Saturday, December 7, 2013

Who knows what continues to grow after death?

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Shawn John

I heard hair and nails continue to grow even after a person has died


Jesus said: â . . . saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.â [Revelation 17-18]

What is Death ? â Death is a return to the ground:

âIn the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.â [Genesis 3:19]
âThen shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.â [Ecclesiastes 12.7]

When everyone is born God supplied the 'breath of life' and he becomes a living soul.
âAnd the LORD God . . . breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. â [Genesis 2:7]

Note: man IS a soul, man does not posses a soul

At death, when a man's breath goes forth, he dies - his being, his "soul" perishes. only a living man is a living soul.! Dead is dead. There is no "soul" that goes out of the body to live elsewhere! No "soul" goes immediately to heaven or hell. Dead is dead!
âFor as the body without the spirit is dead, . .â [James2.26]

The Sleep of Death.

At death the body returns to dust and the life force (not the soul) to the creator
â . . . but the dead know not any thing, .â [Ecclesiastes 9.5]
âHis breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.â [Psalm 146.4]
Lazarus was dead four days, yet he gave no report of any âlife after deathâ experience. (refer John 11.39)
The Bible uses âsleepâ as a figure of speech for death.
Jesus said: â. . . Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; . . â [John 11.11]
David prayed âConsider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death;â [Psalm 13.3]
âAnd they stoned Stephen, . . . Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.â [Acts 7.59-60]
â. . . the fathers fell asleep, . . â [2 Peter 3.4]

âAnd as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: â [Hebrews 9:27]

The Hope of Resurrection â âAwake and Singâ

Death is NOT the end. There is hope. As there is a falling asleep, there is a waking up.

âThy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: . . .â [Isaiah 26.19]
â . . . them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake . . . â [Daniel 12.2]
The next event that everyone will experience will be the resurrection, as John says, to face the results of his judgment.
âAnd shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. â [John 5:29]
Jesus said: âI am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:â [John 11.25]

What does it mean to âbelieve in Jesusâ? â
To believe that He is the ONLY source of resurrection life; that He paid the penalty for all of our sins when He dies on the cross and by His resurrection made possible our resurrection to eternal life; then by prayer we can invite Jesus into our lives and experience His resurrection power for daily living.

The best way you can prepare for death is to get to know Jesus right now by prayer and Bible reading. You could pray this prayer right now â

Dear God in heaven, I know that I am a sinner. And I know that you sent your son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins and that he rose from the dead in 3 days. I want Jesus to come into my heart and have all my sins forgiven. Please help me and guide me through my walk in the faith. Lord please accept my prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.

May God bless you as you study His Word


King James Bible

what are your opinions on southern california?


okay, so i live in southern california.

i know a lot of people think we are
allll superficial fake blondes
who have fake boobs and mansions
and get everything we want.

and stuff but it's totally not like that
where i live. i live 5 minutes away from the beach but it's
still not like that!

so what do you think about southern california/or california in general?

&have you ever been here?

I was born and raised in the 50's in Orange County. You could hear the train from 30 miles away and we had orange groves everywhere. We had fields of strawberries and we got to glean them when the pickers were finished and on several years we had a community garden somewhere around 17th st. I loved going to Prentice Park in Santa Ana, and Irvine Park w/ the little train. No homes were out there then. Every kid had a story about getting pooped on by the pidgeons at San Juan Capistrano mission during a school field trip. My brothers and I used to sit on our roof at night and watch the fireworks from Disneyland. I loved the Santa Ana winds. It seemed to invigorate us. We would have a neighborhood baseball game in the street.

As a teen, I would take the bus down Harbor Blvd to the beach. In the late 60's Beach Blvd (Hwy 39?) all the way to Huntington Beach was lined with "head shops" painted with psychedelic art. I wish I'd taken a picture, they didn't last long. The beaches were filled with kids and hippies, not snooty rich folks. The Golden Bear in Huntington headlined Linda Rondstat and the Stone Ponies. Mom and I used to buy fish right from the fisherman's little boat at Newport. They have booths there now. The Crab Cooker in Newport is God's gift to seafood lovers. As kids we spent time playing in tide pools, body surfing the waves, riding bikes, climbing trees, having rotten orange fights, nailing our skates to a board (the first skateboards) and trying not to biff it when rolling down the driveway. Our T.V. programs were wholesome like Engineer Bill and Sheriff John, the Mickey Mouse club, but we didn't spend much time sitting in front of a T.V. and certainly not playing video games or texting.

In the 70's things changed a bit. Many more people moved in and started erecting buildings where the fields and orange groves used to be. We'd always had ethnic diversity and all us white kids learned Spanish, of course, but my Mexican and Black friends spoke English. It got to where you would hear Cambodian or Spanish, or whatever, around you in the stores rather than English so it didn't feel the same. We felt the same unrest that the nation felt, especially after the Watts riots in '65. Pollution got really bad, even out at the beach. Huntington had a chain link fence for god's sake! In Riverside County it was impossible to see 5 miles because of the smog. So in 1980 I decided to raise my own kids in northern Ca near a lake and with lots of play room. I'm glad to say that in visiting south in later years things had gotten cleaned up considerably. It's beautiful again in many parts but there are still too many people, in my opinion.

I didn't mean to turn this into nostalgia time but I guess the point is that you look at everything from your own perspective and through your own eyes of experience. I have met wonderful people all over the world. When Satan is not actively influencing a situation then people generally want to be good and kind. We all love our families and try our best to live life well. When I meet shallow city girls like they depict in the reality programs I have to laugh. My net worth is a couple million dollars but I know that isn't where happiness comes from. Their phoniness comes from insecurity and that is what the nation looks at and judges California by. I've never watched "the housewives of Orange County" but I know the type. And that's what we want the nation to think we are??? Before that it was Duh, Valley Girls. When I was in Dublin, Ireland I was having trouble understanding the waiter's accent. He paused, and said "where are you from?" I told him "California in US" He began his next sentence with a head toss and "so, anyway...." You may be too young to understand why that's funny but I bet older folks you know will get it.

The changes in southern Ca make it unappealing to me to ever live there again but it does have it's own charm and personality, for sure, and it is always changing. Shopping is awesome and you do have every service you could desire and anything is just a quick hop on the freeway away.

Of course, if you want a unique heartbeat to a US city, visit New Orleans. It's a lot like San Francisco. They both still show their history where L.A. has kind of lost it. And the food in both cities! Yum.

BTW, where I live in the Gold Country it oozes charm and history but it is changing too. That's life. Like a skateboard, you ride it or you biff. Thanks for speaking up for our home state :)

California Mama

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