's a liar and she changed her Tumblr URL so I can't find it after I found the post about me. I NEED THIS TO STOP! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF MY SISTER! Honestly, I don't think I can stand this anymore. If she doesn't care about me, then Why should I care about her? But I do regardless. What should I do?!?!? This is frustrating me to no end and stressing me out! If I can't get her to stop blogging online at least I want to get her to stop saying stuff about ME!!!! Thanks (:
Haha thanks Paramore. I'm sorry. (: I am just frustrated with what she's doing!!

Try talking to her, or deleting her blog 'by accident' or reporting it, or tell your parents 'by mistake'.

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