Saturday, January 4, 2014

Is my daughter depressed?

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Last night, my daughter(17) went to her grandmother and her laptop was still on. I had to search something so I started browsing the internet but a site was still open. It was a Tumblr, and she was still logged in. When I clicked on it, I was shocked. I saw a page full of horrific pictures. Scars, wrist cutting, bloody bandages, heartbreaking depression quotes, I can go on for hours. I'm quite sure it's her page because her first name, country and age is on it. What am I supposed to do right now? I don't want to make her feel like I'm checking her. Thanks in advance.

I used to be depressed when I was 16 and at first instead of actually hurting myself I used to just go on tumblr and look up them horrible pictures and cry (it was cus I was so stressed , felt like no one loved me for example my mother left us for alcohol , I had no friends and I just hated everything about myself now it was not just that but I started looking up pics of girls who were super skinny ) now this developed and got worse then crying was not able to get all of this off my chest so I started to self harm and like wouldn't sleep for excessive amounts of time or eat like I'm surprised I didn't end up in hospital ... But like it got worse and worse ... Now I started to develop anxiety like I would be so paranoid constantly over people watching me or being caught out by my dad ... Then a school councillor (she was a career teacher too like was not a proper professional) called me out of class and like had regular meetings with me and said my teachers noticed a change in me and were concerned ... But then like she did no help if anything she stressed me out even more because I couldn't tell her I self harmed or anything I was scared ,,, so at the first meeting she asked me to go to the doctors ,.. So I went and I completely lied to him and pretended like everyone was making a big deal out of nothing because I didn't want to go on pills ... But anyways then one of my "friends" emailed the school and said what I was doing so my dad was called in and I lied to the principal but she sent me to a professional councillor who's job it was to do that and she was like the "special councillor" who only a few students would see and she kinda helped

but then she called my dad in for a meeting to just see how things were going with me and she told him I self harmed so I opened up to him completely ... I could have lied ... But part of me was ready to open up and to tell the truth ... I have stopped now :) it's been over a year now since I self harmed and I'm still taking it one day at a time and no longer see any councillor :) but tbh in the end it was me who wanted to stop ....

It is beyond hard to stop on your own though ... Like after I stopped it would drive me mad ... Like once you start it becomes like the only solution ... It becomes the only way to relax and to get rid of them horrible thoughts .... Like when I self harmed I'd focus on the pain and it would almost relax me ... After I stopped I was a complete mess... I would fantasise about hurting myself ... I literally at one stage was in my bathroom about to do it again but I just reminded myself come on sammy you have gone a whole month and ... Days without doing it are you really gonna mess that up .... ( I had a calendar at the back if my journal and I put a dot beside every day I went without self harm ... It didn't look obvious that that was what the dots were for but i knew and It helped me and I didn't wanna break the cycle of a dot a day ... :)

Honestly I think the best way to help your daughter ( who is the same age as me ) is to just talk to her ask her how her day was and let her open up to you :) like one of the main reasons I found it hard to open up to my father was because he was always on his iPhone and I could never find a spare minute to talk to him when he was free ... Make sure that you like make some time for her :) at first it's going to be hard for her to open up but bit by bit she will open up to you :) you should try and ask her does she want her friends over for a sleepover or something (when I was depressed I completely isolated myself ) so if she has a nice girly night she will feel like she has people around her that love her (you clearly do due to your concern) and maybe get her like some nice beauty stuff like cleanser and face masks and some nice nail polish :) will just kinda help her confidence lol funny how nice nails helps us girls feel better :) but I wouldn't force a load of councillors on her or send her to the doctors straight away :)

I hope I helped :) x

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