Monday, December 2, 2013

What you can and cannot do during pregnancy? So many different opinions, I just need to know:?

nail polish during pregnancy
 on POP Beauty Nail Glam Nail Polish, Black  $14
nail polish during pregnancy image


- Drink Coffee?
- Get acrylic (fake) nails?
- Use regular nail polish?
- Dye your hair?
- Take vitamin supplements?
- Which is better - c-section or live birth?
- Do you have to wait after a c-section to have intercourse?
- Do you have to wait after like birth to have intercourse?

Lol that's a lot of questions! :)

while it is ok to have small amounts of caffiene during pregnancy such as 1 soda a day a lot of women choose not to.

it is ok to have your nails done and there are actually some spas who offer special polishes and things for women who are pregnant. just make sure you're in a well ventilated area so you're not sucking down the fumes.

coloring your hair is the same as above. some women choose not to do it at all. some to use an all natural non permanent color. but having your hair colored is just fine as long as you're not shut up in a tiny room with no windows.

pre natal vitamins are great during pregnancy for you and your baby. they made me sick to my stomach, though, and my doctor told me to take 2 flintstones vitamins instead and it worked like a charm.

both of my babies were born c-section and i wish they hadn't. i have a hideous scar and the recovery time compared to vaginal birth is much longer and way more painful.

i was told my by doc not to have sex for 6 weeks after my c-sections. it gives your body the time it needs to heal. as for vaginal borth i wouldn't know. probably less since they don't slice into your belly but after popping out an 8 pounder who would want to lol!

Are nail polish fumes bad for a developing fetus during that 1st month of pregnancy?

I was painting my nails today. I think i might be pregnant (im going to take the test tomorrow) and i know that harsh fumes might be bad for the developing fetus...
I remembered this after using nail polish remover and painting my nails.

So i was wondering if i could have harmed the baby in any way by using those products if i am pregnant?

yeah its bad to breath in anything toxic when your pregnant! or any type of strong fumes..but iv gotten my nails done since i got pregnant...fake ones..and my baby is healthy and fine soo far!!

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