Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How to get water at room tempreture?

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 on Have Fun With Nail Art Design :: Nail Art Design From CoolNailsArt
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Im doing a water marble nail art and need to get a bowl of water at room tempreture. Could someone explain to me how to get tap water at room tempreture?
Im sorry i've just realised i put this in the wrong category!
Also if i should leave it sitting, for how long?

Yes, simply leaving it in the room will get it to the temperature of that room. How long it takes depends on several things. The volume of water, the temperature adjustment required, container shape (that the water is in) etc. I would say for water straight out of the tap, it would take a bowl full about 4 - 6 hours to equalise with the room.
If you have a thermometer, you could half fill from the tap and add warm water in small amounts. Checking the temperature as you do will speed things up a lot. If that would not affect your hobby, of course...

I don't want to sound patronising here, but it might. If you do have a thermometer, remember to note the room temperature first before mixing the water to attain it. Leave the thermometer in the room for 5 minutes before taking a reading. Don't place it near or on heat or cold sources like radiators, direct sunlight, metal surfaces and so on. Best of all is to suspend it in the middle of the room.

Wondering what some good ideas for videos would be?


I just made a new YouTube account, and I want to actually use it to upload videos, but I don't know what kind of videos I should make. I could do vlogs, or nail art, or cooking. What are some good ideas I could use for videos for YouTube?

15 Video Ideas:

1.Vlog â Just talk to the camera about your day, or something funny or interesting that happened today or the other day.

2.Skit / Short Movie â Have a funny idea in your head? Write out a rough script, and make it a short film!

3.Artsy â Do you like to paint, draw, make crafts, or create in general? Make a video of you MAKING something! People love watching these videos, as many other artists like being inspired.

4.Talk about art â Even if you canât paint a nice portrait, if art interests you enough to read about it, why donât you talk about different types of art? Other art enthusiasts, fans, and students will watch your video if it is simple, sweet, to the point, AND informative.

5.Music â Do you sing? Maybe you play the piano or guitar? Maybe you even make beats! Anything related to music, you can either post a video of you singing or playing an instrument, or even just post your song with some album artwork as an image for the entire video.

6.Recent Events â Did something happen in the news that you just HAVE to talk about? Do you find yourself talking to your friends and family about things that happen in the news? Well, make a video about it, and youâll have lots of other people listening to you as well!

7.Celebrities â This can go into recent events as well, but celebrities are always doing something crazy or stupid (or both!) â talk about what happened, what you think about it, and ask others to comment on what they think.

8.Tutorials â Is there something that you know how to do that other people WISH they could do? Make a video on HOW to do it (make steps, like step 1 â step 2 â etc.).

9.Parody â Are you funny? Can you make something funny? Make a parody video, music video, or skit about an event, celebrity, song, and make it funny, and people will watch it, AND share it.

10.Music Video â Whether it is a parody, or your own music, or just something funny, make a cool music video that is creative, and post it!

11.Shoutout Video â Donât go overboard with this, or overBORED with this â What I mean is, donât make too many videos like this, because people usually donât like them too much. But hey, make a video where you âshout outâ or give promotion to other video makers. You never know, they might see your video and make one about you!

12.Dancing Video â Do you break dance? Are you good at hip hop, ballroom, or any other type of dance? Make a video showcasing your skills! However, DO NOT make a video of you just shaking your ***, especially if you are underage. The only viewers you will attract will be men between the ages of 25 â 70. Itâs been proven. Just trust me, you donât want to make a âsoft-p0rnâ video, you want to showcase actual SKILLS you have with dancing.

13.Rant Videos â Something bothering you? Do you think other people will have somewhat of the same opinion? Some people actually love hearing other people rant. Just donât HATE on people though, actually go into detail about the things that bother you.

14.Impersonations â This can be a strict impersonation video, where you impersonate a celebrity or actor/actress. Or, you can make this into a skit or even a song, all while you do your best impersonation.

15.Gameplay â Are you a GAMER? Do you have skills, or even just like to have fun while gaming? Make a video of some of your best gameplay for a particular game, and instead of ONLY playing for yourself, youâll have other people watching you play as well â and they may learn a thing or two

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